Turkish language Turkish language


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Turkish language

Started by Sitki, April 26, 2010, 06:54:48 PM

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I started with the Turkish language file sometimes, but come the moment due to time constraints, not so fast before. Possibly there are others who participate in it.

  Coppermine Photo Gallery
  Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Coppermine Dev Team
  v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
  Coppermine version: 1.5.3
  $HeadURL: https://coppermine.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/coppermine/trunk/cpg1.5.x/lang/german.php $
  $Revision: 7199 $
  $LastChangedBy: eenemeenemuu $
  $Date: 2010-02-04 10:39:28 +0100 (Do, 04. Feb 2010) $

if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) { die('Not in Coppermine...');}

// info about translators and translated language
$lang_translation_info['lang_name_turkish'] = 'Turkish';
$lang_translation_info['lang_name_native'] = 'Türkçe';
$lang_translation_info['lang_country_code'] = 'tr';
$lang_translation_info['trans_name'] = 'S&#305;tk&#305; Özkurt';
$lang_translation_info['trans_email'] = 'sitki@pragmamx.org';
$lang_translation_info['trans_website'] = 'http://www.pragmamx.org/';
$lang_translation_info['trans_date'] = '2010-04-24';

$lang_charset 'utf-8';
$lang_text_dir 'ltr'// ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)

// shortcuts for Byte, Kilo, Mega
$lang_byte_units = array('Bytes''KB''MB');
$lang_decimal_separator = array('.'',');  //cpg1.5 // symbol used to separate thousands from hundreds and rounded number from  decimal place

// Day of weeks and months
$lang_day_of_week = array('Paz''Pzt''Sal''Çar''Per''Cum''Cmt');
$lang_month = array('Ock''&#350;ub''Mrt''Nis''May''Haz''Tem''Agu''Eyl''Ekm''Kas''Arl');

// The various date formats
// See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php to define the variable below
$lang_date['album'] = '%d.%B %Y';
$lang_date['lastcom'] = '%d.%m.%y, %H:%M';
$lang_date['lastup'] = '%d.%B %Y';
$lang_date['register'] = '%d.%B %Y';
$lang_date['lasthit'] = '%d.%B %Y, %H:%M';
$lang_date['comment'] = '%d.%B %Y, %H:%M';
$lang_date['log'] = '%d.%B %Y, %H:%M';
$lang_date['scientific'] = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';

// For the word censor
$lang_bad_words = array('bok*''*erefsiz''sikerim''göt*''e&#351;eko*''orosp*''pezev*''cum''*beep**''dago''daygo''dego''dick*''dildo''fanculo''feces''foreskin''Fu\(*''fuk*''honkey''hore''injun''kike''lesbo''masturbat*''motherfucker''nazis''nigger*''nutsack''penis''phuck''poop''pussy''scrotum''shit''slut''titties''titty''twaty''wank*''whore''wop*');

$lang_meta_album_names['random'] = 'Rastgele resim';
$lang_meta_album_names['lastup'] = 'Son yüklenenler';
$lang_meta_album_names['lastalb'] = 'Son güncellenen albümler';
$lang_meta_album_names['lastcom'] = 'Son yorumlar';
$lang_meta_album_names['mostcom'] = 'En çok yorumlanan';
$lang_meta_album_names['topn'] = 'En çok bak&#305;lan';
$lang_meta_album_names['toprated'] = 'En çok oylanan';
$lang_meta_album_names['lasthits'] = 'son bak&#305;lan';
$lang_meta_album_names['search'] = 'Resim arama sonuçlar&#305;';
$lang_meta_album_names['album_search'] = 'Albüm arama sonuçlar&#305;';
$lang_meta_album_names['category_search'] = 'Kategori arama sonuçlar&#305;';
$lang_meta_album_names['favpics'] = 'Favorilerim';
$lang_meta_album_names['datebrowse'] = 'Tarihe göre gözat'//cpg1.5

