[Solved]: Album-settings buttons deleted... [Solved]: Album-settings buttons deleted...


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[Solved]: Album-settings buttons deleted...

Started by Deirdre, May 18, 2004, 01:30:14 PM

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I think I must have deleted the links to the album settings!

it even looks "wrong" when you are not logged in as admin (see the brown parts that are missing on top of the thumbnails)
I mean the links you usually have next to the thumbnails to make the album public etc.

Problem is: I don't know where I changed something and what.
Could you tell me the code and where to put it?

P.S. I made an account: User: Test, PW: test
it's an Admin-Account

Joachim Müller

upload at least one of the themes that come with coppermine (and post the name), so you can check if this is theme-related or caused by changes to the coppermine core or database.



I have tried to switch to the raindrops (?) template, but it is the same there. I also tried to upload only the template.php from a dirfferent design to  my design, because I thought it might be in this php-file, but also no change.

I think it has nothing to do with the designs.

Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz



I have adjusted your config, as you had ablum list view at 5 albums wide.  Reset this if you want, but it will be squeezed.

You need to put a pic or 2 in the albums to see what they look like normally.  There is the odd bug in version 1.2 when albums/categories are empty, which means you do't always see the buttons..

Please do not post admin accounts on the open board, as it leaves your site open to abuse.  Please delete the 'test' user.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


yes, I will delete it.

Problem is: users CANNOT upload pictures! And I can only upload pics when in Admin mode.
So I wanted to change the album settings so that registered users can upload in these albums, but there is no LINK to do that :/ I must have deleted that somewhere...

Hm.. ich versuchs nommal auf deutsch, weil ich gesehen habe, dass GauGau aus Deutschland kommt. Weil auf Englisch weiß ich gar nicht, ob das einer kapiert.

Neben den Thumbnails auf der Startseite müsste ja eine kleine Liste stehen, mit Links z.B. für die Einstellungen, damit ich die Areas freigeben kann etc.
Die sind nicht da, ich muss die irgendwie gelöscht haben.
Ich habe dann ein alternatives Design geladen, um zu gucken ob sie dann da sind, aber sind auch nicht da. Ich befinde mich aber im Admin-Mode.
Ich habe auch versucht, einfach nur die template.php aus einem anderen Design hochzuladen in meins, aber außer fehlender Graphiken passiert sonst nicht sehr viel. Es liegt also nicht an den drei Template Dateien.
Der Fehler muss woanders liegen, nur dummerweise weiß ich nicht, wo ich was geändert habe. Ichhabe die Gallery erst vorgestern auf einen neuen Server geladen und mich länger nicht mehr damit befasst gehabt.
Nun dachte ich, vielleicht weiß einer den Code für das include von den Thumbs auf der Startseite, weil ich eben in den haufen Dateien absolut nicht durchblicke, und kann mir diesen Quellcodeschnipsel geben und mir sagen, wo das rein muss.



now it works! you did it :D
I also had uploaded a picture before, but thought the buttons weren't there...

THANK YOU! *kiss*