Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider up Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider up


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Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider up

Started by blueberg, January 18, 2010, 12:42:25 AM

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First...I read all your docs several times over as you suggested to become familiar with Coppermine. After putting the coppermine folder nto my web site and uploading it, I then proceded to set the permissions as you suggested. I am hosted at GoDaddy. When I went to, I was greeted with your installation setup screen. I entered all of the apropriate information such as database name..username..passwords etc...and the host address. Everything is correct.

When I click the "Let's Go" button ...I get the following error mesage:

Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered

MySQL error was : Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client


Unable to write config file 'include/'

I have triple checked everything including all the permissions to the appropriate folders. I contacted GoDaddy and they said that the info I put in was all correct and my permissions are all correct. And that they could connect to my MySql database without a problem from there it is configured properly.

I read through all your forums and found others with the same problem...but there never was any real resolution.
Please help me. I relaly want to use Coppermine on my site. And after 2 days of jumping through hoops to get everything configured, I don't want to give up now.




when i got the first error it was because I wrote in the host name---my server host-- when I left it to localhost it worked

did your host  or yourself check the version of myphpadmin you are using to see if it indeed needs upgrading?

that file is created after the installation for you enter the info while installing so yes it is right it is unwritable...until created.

have you installed it already? It will not allow a second installation of the gallery until you get rid of a file, that I can not really remember the name of it.


Thnks for the reply.

I tried both ways...with my host adress and also localhost. The same error appeared both times. The host is using the most current versions of PHP and MySQL I don't think that is the cause. The way I interpret the rerror is that the Host has the most current versions installed..but that the Coppermine Program has the older versions of whatever it is that is throwing the error. In other looks like everything is OK at the server end, which is Godaddy, but the Coppermine software is the client that is not compatible. At leas that is how I interpret the error.
If anyone out there is using Coppermine and is Hosted at Godaddy, I would apprecite your input.

Thanks again



that leaves me out cause my host is not godaddy.

curiosity sake here...but you are manually uploading the software did not use anything like fantastico to try and install it?

you are definitely typing in the database username and password correctly -- with the prefix like if your site were godaddy it would be godadd_name of database, right?

I only ask cause I accidently left off the prefix at it would not install the software I was working on


Yep...I actually went into Godaddy and into my database info and copy and pasted the exact host name that it listed so i wouldn't make any mistakes. The other thing you mentioned though might be something. I originally uploaded the coppermine folder using FrontPage. I don't think that has anything to do with the error..but you never know. So I deleted the folder from my web site and am now uploading it via FTP. Then I'll reset all the permissions again and see what happens. If it works...I'll certainly post it up on the board.



I mention it cause there are some software that  uploaders just do something to the coding I guess. Hope that helps.

François Keller

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


I went to that forum link you suggested...but it didn't really solve anything for me.

Does anyone have any idea why there is this issue with GoDaddy hosting. And what can be done to get around it? Is there anybody out there who has coppermine installed RECENTLY on Godaddy?

Joachim Müller

Then let's start with the basics first: read up board rules and do as suggested there. You agreed to respect board rules when you signed up.


I got it...Only one question per thread. Sorry ...I guess I'm just eager to get it working


Back to the original error message:
Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered

MySQL error was : Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I tried unloading and then reuploading Coppermine 1.4. same result
I tried loading Coppermine 1.5   same result
I deleted and then made a new database on the Godaddy server...same result.
I changed the MySql database from 4.1 to 5.0 and then back again. Same results with each. It sounds like maybe there is a password issue with coppermine. I am new at this database web stuff. But I know there was a change starting with version 4.1 of MySql. It appears that Coppermine somehow doesn't uupport this password authentication change.

Thanks..I would love a way to make Coppermine work because it would be absolutely perfect for my web site.

Thanks again



The word 'client' in the link above refers to PHP. This isn't something you can address from within Coppermine. You need to seek support from your host.


OK  Thanks...I will call them again and see if i can get someone there who knows what they are doing...but that seems to be a longshot.
I will let the forum know what happens

Thanks again.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: blueberg on January 18, 2010, 08:48:07 PM
I got it...Only one question per thread. Sorry ...I guess I'm just eager to get it working
It's true that we have such a policy as well, but the anchor I have refered to leads to
Quote from:,55415.msg270616.html#msg2706168. Post links
When posting a support request, it's helpfull for supporters in most cases to see what the actual page looks like, that's why it's mandatory that you always post a link to your coppermine gallery page when asking for support. If your site contains adult content, make sure to post a warning together with your link!

Supporters might get into issues if they accidentally visit a page that interferes with their employer's internet policy. If your site contains adult content (even mild nudity even falls into this category), post the words "not safe for work" next to the link.
In fact it's mandatory to read all board rules. Please do so now and then do as suggested there.


