reCAPTCHA plugin - Page 2 reCAPTCHA plugin - Page 2


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reCAPTCHA plugin

Started by SaWey, January 05, 2009, 11:28:45 PM

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Quote from: kyber on August 17, 2010, 06:28:00 PM
Who was that intended for?
You ;) Either you have to make the code PHP4 compatible as suggested or update PHP to version 5.


Ok, thank you for clarifying. I had missed the requirement for php5. Fair-enough.

I find it a little odd that a plugin has higher requirements than the host application:

QuoteCoppermine Photo Gallery has been tested to work well on IIS, Apache 1.3.24 onwards to the latest Apache 2, on Linux, UNIX, OSX, and Win32 systems. The following settings are required:

    * Good webserver (Apache recommended);
    * PHP (4.2.0 or better);
    * MySQL (3.23.23 or better; 4.x recommended);
    * either GD or ImageMagick (any version);
I guess I can live without for now and use the built in captcha. Shame, I prefer recaptcha and used it on an earlier version. I shall see if my hosting friend will move me to a php5 system. I do not think hacking the code to make it compatible with php4 is a sensible route for me.

Thanks for your help thought, I do appreciate it.

Joe Carver

Quote from: Αndré on August 17, 2010, 06:02:56 PM
Afaik you cannot embed objects in echo outputs in PHP4. Please try to store them in a variable and embed that variable instead of the object.

Thanks Αndré - for both the help and the lesson too.

The plugin is due for an update anyway, and most of the work is done. I am still waiting for the "new recaptcha" to deliver on some language updates that they said to be coming.

I will try your suggestion and include it in the next version, maybe in a week or so.

Joe Carver

@  kyber, Post a real link next time and if you have a password protected gallery that has an issue in a password protected page then post a test user account OR create an unprotected test gallery.

With that said, I am still surprised that a php 4 issue has taken so long to appear. I also can now not foresee creating a new version any time soon.

@  kyber, Try this. It is a line from the cpg 1.4.x version and works with my server's php 5.

Open/edit plugins/recaptcha/codebase.php (make a back up first)
    <form name="cpgform" id="cpgform" action="{$superCage->server->getEscaped('REQUEST_URI')}" method="post">
Replace it with:
    <form name="cpgform" id="cpgform" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" method="post">

I hope that it works for you. There is not much else to offer at the moment.


$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] shouldn't exist in cpg1.5.x, as it has been dropped by Inspekt. That's not what I suggested. My suggestion was to change
    <form name="cpgform" id="cpgform" action="{$superCage->server->getEscaped('REQUEST_URI')}" method="post">
to something like
    $request_uri = $superCage->server->getEscaped('REQUEST_URI');
    <form name="cpgform" id="cpgform" action="$request_uri" method="post">

This will of course not work, as the html stuff is embedded in an echo output. So you cannot just copy & paste, but have to put the first line above echo <<< EOT.

Joe Carver

Release of Version 1.3

    • add New Words button
    • change form variable as above
    • change default to clean style
    • change to google servers/addresses

    New version attached here only.


    Is it just me, or why can´t i see the reCAPTCHA plugin?
    (see attached image)

    I´m running php 5.

    Joe Carver

    Quote from: TheOneAndOnly on September 13, 2010, 11:38:56 PM
    Is it just me, or why can´t i see the reCAPTCHA plugin?

    Posting a link to your Coppermine is mandatory for all support requests.

    Additionally, as it has been stated before. Screen shots should be in English.

    Are you asking about the plugin or the built in Captcha?

    Joe Carver

    Recaptcha is down for some users. / Down when this was posted.

    Users of version 1.3 of this plugin might be having trouble due to server issues with recaptcha. It is down at the time of this post and has been for more than 12 hours now.

    As a temporary fix: Uninstall/delete version 1.3 - Upload/install version 1.2
    Or change in plugins/recaptcha/codebase.php this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    To this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    See the Google Group reCaptcha pages for more info.

    Update: The service is back up. There is no need to modify the plugin now.
    See the link above if you have trouble in the future.

    For power users: The script recaptcha_ajax.js can be self-hosted. It is not recommended in case the script is updated. See the link above, I got a reply from their support stating the same.


    I installed the recaptcha 1.3 plugin and when I activate it it chops out the Ok buttom on comments. I have re-installed coppermine 3 times but it still does it.

    As soon as install the plugin it does it on all themes and when i remove it the ok button shows again.

    I have un-installed it until i can find the reason for this happening and have search everywhere for a solution..

    The Gallery is set so guests only see thumbnails.


    how to make the recaptcha could be seen always, without pressing a button?

    Joe Carver

    Being not too sure why / how to answer.  Please read the thread before posting.*
    Quote from: vzbob on October 18, 2010, 07:44:02 AM
    I installed the recaptcha 1.3 plugin and when I activate it it chops out the Ok buttom on comments. I have re-installed coppermine 3 times but it still does it.

    Quote from: Joe Carver on June 17, 2010, 04:15:17 PM
    Release of Version 1.2

      • Hide OK (submit) button until reCaptcha is called (cleaner, more simple for visitor)
      • ...
      • ...
      • ...

      Coppermine is not something that you uninstall / reinstall to fix some other issues. Read your docs.

