[cpg1.4.x]: Shopping cart (new version) - Page 16 [cpg1.4.x]: Shopping cart (new version) - Page 16


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[cpg1.4.x]: Shopping cart (new version)

Started by Stramm, December 21, 2008, 11:43:01 AM

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Joachim Müller

We can't help you with webserver setups, and self-hosting is not recommended nor supported. Xamp is definitely a package that falls into the category "used for self-hosting purposes only". Additionally, we have a strict policy on this forum that you need to post a link to your gallery in each thread you post in, which is something you failed to do (maybe because you can't because your site is not available on the internet), but then we can't help you neither. Please do not clutter this thread further: it deals with the Shopping Cart plugin only and not with webhosting questions.



This question has been asked before, but can't find an answer that works.

I uploaded the gallery and photo shop to my server. Everything seems to work fine except the 'return' from paypal which brings up an 'Error 500 - Internal server error' - the host is oneandone.co.uk

I've set IPN notification in paypal and tried just domain path for the return URL (http://www.arunachala-ramana.org/gallery/), the domain path plus the 'index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_paypal_ipn&action=return' and just the return path without the domain prefix.

All bring the same result. Not sure what to try next, any help would be appreciated.


My thanks



Hi Stramm

I have a question relating to image downloads that may be slightly off mark - I have read the full instructions and am not quite clear on this point.

All of the photos I upload via FTP and add to the albums are limited to 1220 pixels max dimension for ease of display. These are all free to download for anyone.

There are instances where people will want much larger sizes of the same images at very high resolution. Resizing from a lower resolution is not an option because of quality issues.

If I upload high quality versions using the orig_ prefix, will the shop see them without the file names being added to the db using the insert into albums facilities?

My thanks for any help


The shop will 'see' them if either the modpack is installed or you use the watermarking mod. If I'm not wrong I've made that dependent of a certain config entry (watermarking enabled).
To deny access to the full sized images (orig_ pfx) you can use a htaccess (a sample one I've posted somewhere).



I'm trying to get IPN tax working correctly....I have read thru the thread and didn't see anything about this.

I find this in the photo_shop_checkout.php
   if ($CONFIG['photo_shop_tax'] != '') {
      photoshop_add_field($form_fields, 'tax_cart', $CONFIG['photo_shop_tax']*$picture_total);

There is however no config option by that name...there is one by photo_shop_vat.
   if ($CONFIG['photo_shop_vat'] != '') {
      photoshop_add_field($form_fields, 'tax_cart', $CONFIG['photo_shop_vat']*$picture_total);

If I change the code to use it instead I get a IPN failure:
Someone attempted a sale using a manipulated URL\n\n

The following data was received from PayPal:

from newbuyer@mysandbox.com on


mc_gross: 20.00
invoice: 7483
protection_eligibility: Eligible
address_status: confirmed
payer_id: 2EHZEDE37AZ28
tax: 14.00
address_street: 1st Street
payment_date: 14:39:40 Feb 16, 2010 PST
payment_status: Completed
charset: windows-1252
address_zip: 29072
mc_shipping: 0.00
mc_handling: 4.00
first_name: Gene
mc_fee: 0.88
address_country_code: US
address_name: Gene Young
notify_version: 2.9
payer_status: verified
business: seller@mysandbox.com
address_country: United States
num_cart_items: 1
mc_handling1: 0.00
address_city: Lexington
verify_sign: AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31ARmidR0BfwYRD-cuGzSAXhNkYAt9
payer_email: newbuyer@mysandbox.com
mc_shipping1: 0.00
txn_id: 17L80790T91270610
payment_type: instant
last_name: Young
address_state: SC
item_name1: : Title: Flower - ID: 31
receiver_email: seller@mysandbox.com
payment_fee: 0.88
quantity1: 1
receiver_id: FWCFEHPCDF4F8
txn_type: cart
mc_gross_1: 2.00
mc_currency: USD
residence_country: US
test_ipn: 1
transaction_subject: Shopping Cart
payment_gross: 20.00

Note the value is set to 7....note the code generates 100x ...so I changed it this way and still I get a failed IPN.
   if ($CONFIG['photo_shop_vat'] != '') {
      photoshop_add_field($form_fields, 'tax_cart', $CONFIG['photo_shop_vat']*$picture_total/100);

If I change the config vat to 0 I get a successful IPN.

