How to get the same "Language & Theme" option How to get the same "Language & Theme" option


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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How to get the same "Language & Theme" option

Started by Themis, October 17, 2003, 12:53:05 AM

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I'm just visiting the demo of CPG.
On the demo, there is at the end of the first page, a row where it is possible to choose the lang et the theme.

I installe the new CPG 1.2, but i don't have a such option row.
Could someone tell me if it is normal, and how to get the same lang and theme row.


Tarique Sani

That is a custom anycontent.php being used

@gaugau - please put that code online somewhere
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz

Joachim Müller

OK, but remember: the code is crappy, it works with our demo - no more guarantees. I will make this into a mod and integrate it into a future version, for now just replace anycontent.php with this:

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.2.0                                            //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Gregory DEMAR <>                 //
//                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Updated by the Coppermine Dev Team                                        //
// (                                          //
// see /docs/credits.html for details                                        //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         //
// (at your option) any later version.                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
starttable("100%", "Language &amp; Theme",2);

<tr><td class="tableb">
print cpg_show_flags();


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  ChooseLanguageByFlag.mod v1.3 for Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.1.0 (final) //
//  by GauGau (Joachim Mueller)                            //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---edit below vars---                                                     //
//edit this: choose between "flag" (pictures of flags), "list" (dropdown box) and "both"

// edit this value: how many rows of flags should be shown (it makes sense to//
// have more than 1 row if you have you coppermine navigation not on top of  //
// the page (horizontally) but on the side of the gallery (vertically).      //
// Usually (with most themes) this value can be set to 1                     //

$border_flag_color "";
//do you want a border around your flag? Set the color here, leave blank if  //
// you don't want a border. Use color codes that css understands, e.g.       //
// "#FF0000" or "red".                                                       //
// For more details on color codes, check                                    //
//                                //

$translate_language "Sprache/language";
// edit this: translate "Sprache" to the word "language" in your country or  //
// whatever text you want to appear in front of the flags/dropdown box       //

// Use below arrays to specify which countries should show up. The expression//
// in brackets must be the name of the language file (without the ".php" at  //
// the end). The first array specifies the "realname" of the language, the   //
// second arry must contain the country code (see the folder /images/flags)  //
// and must correspond to the image. Example: if you want the stars and      //
// stripes turn up instead of the union jack, use                            //
// $language_name['english'] = 'English'; $country_code_flag['english'] = 'gb';

