Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages - Page 5 Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages - Page 5


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages

Started by Joe Carver, August 25, 2009, 04:34:03 PM

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hmm but first of all I have to get it running. i followed the installation steps, but it isnt working? what can be the reason for that?

here is the link to my gallery


Joe Carver

Quote from: michelon on July 18, 2010, 08:10:31 PM
hmm well i seems as it doesnt run on coppermine 1.4.25
You should upgrade to cpg version 1.4.27 plugin or no plugin.

It looked to be not installed at all when I looked at your page. After you upgrade, make sure that other plugins might not be interfering. Return then when you have iSroll installed.


I've uploaded your plugin...  Thank you for creating it BTW, but I cannot seem to get it to work...

I do not get the "CONFIGURATION" in the plugin description in step #4.  What did I do wrong.  I uninstalled and re-installed and still had the same issue.

4) You can now see "CONFIGURATION" in the plugin description.
   Open that link to set your options. You will see "Success!" after you Submit acceptable



We cannot see your pluginmgr nor any other admin area. Instead of posting links to admin only sections please attach a screenshot.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Joe Carver

 guntherize, Your Coppermine link above is completely useless   -  it returned.

"In order to login you must be registered"

What a waste of time. Try posting a real link or login details the next time that you want help.

All I can say with no other information is that some 100's of users have downloaded this plugin without
any trouble close to what have have you tried to describe.

Quote from: guntherize on July 22, 2010, 10:39:07 PM
I've uploaded your plugin... 
Try installing too, it might work better that way.


Sorry - Here is the link to my site - the other links were to the admin area:

I don't know what you can see - I don't get the configuration promt in you step #4

Thanks - Gunther

Jeff Bailey

Your link redirects to a phpBB forum. Joe was asking for log in credentials.
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


This is what is written in the description area:

Link target (iscroll): v1.2
Author:   Coppermine dev team
Description   Changes the way external links are being opened: when this plugin is enabled, all links that contain the attribute rel="external" will open in a new window (instead of the same window).

Joe Carver

You are posting the same url in cpg 1.4.x and cpg1.5.x boards. Make up your mind. Use iScroll for 1.5.x if you are indeed running it.

Remember the next time you post a request for help you must post a working link to your Coppermine. Your problem would be solved by now had you done that the first time.

Quote from: guntherize on July 22, 2010, 11:39:38 PM
Sorry - Here is the link to my site - the other links were to the admin area:

I don't know what you can see - I don't get the configuration promt in you step #4

Thanks - Gunther

Quote from: guntherize on July 22, 2010, 11:31:26 PM
Never mind - I place the theme name in the url address and it work.  This is weird to me!  :'(  Thanks again


You know what - I have no clue of what you are talking about.  Can't you guys be a little less rude!   Jesus- I followed the directions it didn't work and I thought I would ask you what to do.  How plainly can I ask without getting dished by you?  Thanks for your valuable time.


I am not posting in two different areas.  I merely follow the replies to my post and answer.  So, an apology might be nice.  You can log in using a user name I set up "guntherize" and the password "albert1":


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Well here I am again since I have updated to 1.4.27 in order to run that nice plugin.
First point I have recognized, it should have run on 1.4.26 either  :o

So I tried again, but there wasn still any success. Now I try to describe what I have done so far, so that hopefully someone can tell me what I did wrong.

1. I uploaded the Plugin and installed it.
2. I added "iscroll" to "the content of the main page"/iscroll/minicms/breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random/lastup
3. i changed configuration to: Most viewed (2); width:600   height:220; iscroll count:5
4. i added both flow_link.php and flow_link.swf to the gallery root

what i can see now is just an empty space where the scrollbar should appear. At this It doesnt make any difference if I use the www prefix or not. Black remains black.
The link to my gallery is

if you need any addidional data such as screenshots or information let me know. My Shockwafe Flash is version

Joe Carver

It works fine using:   (no www).

Read through this thread - look for "setting the url of your home page in config" and "crossdomain.xml" and ".htaccess".


thanks, i cant believe that. it seems i have a similar problem as our friend Phipir about a year ago.
there are different pages i can see the plugin running excellent. except at my page. its still black. I meanwhile added crossdomain.xml to the root. but nothing changed. I also asked a friend of mine to tell me if he can see anything....unfortunately negative. its kind of weird since i can see the plugin running at e.g.

Joe Carver

You have set "URL of Coppermine" in Config >> General Settings to a setting with no www.

Flash security will consider that to be a different source and therefore illegal.  works with and without www because it has a properly configured crossdomain.xml file.

Perhaps you have made an error, see this post, in this thread:,61385.msg310338.html#msg310338

Or try the .htaccess suggestion made by Joachim Müller, again in this thread:,61385.msg308720.html#msg308720