Custom Thumbnail for cpg1.5.x Custom Thumbnail for cpg1.5.x


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Custom Thumbnail for cpg1.5.x

Started by Αndré, June 22, 2009, 12:20:23 PM

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Upload custom thumbnails for your pictures and files (videos, documents, audio files, etc.). It will display a new button under the file in the intermediate/displayimage.php view. Thumbnails will be automatically downsized.


Version 1.2 currently has English and German output.

François Keller

french lang file attached
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Upload of thumbs doesn't work ATM with installed SEF_URL plugin. So uninstall SEF plugin before uploading custom thumbs. Afterwards you may install it again.


Version 1.6 visually integrates to the new file menu (buttonlist).


hi everyone, i'm new here, just wondering what does it mean " It will display a new button under the file in the intermediate/displayimage.php view"?

do i just need to upolad the whole "custom thumb" folder to the plugin folder?

Mister Hahn

Hi! I would like to ask: is there any chance that you might support the creation of "normal_" thumbnail and keeping the original version of the uploaded image as well, alongside the "thumb_" that is currently created by your plugin?

It occurs to me that using this plugin in combination with Flash Media Player, FMP uses the thumbnail produced by Custom Thumbnail. But it's always way too small compared to player dimensions and when the image is enlarged by FMP the result is ugly to see. I presume this can be workarounded increasing the thumbnail size setting in the coppermine configuration, but then it would be awful to navigate through albums and categories.

Having thumb_ and normal_ it'd be possible to navigate through albums and categories diplaying the smallest thumbnail (which is right for that task) and to set the FMP to use the intermediate or full preview image to be displayed inside the player (which i think it'd be more eye-candy for that task).

Anyway, thanks for creating this =)


What you are asking is possible. But if you'd create normal_ files, you have to adjust the FMP plugin to use that file. That is not a straightforward solution.

Instead, open codebase.php, find
resize_image($thumb, $thumb, $CONFIG['thumb_width'], $CONFIG['thumb_method'], $CONFIG['thumb_use']);
and replace $CONFIG['thumb_width'] with your desired picture size.

Mister Hahn

Hi Andrè, thanks for your advice.
The resizing part is ok, now i can have uniform AND custom size for thumbnails customized with this plugin.
However, there's still a layout problem: for any size that is reasonable for a video-preview thumbnail (400-500px), although browsing through gallery pages is fine because actual thumbnails get downscaled with height and width arguments of <img> tag, the filmstrip in the displayimage.php page you can browse next and previous videos with is unusable, because it displays full-size thumbnails (as specified replacing $CONFIG['thumb_width']), and this leads to no more than one thumbnail displayed correctly instead of 5, which are displayed cut.

Any more advice?

Thanks anyway =)


Feel free to modify the plugin, so it creates regular thumbnails and a video thumbnail (e.g. prefix 'video_') at the same time (and adjust FMP to use the big file as preview).

Second possibility: adjust the film strip code to downscale thumbnails as well or disable the film strip.


Joachim Müller

Your gallery is your demo. Respect board rules if you want supporters to look into your suggestions.


Quote from: olaechea on June 17, 2010, 10:31:20 PM
demo or screenshot please
Not sure what you expect, but here is a picture of the button ::)



I've a probleme with the watermark on custom thumbnail for video.
When I Upload a custom thumb for a video I've the thumb but no watermark.

yet everything is ok in my main configuration.

Is it possible that the problem comes from this plugin?

Anyway, thanks for creating this§


As far as I can see, Coppermine doesn't watermark thumbnails, so why should the plugin does? Correct me if I'm wrong.


It's new in Coppermine 1.5
config > Displaying images > watermarking option (only in cpg1.5.x)


Not sure what you are talking about. config > Displaying images > watermarking option doesn't exist in cpg1.5.x.

At Configuration → Image watermarking → Which files to watermark you cannot select thumbnails, but pnly original, intermediate files or both. If you upload pictures to your gallery, there won't be a watermark on them. So where's the benefit of having watermarked custom thumbnails, but for pictures you'll have thumbnails without a watermark?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: cl9m on June 30, 2010, 09:03:51 AM
I've a probleme with the watermark on custom thumbnail for video.
When I Upload a custom thumb for a video I've the thumb but no watermark.
That's not a feature of this plugin nor is it a feature of Coppermine? Why would you want a watermark on a thumbnail? A watermark on intermediates or full-sized images makes sense, but it doesn't make sense on thumbnails. If you want your custom thumbs watermarked, watermark them on your client before you upload them. The entire discussion is beyond the scope of this plugin announcement thread though imo and should be lead elsewhere (if at all).