I have been digging into why but wonder if someone else already fixed it....?

BTW I have Paypal Express Checkout and Google Checkout working without requiring user registration.
I hope to contribute it in the future.


Hi Stramm

My photo gallery is http://www.petehumephotography.co.uk/photogallery/

On both the checkout  page and shopping cart page, I would like to remove VAT Text as my VAT is set to 0%. How do I do this?




Quote from: Gene-2008 on February 17, 2010, 12:01:33 AM
I'm trying to get IPN tax working correctly....I have read thru the thread and didn't see anything about this.

I find this in the photo_shop_checkout.php
   if ($CONFIG['photo_shop_tax'] != '') {
      photoshop_add_field($form_fields, 'tax_cart', $CONFIG['photo_shop_tax']*$picture_total);

There is however no config option by that name...there is one by photo_shop_vat.
   if ($CONFIG['photo_shop_vat'] != '') {
      photoshop_add_field($form_fields, 'tax_cart', $CONFIG['photo_shop_vat']*$picture_total);

This does need to be vat not tax AND there are other places that need to be fixed...I.e. change the photo_shop
database table to include the tax in the stored prices...


Joachim Müller

@BillyWardrop: Please try to solve one issue at a time - you have an open thread about this plugin as far as I can see. Please resolve that first.


thanks for that shop plugin.

Everythings seems to be working fine...but after the cosumer klick on the checkout button there comes an empty page wit this URL:

Feel free to test it with the user test password is 111111

I acitvated the paypalaccount.

Joachim Müller

Upgrade first - you're running cpg1.4.24, while the most recent stable release currently is cpg1.4.26

The URL http://diebildergalerie.de/?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_checkout corresponds to the file http://diebildergalerie.de/plugins/photo_shop/photo_shop_checkout.php - replace that file with a vanilla copy.


Actually it needs to be http://diebildergalerie.de/index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_checkout

Note the addition of index.php

I could not get logged in with the test user and 111111 password.



Does anybody have this version v1.4.1 of Photo Shop working with CPG v1.4.26?


Yes I have 1.4.26 working with 1.4.1...



I've got a problem with the combination of CPG v1.4.26 and Photo Shop v1.4.1. When the Photo Shop plugin is enabled all formatting is gone. There's no <html> or <body> tags etc in the html-output. When I disable the Photo Shop plugin all works fine again.

I've done a filecompare with both the CPG package and the Photo Shop plugin package and the files on the server, and all files are identical. So the install should be okay there. I've merged the CSS changes from "css_changes" into my "style.css" in the Hardwired theme, and copied the images to the "images"-folder in the Hardwired-theme-folder.

I'm running PHP v5.3.1.

And a link to the gallery: http://www.jp-photo.dk/galleri/ (Link is *NOT* worksafe).


You've got other plugins installed (or mods)


No other plugins or mods. Well the Sample plugin, but it's not active ;-)

I'm not using anycontent.php either.


Do you have the classic theme installed....I tried to select it but couldn't.

You might try installing it and seeing if it fails the same way.

Do you have the knowledge/tools to edit the php if I suggest something to try.


BTW is the shop enabled or disable?  Have you tried to disable the shop but leave it installed.

If the shop is disable the two place where the shop modifies the output will be turned off...this is in the codebase.php

function photoshop_user_menu(&$html){
    global $template_sys_menu_spacer, $lang_photoshop, $CONFIG;

    if ((!USER_ID && $CONFIG['allow_unlogged_access'] == 0) || !$CONFIG['photo_shop_enabled']) {
$cart_menu = ''; //shop disabled, unlogged has no access, then don't show shop buttons

function photoshop_add_item($pic_data){
global $CONFIG, $SHOP_CONFIG, $lang_photoshop, $album;

if (!$CONFIG['photo_shop_enabled']) { //shop disabled
return $pic_data;