      Quote from: vzbob on October 18, 2010, 07:44:02 AM
      As soon as install the plugin it does it on all themes and when i remove it the ok button shows again.
      That is expected. It was tested with all of the cpg themes.
      If you are not certain that you have entered your recaptcha keys correctly then uninstall /reinstall with the correct keys.

      Quote from: vzbob on October 18, 2010, 07:44:02 AM
      I have un-installed ...........
      The Gallery is set so guests only see thumbnails.
      Making your help request empty...
      Quote from: Joe Carver on August 19, 2010, 12:08:53 AM
      ... if you have a password protected gallery that has an issue in a password protected page then post a test user account OR create an unprotected test gallery.

      Quote from: dispen on October 18, 2010, 04:14:53 PM
      how to make the recaptcha could be seen always, without pressing a button?

      Quote from: Joe Carver on September 13, 2010, 11:51:57 PM
      Posting a link to your Coppermine is mandatory for all support requests.

      Quote from: Joe Carver on August 19, 2010, 12:08:53 AM
      Post a real link next time....

      Quote from: Joe Carver on April 26, 2010, 01:00:19 PM
      Posting a link to your Coppermine is required for support - please do so.

      Use version 0.9.
      Quote from: SaWey on January 05, 2009, 11:28:45 PM
      reCAPTCHA plugin v0.9

      This plugin replaces the built in CAPTCHA of CPG1.5......



        Quote from: Joe Carver on October 19, 2010, 12:24:27 AM
        Being not too sure why / how to answer.  Please read the thread before posting.*
        Coppermine is not something that you uninstall / reinstall to fix some other issues. Read your docs.
        That is expected. It was tested with all of the cpg themes.
        If you are not certain that you have entered your recaptcha keys correctly then uninstall /reinstall with the correct keys.

        Making your help request empty...

        Use version 0.9.

        QuoteBeing not too sure why / how to answer.  Please read the thread before posting.*
        OK your reply is confusing as you are replying to 2 people.   

        So I did post a link to my gallery and did also created a test account with test/test ID/PW but for some reason my 1st post did not add the last line with the test account.

        I have also read all the documents but to no avail. And searched and read all the posts.

        I have entered the recaptcha keys correctly and it does work.
        But the problem is that with recaptcha activated it removes the OK button to submit the comment when in the Config comments settings it is set not to be used for registered users. And as i said in my post i have disabled it until this is resolved.

        Screenshot attached with the Recaptcha activated for guest and at the end of the comment line shows when the settings are set to use it. And when set to use it only for guests comments only 

        Joe Carver

        Issue confirmed. You can wait a week or so for a newer version.
        Or, edit / open:     plugins/recaptcha/codebase.php.      Make a backup first.

        // HTML template for comment

        Add below it:
        if (($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 1) || ($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 2 && !USER_ID)) {

        // Form comment end

        Add / change to this:
        // Form comment end

        Save + upload.


        Quote from: Joe Carver on October 19, 2010, 03:37:05 AM
        Issue confirmed. You can wait a week or so for a newer version.
        Or, edit / open:     plugins/recaptcha/codebase.php.      Make a backup first.

        // HTML template for comment

        Add below it:
        if (($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 1) || ($CONFIG['comment_captcha'] == 2 && !USER_ID)) {

        // Form comment end

        Add / change to this:
        // Form comment end

        Save + upload.

        Thank you Joe that fixed the problem it works as it should now.

        Test account deleted from the site.


        Quote from: dispen on October 18, 2010, 04:14:53 PM
        how to make the recaptcha could be seen always, without pressing a button?

        my gallery -

        There is a desire to completely remove the "Enter the confirmation." Module to be visible at all times.

        Joe Carver

        Quote from: dispen on October 19, 2010, 06:20:50 AM
        There is a desire to completely remove the "Enter the confirmation." Module to be visible at all times.

        I am not sure how to make the AJAX recaptcha show without a user click somewhere.
        The javascript version of recaptcha always shows. You can see a sample by changing the
        setting in recaptcha plugin config for Contact form to use non-AJAX.
        Try version 0.9 of the plugin. It is in the first post of this thread and uses the .js version.

        You are using an older revision of the AJAX recaptcha. You should upgrade it to see if the
        newer interface suits your wishes. Try version 1.3.


        Quote from: Joe Carver
        Try version 0.9 of the plugin. It is in the first post of this thread and uses the .js version.

        You are using an older revision of the AJAX recaptcha. You should upgrade it to see if the
        newer interface suits your wishes. Try version 1.3.
        Excellent. Version 0.9 - what we need. (I was version 1.3). As we now change the color of the captcha from red to black  :)


        I just upgraded to 1.5.8 from 1.4x.  I noticed "recaptchalib.php" is installed. I edited in the public and private keys now I need to know how to activate it for login/registration purposes to stop the bots?

        Joe Carver

        Quote from: dispen on October 20, 2010, 08:12:50 PM
        ....was version 1.3..
        Your screenshot looked like version 1.1. Try this:
        Quote from: Joe Carver on August 23, 2010, 01:49:53 AM
        Release of Version 1.3

        Quote from: dispen on October 20, 2010, 08:12:50 PM
        As we now change the color of the captcha from red to black  :)
        I am not sure if that can be done. Check the Google / reCaptcha pages:

        Try adding this to the <head> of your template.html:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var RecaptchaOptions = {
           theme : 'blackglass'

        It worked the one time I have now tested it. Good luck.