$language_name['arabic'] = 'Arabic (&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;&#1577;)';                     $country_code_flag['arabic'] = 'sa';
$language_name['bosnian'] = 'Bosnian (Bosanski)';                     $country_code_flag['bosnian'] = 'ba';
$language_name['brazilian_portuguese'] = 'Portuguese [Brazilian]';                     $country_code_flag['brazilian_portuguese'] = 'br';
//$language_name['bulgarian'] = 'Bulgarian (&#1041;&#1098;&#1083;&#1075;&#1072;&#1088;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;)';                 $country_code_flag['bulgarian'] = 'bg';
$language_name['chinese_big5'] = 'Chinese-Big5 (&#21488;&#28771;)';         $country_code_flag['chinese_big5'] = 'tw';
$language_name['chinese_gb'] = 'Chinese-GB2312 (&#20013;&#22269;)';     $country_code_flag['chinese_gb'] = 'cn';
$language_name['croatian'] = 'Croatian(Hrvatski)';              $country_code_flag['croatian'] = 'hr';
$language_name['czech'] = 'Czech(&#x010C;esky)';              $country_code_flag['czech'] = 'cz';
$language_name['danish'] = 'Danish (Dansk)';               $country_code_flag['danish'] = 'dk';
$language_name['dutch'] = 'Dutch (Nederlands)';                    $country_code_flag['dutch'] = 'nl';
$language_name['english'] = 'English';                     $country_code_flag['english'] = 'gb';
//$language_name['estonian'] = 'Estonian';                   $country_code_flag['estonian'] = 'ee';
$language_name['finnish'] = 'Finnish (Suomea)';            $country_code_flag['finnish'] = 'fi';
$language_name['french'] = 'French (Fran&ccedil;ais)';            $country_code_flag['french'] = 'fr';
$language_name['german'] = 'German (Deutsch)';                       $country_code_flag['german'] = 'de';
$language_name['greek'] = 'Greek (&#917;&#955;&#955;&#951;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#940;)';                         $country_code_flag['greek'] = 'gr';
$language_name['hebrew'] = 'Hebrew (&#1506;&#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514;)';                       $country_code_flag['hebrew'] = 'il';
$language_name['hungarian'] = 'Hungarian (Magyarul)';                 $country_code_flag['hungarian'] = 'hu';
$language_name['indonesian'] = 'Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)';                    $country_code_flag['indonesian'] = 'in';
$language_name['italian'] = 'Italian (Italiano)';                    $country_code_flag['italian'] = 'it';
//$language_name['japanese'] = 'Japanese (&#26085;&#26412;&#35486;)';                   $country_code_flag['japanese'] = 'jp';
$language_name['korean'] = 'Korean (&#54620;&#44397;&#50612;)';                       $country_code_flag['korean'] = 'kr';
//$language_name['latvian'] = 'Latvian';                     $country_code_flag['latvian'] = 'lv';
$language_name['norwegian'] = 'Norwegian (Norsk)';                 $country_code_flag['norwegian'] = 'no';
//$language_name['polish'] = 'Polish (Polski)';                       $country_code_flag['polish'] = 'pl';
//$language_name['portugues-utf-8'] = 'Portugues-Brazil (Portugu?s)';  $country_code_flag['portugues-utf-8'] = 'br';
$language_name['portuguese'] = 'Portugues -Portugal (Portugu?s)';     $country_code_flag['portuguese'] = 'pt';
$language_name['russian'] = 'Russian (&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081;)';                     $country_code_flag['russian'] = 'ru';
$language_name['slovenian'] = 'Slovenian (Slovensko)';                 $country_code_flag['slovenian'] = 'si';
$language_name['spanish'] = 'Spanish (Espa&ntilde;ol)';        $country_code_flag['spanish'] = 'es';
$language_name['swedish'] = 'Swedish (Svenska)';                     $country_code_flag['swedish'] = 'se';
//$language_name['thai'] = 'Thai (&#3652;&#3607;&#3618;)';                     $country_code_flag['thai'] = 'th';
$language_name['turkish'] = 'Turkish (Türk&ccedil;e)';                     $country_code_flag['turkish'] = 'tr';
$language_name['xxx'] = 'Reset to default language';                     $country_code_flag['xxx'] = 'xx';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------   //
//---------don't edit below this line unless you know hat you're doing-------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------   //
global $CONFIG,$USER;
// get the current language
//get the url and all vars except $lang
foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) {
    if (
$key!="lang"){$cpg_current.= $key "=" $value "&";}

//get the url and all vars except $theme
foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) {
    if (
$key!="theme"){$cpg_theme.= $key "=" $value "&";}

//set the border
if ($border_flag_color!="")
$flagborder='style="border-width:1px; border-color:'.$border_flag_color.'; margin:0px;"';

$choice=="flag" || $choice=="both")
//----------------flags start
if (
$number_of_rows!=1) {$cpg_flag_return '<hr />';}
else {
$cpg_flag_return '';}
$cpg_flag_return.= '<span class="winzig">' $translate_language .':</span>';
if (
$number_of_rows!=1) {$cpg_flag_return.='<br />';}else{$cpg_flag_return.='';}
$cpg_flag_return.= '';
foreach (
$language_name as $key => $value)
$cpg_flag_return.= '<img src="images/flags/' $country_code_flag[$key] . '.gif" width="16" height="10" border="0" alt="" title="' $value .'" '.$flagborder.' /></a>';
$cpg_flag_return.= '';
//----------------flags end

if($choice=="list" or $choice=="both")
//----------------list start
if ($number_of_rows==and $choice=="both"){$cpg_flag_return .='';}
$cpg_flag_return.="<form name=\"choose_language\" action=\"" $cpg_current $key"\" method=\"get\" style=\"margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px\"><span class=\"winzig\">";
if (
if (
$number_of_rows!=1) {$cpg_flag_return .= '<hr />' $translate_language .':';}else{$cpg_flag_return.='';}
$cpg_flag_return.="Choose a language: <select name=\"lang\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href='".$cpg_current."' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">";
foreach (
$language_name as $key => $value)
$cpg_flag_return.='<option value="' $key '"';
$key==$cpg_current_language){$cpg_flag_return.=' selected';}
$cpg_flag_return.='>' $value '</option>';
$cpg_flag_return.= '</select></span></td><td class="tableb">';
//----------------list end

$cpg_flag_return.='<span class="winzig">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Choose a theme: ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'default">Default</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'eyeball">Eyeball</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'fruity">Fruity</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'hardwired">Hardwired</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'igames">Igames</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'mac_ox_x">Mac OS X</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'project_vii">Project VII</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'rainy_day">Rainy Day</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'water_drop">Water Drop</a> | ';
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'xxx">Reset theme</a>';
$cpg_flag_return.='<style type="text/css">
.winzig {font-size:9px}



