Logo help yet again Logo help yet again


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Logo help yet again

Started by cabte, August 03, 2009, 06:34:54 PM

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Iv been on here now for two days and still couldnt find what im looking for.
Please help.

We have put a gallery together and added images with no problems i understands the the sites what to do and so on
I know some Html coding ( very little )
Im trying to add a Logo to my site, I want the logo to go where the ( first stop decals ) text is Under the top row of Categorys are.
I have the image ready but cant find how to make the html coding, or Where to put it ?
Iv put the image in the themes/eyeball/images ready for the coding but i havent a clue how to make the coding.
Please can you help

carl :(


Soryy forgot to say ]Im using Eyball as the the theame

my site is .

Joachim Müller

Strange though to see you return - in your other posting you posted a nice flame:
Quote from: cabte on October 05, 2007, 05:28:22 PM
its ok im not going to bother now as its to much hassle ,,
Also found the suport was not upto scratch,, and not very helpful
sending me to the same link all the time  with out any help
iv found another program that worked straight away,,


Quote from: Joachim Müller on August 03, 2009, 06:40:54 PM

Strange though to see you return - in your other posting you posted a nice flame:

Yep sorry should be www.gallery.firststopdecals.co.uk my mistake.

What would you surgest as a html editer to use?

That was a long long time ago 2 years infact,,
Coppermine has come a long way now from then and i find it easy to use than anyother gallery,

Joachim Müller

Quote from: cabte on August 03, 2009, 06:49:00 PM
What would you surgest as a html editer to use?
Quote from: Joachim Müller on August 03, 2009, 06:40:54 PM

  • To add a custom logo/banner, edit themes/yourtheme/template.html with a plain text editor.
Any plain text editor will do - notepad.exe is fine. For our recommendations if you're going to perform advanced editing, check Tools recommended by the devs. Anyway, to add that one single line you don't have to use a particular tool. If you have no idea how that one single line is suppossed to look, post reference to the image you want to use as a logo (i.e. a deep link to the image) and we can give you the needed HTML markup. It needs to go into the template file as I suggesteded. If you want the logo to appear underneath the gallery name, add the line underneath<h3 align="center">{GAL_NAME} - {GAL_DESCRIPTION}</h3>
However, it's beyond the scope of this board to teach you HTML basics.