I didn't think I could post a link to my Galley page since I couldn't get coppermine to even install.

But I have resolved the issue. I found out that my current web site (in which I was going to use coppermine) was being hosted on an older Windows server IIS6. Godaddy told me that that particular server does not have direct database access. After some discussion with GoDaddy, I suggested that I set up temporary hosting on a Linux server and upload coppermine there to see if it would install. I set up Linux Hosting, uploaded the coppermine folder and set my permissions accordingly. I then proceded to the install.php. The install went off without a hitch  ;D

So if anyone comes up with the same error code that I did, ( Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; ) here's what they should do:

Contact their host and find out what type of server they are on. If they are on a Windows server, they should switch over to a Linux server. That should fix the problem.


I want to post this here in case anyone else has the same problems installing Coppermine on Godaddy. If you have any difficulty installing coppermine on Godaddy, here is what you should do. Call them and find out if you are on a Windows IIS6 server. If you have had a site with them for some might be on this older servr. This server does NOT allow Direct Database Access, which you need. If you are on this Windows server, tell them you need to have your site switched over to a Linux server. After two days of trying every possible way to install coppermine, I finally decided to try a Linux server. I set up a temporary Linux hosting at Godaddy, uploaded coppermine...and the install went perfectly.

Good Luck all. I hope this helps. You can see my earlier post here:,63285.msg314336.html#msg314336


thanks for letting us all know....amazing how they claimed not to be at fault...rather than really looking into it.


After reading several othe posts about issues with Godaddy, I guess they never were able to speak with someone who knew how to do anything other than tell the customer how to reset their passwords. The girl I spoke with today at Godaddy was excellent. She could have easily given up on my problem since she had never handled anything like it in her experience at Godaddy. But she allowed me to vent all my thoughts and tell her all the steps I had been doing to try to get the install to work. She could probably hear the frustration in my voice. So when she wasn't sure what the exact course of action would be, she told me she would check with the guys in the back room and see what they could come up with. She and I eventually came up with the thought that the type of server I was hosted on could possibly be the problem. From that I suggested that maybe they could set me up a temporary hosting account on a Linux server and I could try it out there. Then she noticed that I had several free hosting accounts available snce you get one with each domain name you register (of course, that free account puts a big advertising banner at the top of every page) but I knew it wouldn't matter for testing.

Had I remembered that I had free hosting account credits with them, I would have gone ahead and set up a test account on Linux to see what happened.

Anyway....Karen at Godaddy was great...and wouldn't let me off the phone until we had a plan of action. I have to say that she was some of the best tech support I have ever dealt with :-)

Thanks again for all your responses. I hope my plight helps someone else out there. ;D

Joachim Müller

Thanks for resolving your thread.

Many newbies prefer Windows webhosting over Linux webhosting because they're afraid of not being familiar with Linux will make it harder for them to comprehend. But in my experience this is not the case: the fact that paths like c:\some_folder\some_sub_folder\some_file.txt look more familar for Windows-users than /home/some_folder/some_sub_folder/some_file.txt doesn't help you when trying to solve some real serious issues with pre-made scripts like coppermine. The reason is not that Windows is bad in itself or that it was inferior to Linux: it is not. The reason is different: the vast majority or pre-made scripts and scripting languages (like PHP or Perl or Python) were written with Linux/Unix in mind and were later ported to sort-of work on Windows as well. I don't want to go into the details why this is so (there often are heated discussions about the superiority /inferiority of one operating system or the other that I don't want to lead here). What I'm trying to say: there's no need to be afraid of Linux-driven webhosting. There's no benefit for newbies if you decide for Windows-based webhosting. Webhosts do offer that because it get's demanded. But if you want things easier and more performant, go for Linux/Unix-driven webhosting, which is usually cheaper as well (or you get more for the same price).

So, well done on switching to Linux-driven webhosting. Just drop the idea to go back to Windows-driven webhosting later. Turn your "temporary Linux-driven webhosting" into "permanent Linux-driven webhosting".

Quote from: blueberg on January 19, 2010, 08:21:26 AM
I didn't think I could post a link to my Galley page since I couldn't get coppermine to even install.
The link would have helped anyway, even if your gallery wasn't operational. It's mandatory to post that, as in "you can't get support if you don't post it".

I have merged your extra thread into the existing one - we don't like two threads about one issue...


Got it. I am now more familiar with the forum and the rules  :). Now that I am actually able to work with coppermine, that initial frustration of not getting it to even install is gone. I will always link to the gallery page if / when any other issues arise for me. Thanks again :-)