$cpg_flag_return.="<form name=\"choose_theme\" action=\"" . $cpg_theme."&theme=\" method=\"get\" style=\"margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px\"><span class=\"winzig\">";

$theme_name['default'] = 'Default';
$theme_name['eyeball'] = 'Eyeball';
$theme_name['fruity'] = 'Fruity';
$theme_name['hardwired'] = 'Hardwired';
$theme_name['igames'] = 'Igames';
$theme_name['mac_ox_x'] = 'Mac OS X';
$theme_name['project_vii'] = 'Project VII';
$theme_name['rainy_day'] = 'Rainy Day';
$theme_name['water drop'] = 'Water Drop';


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Choose a theme: <select name=\"theme\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href='".$cpg_current."' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">";

foreach ($theme_name as $key => $value)
  $cpg_flag_return.='<option value="' . $key . '"';
  //if($key==$cpg_current_language){$cpg_flag_return.=' selected';}
  $cpg_flag_return.='>' . $value . '</option>';
$cpg_flag_return.= '</select></span>';
if ($number_of_rows==1){$cpg_flag_return.='<!--foo</td></tr></table>-->';}


//--- def function cpg_show_flags end

function cpg_ascii_onoff()
foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) {
    if (
                       if (
$cpg_current.= $key "=" $value "&";
$cpg_current rtrim($cpg_current "&");




Yes gaugau, that code is crappy :)

But like you said no gaurantees, so I thank you, it was most usefull and the problems it has do not affect me.

One thing I noticed: Just for reference:

A prob it has is the language, selecting flag instead of list here:

// ---edit below vars---
$choice= "list";
//edit this: choose between "flag" (pictures of flags), "list" (dropdown box) and "both"

The table not liking "flag" as it makes the "Choose a theme" section bust out of table and sit just above.

Please, If anyone can be bothered to fix this themselves please make it available, it would take me a very long time to fix as I know only vb/asp, and its not something i would use but i find it interesting, no doubt its just a small class or tr problem, but sorting thru php makes my head hurt :)



Quote from: JohnYes gaugau, that code is crappy :)

But like you said no gaurantees, so I thank you, it was most usefull and the problems it has do not affect me.

One thing I noticed: Just for reference:

A prob it has is the language, selecting flag instead of list here:

// ---edit below vars---
$choice= "list";
//edit this: choose between "flag" (pictures of flags), "list" (dropdown box) and "both"

The table not liking "flag" as it makes the "Choose a theme" section bust out of table and sit just above.

Please, If anyone can be bothered to fix this themselves please make it available, it would take me a very long time to fix as I know only vb/asp, and its not something i would use but i find it interesting, no doubt its just a small class or tr problem, but sorting thru php makes my head hurt :)

I corrected the code, here you are :)

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.2.0                                            //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Gregory DEMAR <>                 //
//                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Updated by the Coppermine Dev Team                                        //
// see /docs/credits.html for details                                        //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         //
// (at your option) any later version.                                       //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
starttable("100%"); ?>

                <td class="tableb">
                                <?php print cpg_show_flags(); ?>
<?php endtable(); ?>


function cpg_show_flags() 

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
//  ChooseLanguageByFlag.mod v1.3 for Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.1.0 (final) // 
//  by GauGau (Joachim Mueller)                            // 
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 
// ---edit below vars---                                                     // 
//edit this: choose between "flag" (pictures of flags), "list" (dropdown box) "both" or "none"

//edit this: choose between "pulldown" (dropdown box), "links" (horisontal list of links) or "none"

// edit this value: how many rows of flags should be shown (it makes sense to// 
// have more than 1 row if you have you coppermine navigation not on top of  // 
// the page (horizontally) but on the side of the gallery (vertically).      // 
// Usually (with most themes) this value can be set to 1                     // 

$border_flag_color "#000000"
//do you want a border around your flag? Set the color here, leave blank if  // 
// you don't want a border. Use color codes that css understands, e.g.       // 
// "#FF0000" or "red".                                                       // 
// For more details on color codes, check                                    // 
//                                // 

$translate_language "Nyelv/language:&nbsp;&nbsp;"
$select_theme "Téma/theme:&nbsp;&nbsp;"
// edit this: translate "Sprache" to the word "language" in your country or  // 
// whatever text you want to appear in front of the flags/dropdown box       // 

// Use below arrays to specify which countries should show up. The expression// 
// in brackets must be the name of the language file (without the ".php" at  // 
// the end). The first array specifies the "realname" of the language, the   // 
// second arry must contain the country code (see the folder /images/flags)  // 
// and must correspond to the image. Example: if you want the stars and      // 
// stripes turn up instead of the union jack, use                            // 
// $language_name['english'] = 'English'; $country_code_flag['english'] = 'gb'; 

