Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 19 Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 19


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Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image )

Started by Sami, September 23, 2006, 05:10:47 PM

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give me a break will you where then should it be posted if not here since this support forum causes incredible amounts of wasted time in not only reading your caustic replies but in trying to find answer to simple questions.


This thread is about the Highslide plugin. It is not about CPMfetch nor Lightbox mods. Why do you spam this thread?

Joachim Müller

@webhigh: Respect the advice posted by thread owners and staff. If you don't, you'll get banned.

Izzie Stevens

I tried this plugin but .. it doesn't work.
The image doesn't open and I only see the "loading" botton.


Joachim Müller

The plugin was designed for the standalone flavor of coppermine and not for the e107 port. The e107 port of coppermine doesn't get supported here. That means: you can try to use any plugin with your e107 port and try to make it work, but you're not allowed to ask questions about it. The e107 port goes unsupported from our side. Unsupported as in "don't ask questions if you run the e107 port".



I'm using the Highslide plugin and i love it. However i do have one question. I'm trying to remove/modify the information that is displayed when "mouseover on thumbnail".
Filename=beautiful_world_ns.flvFilesize=14643KBDimensions=320x240Date added=Jan 07, 2009
But when i modify the code that handles what information is displayed on "mouseover on thumbnail" the highslide plugin stops working.

This is the code in includes.inc.php that i was playing around with:

$pic_title =$lang_display_thumbnails['filename'].$row['filename']."\n".
$lang_display_thumbnails['filesize'].($row['filesize'] >> 10).$lang_byte_units[1]."\n".
$lang_display_thumbnails['date_added'].localised_date($row['ctime'], $album_date_fmt);

Any ideas how i can remove or modify the information output when mouseover but still use highslide plugin?

Thanks for this wonderful plugin!


how can I make this plugin display the full size image in a new window rather then in the current. so when i am looking at the thumbnails i click one and it opens in a completely new window similar to the normal way coppermine works just skipping the intermediate image?


Sorry to bring this back to the top but I read all 19 pages and can't find the fix.

I just found this plugin 3.04 and added to my CPG version: 1.4.25

In Firefox/3.5.6 the mod runs perfectly, thumbs open and close as you scroll through them using the arrows.

IE version 8 the thumb opens but does not close as you use the arrows to move to the next image, they stack one over the other and you have to double or triple click to get them to close.

In IE once I try to use the mod the address changes from http://www.chitown-angler.com/tipup/index.php to http://www.chitown-angler.com/tipup/index.php#

Any ideas would be appreciated.



And I'm sorry I left out some information it does not work in classic or reynolds themes in IE but both in FF. It's a fresh install with no code changes just a couple plugins which I tried changing the mod position moving it up and down among the installed plugins


Two solutions:
1) Use EnlargeIt! plugin instead and forget Highslide.
2) Modify the theme to activate IE compatibility mode (use Google).



I am using version 3.01 of this great plug-in on cpg 1.4.26. (v3.04 does not do a good job in IE8 with the next and previous arrow key so i went back to 3.01)
Since the beginning I have a small problem with Highslide, wich I personally find the best plug in ever for CPG.

The problem is that I loose the small border around the small thumbnail images on all pages where thumbs are displayed.
The image thumbs of my albums, on the home page, still have the small gray border and in admin mode, where I have disabled Highslide, the thumb borders are back.
When I uninstall Highsligde all borders are back.

I really like to show the borders on my thums together with the use of Highslide, is there a solution for this. (in v3.04 the problem is the same)

Hope to get a reply on this item.



(p.s. this is a long thread perhaps I missed a solution for this in the 19 pages)


Found the solution of the above mentioned problem myself in the Highslide CSS.
When Highslide is installed the Highsligde img CSS value overrides the Theme imgage CSS value.
Changed the Highslide img CSS value and the thumbnail border is back.



Thanks for resolving your thread(s). In future please only ask the same question in one thread. It causes extra work for us if you post the same in more than one.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I accidentally deleted the Highslide table from my mySQL database is there a query where I can submit into the database to re-add the highslide table so that my site works properly as now am getting critical error messages all over my site relating to this little issue

Huge thanx in advance to anyone who can help me out - much appreciated


Delete the highslide line from table cpgXX_plugins and re-install the plugin.



Running cpg 1.4.27 with highslide 3.01 on my gallery www.haraldlabout.nl
Great plug in, I'm using it for a long time.

Is it possible to de-activate the Highslide plugin just for one section of my gallery?
I like to de-activate it for my "last comments" section.