$language_name['hungarian'] = 'Hungarian (Magyar)'$country_code_flag['hungarian']= 'hu'
$language_name['english']   = 'English';            $country_code_flag['english']  = 'gb'
$language_name['german']    = 'German';             $country_code_flag['german']   = 'de'

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------   // 
//---------don't edit below this line unless you know hat you're doing-------- // 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------   // 
global $CONFIG,$USER
// get the current language 


//get the url and all vars except $lang 
foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) { 
    if (
$key!="lang"){$cpg_current.= $key "=" $value "&";} 


//get the url and all vars except $theme 
foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) { 
    if (
$key!="theme"){$cpg_theme.= $key "=" $value "&";} 

//set the border 
if ($border_flag_color!=""

$flagborder='style="border-width:1px; border-color:'.$border_flag_color.'; margin:0px;"'

$choice=="flag" || $choice=="both"
//----------------flags start 
$cpg_flag_return='<style type="text/css"><!-- .winzig {font-size:9px} --></style>'

if (
$number_of_rows!=1$cpg_flag_return.= '<hr />'
$cpg_flag_return.= '<span class="winzig">' $translate_language .'</span>'
if (
$number_of_rows!=1) {$cpg_flag_return.='<br />';}else{$cpg_flag_return.='';} 
$cpg_flag_return.= ''
foreach (
$language_name as $key => $value
$cpg_flag_return.= '<a href="' $cpg_current $key '" class="menu"><img src="images/flags/' $country_code_flag[$key] . '.gif" width="16" height="10" border="0" alt="" title="' $value .'" '.$flagborder.' /></a>'
$cpg_flags_counter==$cpg_flags_cols){$cpg_flag_return.="</td><td class='tableb'>";$cpg_flags_counter=0;} 
//----------------flags end 

if($choice=="list" or $choice=="both"
//----------------list start 
if ($number_of_rows==and $choice=="both"){$cpg_flag_return .='';} 
$cpg_flag_return.="<form name=\"choose_language\" action=\"" $cpg_current $key"\" method=\"get\" style=\"margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px\"><span class=\"winzig\">"
if (

if (
$number_of_rows!=1) {$cpg_flag_return .= '<hr />' $translate_language;}else{$cpg_flag_return.='';} 

$cpg_flag_return.=$translate_language "<select name=\"lang\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href='".$cpg_current."' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">"
foreach (
$language_name as $key => $value

$cpg_flag_return.='<option value="' $key '"'
$key==$cpg_current_language){$cpg_flag_return.=' selected';} 
$cpg_flag_return.='>' $value '</option>'

$cpg_flag_return.= '</select></span></td><td class="tableb">'
//----------------list end 

if ($theme_choice== "links")
// start links menu
$cpg_flag_return.='<span class="winzig">' .$select_theme
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'default">Default</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'eyeball">Eyeball</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'fruity">Fruity</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'hardwired">Hardwired</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'igames">Igames</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'mac_ox_x">Mac OS X</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'project_vii">Project VII</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'rainy_day">Rainy Day</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'water_drop">Water Drop</a> | '
$cpg_flag_return.='<a href="'.$cpg_theme.'xxx">Reset theme</a>'


// end  links menu

else if ($theme_choice== "pulldown"){ // start pul-down menu
$cpg_flag_return.="<form name=\"choose_theme\" action=\"" $cpg_theme."&theme=\" method=\"get\" style=\"margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px\"><span class=\"winzig\">"

$theme_name['default'] = 'Default'
$theme_name['eyeball'] = 'Eyeball'
$theme_name['fruity'] = 'Fruity'
$theme_name['hardwired'] = 'Hardwired'
$theme_name['igames'] = 'Igames'
$theme_name['mac_ox_x'] = 'Mac OS X'
$theme_name['project_vii'] = 'Project VII'
$theme_name['rainy_day'] = 'Rainy Day'
$theme_name['water_drop'] = 'Water Drop'

$cpg_flag_return.=$select_theme "<select name=\"theme\" size=\"1\" onchange=\"if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) window.location.href='".$cpg_theme."' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">"

foreach (
$theme_name as $key => $value

$cpg_flag_return.='<option value="' $key '"'
$key==$cpg_current_theme){$cpg_flag_return.=' selected';} 
$cpg_flag_return.='>' $value '</option>'

$cpg_flag_return.= '</select></span>'

// end pul-down menu 

if ($number_of_rows==1){$cpg_flag_return.='<!--foo</td></tr></table>-->';} 


//--- def function cpg_show_flags end 

function cpg_ascii_onoff() 

foreach (
$_GET as $key => $value) { 
    if (
                       if (
$cpg_current.= $key "=" $value "&"

$cpg_current rtrim($cpg_current "&"); 

You can test it:

Joachim Müller

thanks for that - the language and theme selection has been taken from a mod based on cpg1.1.x and wasn't "adjusted" to work with cpg1.2.0 - I'll do a complete re-coding of the mod and present it (once it's done) on the mod board (and it will hopefully go into the next release as well).



i just installed coppermine 1.2.0 RC2 and changed anycontent.php, but nothing changed as you can see at
What else should I do to let my user change language and theme on the "fly"?
Can anybody help,
Thanx Mayo


Quote from: "mayo"i just installed coppermine 1.2.0 RC2 and changed anycontent.php, but nothing changed as you can see at
What else should I do to let my user change language and theme on the "fly"?
Can anybody help,
Thanx Mayo
You have to configure cpm to display anycontent on the main page.
e. g.: menu config ==> The content of the main page ==> anycontent/catlist/alblist/random,1


that solved my problem. :D  i'm happy now


Hello Everyone,

I've used "Petardo's" code and all works fine. However I only want to display the flags and not the theme option. :roll:

Can someone please send me the code to display only the flags?
I would really appreciated.

Await your comments...

Thanks, Antonio


Quote from: "antonio"Hello Everyone,

I've used "Petardo's" code and all works fine. However I only want to display the flags and not the theme option. :roll:

Can someone please send me the code to display only the flags?
I would really appreciated.

Await your comments...

Thanks, Antonio
I made a minor code modification and stored again to Update your code, set $theme_choice= "none"; and ready. :)


Ive just installed this mod, yet I get this:

QuoteFatal error: Cannot redeclare cpg_show_flags() (previously declared in /home/www/phelumaw/gallery/themes/default/theme.php:1482) in /home/www/phelumaw/gallery/anycontent.php on line 26

Joachim Müller

you have a theme where the old flag mod is already in. Edit your theme and remove the flag stuff (or build a little more complicated statement with if exist if you know some php).




I have used the anycontent.php in the original as posted by you as you can see here: but I get these parse errors when using Mozilla 1.5:

Notice: Undefined index: lang in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 76

Notice: Undefined index: lang in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 77

Notice: Undefined index: theme in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 81

at the top of the page four symbols appear that I cannot replicate with this keyboard, two of them are '>>' and one is an upside down question mark.

Once I click on an image other parse errors are shown:

Notice: Undefined variable: lang_picinfo in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 145


Notice: Undefined variable: header in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 1426

Notice: Undefined variable: template_tab_display in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 1431

Notice: Undefined variable: lang_thumb_view in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 1434

Notice: Undefined index: inactive_tab in /hsphere/local/home/bandisch/ on line 1435

apart from that everyting seems ot work well!
any ideas?

Joachim Müller

the notices should go away if you turn debug_mode off



I am using petardo's code, and it works well, but I have a question concerning a minor cosmetic change.

I only show the flags, not the themes, which means I have a small empty cell to the right of the flags.  I want to centre the flags and remove the small empty cell.

I have tried several edits to the anycontent.php, but all have failed, as I don't really know what I'm doing.

Can anyone help me please.  

ps, I have a screenshot, but don't know how to upload it to here
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Joachim Müller

you can't upload stuff here; put it on your webspace and just link it here.



OK, thanks for that.  Here is a screenshot which helps explain what I am trying to do;


I want to get rid of the small empty cell (where the eggtimer is) and center the flags.  I have tried several edits of the anycontent.php, commenting out the themes cell, but all have failed.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


OK, I have done it.  I removed the empty theme cell by commenting out the second cell as below.  An end comment out was not neccessary, as one is already in place.

change this
if($cpg_flags_counter==$cpg_flags_cols){$cpg_flag_return.="</td><td class='tableb'>";$cpg_flags_counter=0;}
} //----------------flags end

to this
if($cpg_flags_counter==$cpg_flags_cols){$cpg_flag_return.="</td>  <!--  <td class='tableb'>";$cpg_flags_counter=0;}
        } p
} //----------------flags end

to center the flags, amend the following code;
Change this
starttable("100%"); ?>
      <td class="tableb">
            <?php print cpg_show_flags(); ?>

to this
starttable("100%"); ?>
      <td align="center" class="tableb">
            <?php print cpg_show_flags(); ?>
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here