$lang_errors['access_denied'] = 'Bu Sayfaya eri&#351;im hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok.';
$lang_errors['perm_denied'] = 'Bu i&#351;lemi yapma hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok.';
$lang_errors['param_missing'] = 'Script gerekli parametreler olmadan ça&#287;&#305;r&#305;ld&#305;.';
$lang_errors['non_exist_ap'] = 'Seçilen albüm veya seçili dosya yok!';
$lang_errors['quota_exceeded'] = 'Disk alan&#305; a&#351;&#305;ld&#305;.'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['quota_exceeded_details'] = '[quota]K da bo&#351; bir alan&#305;n&#305;z var, resimleriniz &#351;uanda kullan&#305;l&#305;yor [space]K, bu resmi eklemek alan&#305;n&#305;z&#305; a&#351;&#305;racakt&#305;r.'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['gd_file_type_err'] = 'E&#287;er GD image library kullan&#305;l&#305;yorsa sadece JPEG ve PNG formatlar&#305; i&#351;lenebilir.';
$lang_errors['invalid_image'] = 'Yükledi&#287;iniz resim hasarl&#305; yada GD library taraf&#305;ndan i&#351;lenemiyor';
$lang_errors['resize_failed'] = 'Simge yada küçük resim yarat&#305;lmad&#305;.';
$lang_errors['no_img_to_display'] = 'Gösterilebilecek dosya yok (yada albümü görme yetkiniz yok)';
$lang_errors['non_exist_cat'] = 'Seçili kategori yok';
$lang_errors['orphan_cat'] = 'Katagorinin üst katagorisi belli de&#287;il, düzeltmek için katagori yönete gidiniz.';
$lang_errors['directory_ro'] = ' \'%s\'  klasörü yaz&#305;labilir de&#287;il, dosyalar silinemedi';
$lang_errors['non_exist_comment'] = 'Seçili yorum yok.';
$lang_errors['pic_in_invalid_album'] = 'Seçili dosya olmayan bir albümde bulunmaktad&#305;r (%s)!?';
$lang_errors['banned'] = '&#350;u anda bu sitede yasakl&#305;s&#305;n.';
$lang_errors['not_with_udb'] = 'Bu fonksiyon Coppermine da kullan&#305;lamaz çünkü forum yaz&#305;l&#305;m&#305; ile bütünle&#351;tirildi. Yapmaya çal&#305;&#351;t&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;z &#351;ey bü &#351;ekilde kald&#305;r&#305;lamad&#305;, yada fonksiyon forum yaz&#305;l&#305;m&#305; taraf&#305;ndan elegeçirildi.';
$lang_errors['offline_title'] = 'Bak&#305;m Modu';
$lang_errors['offline_text'] = 'Galeri &#351;u anda bak&#305;m modunda - ilerde tekrar deneyin!';
$lang_errors['ecards_empty'] = 'Ekart kay&#305;t&#305; bulunmamaktad&#305;r. Coppermine seçeneklerindeki ekart giri&#351; imkan&#305;n&#305; kontrol edin!';
$lang_errors['action_failed'] = '&#304;&#351;lem olmad&#305;. Coppermine sizin talebinizi i&#351;leyemedi.';
$lang_errors['no_zip'] = 'ZIP dosyas&#305; olu&#351;turmak için gerekli dosyalar bulunamad&#305;. Lütfen Coppermine admininiz ile ileti&#351;ime geçin.';
$lang_errors['zip_type'] = 'ZIP dosyalar&#305;n&#305; yüklemek için yetkiniz yok.';
$lang_errors['database_query'] = 'Veritaban&#305; yazarken hata olu&#351;tu';
$lang_errors['page_removed_redirector'] = 'Coppermine paketinden ç&#305;kar&#305;lm&#305;&#351; bir sayfaya eri&#351;meye çal&#305;&#351;&#305;yorsunuz.<br />Yönlendirme...'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['captcha_error'] = 'Onay kodu uymuyor'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['no_data'] = 'Veriler geri verilmemi&#351;tir'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['no_connection'] = 'Buraya %s ba&#287;lant&#305; kurulamad&#305;.'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['login_needed'] = 'Bu sayfay&#305; görmek için %skay&#305;t%s/%sgiri&#351;%s yapman&#305;z gerekir.'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['error'] = 'Hata'//cpg1.5
$lang_errors['critical_error'] = 'Kritik hata'// cpg1.5
$lang_errors['access_thumbnail_only'] = 'Yaln&#305;zca küçük resimleri görebilirsiniz.'// cpg1.5
$lang_errors['access_intermediate_only'] = 'Tam boy resimleri görmek için yetkili de&#287;ilsiniz.'// cpg1.5
$lang_errors['access_none'] = 'Resim görüntülemek için yetkiniz yok.'// cpg1.5  
$lang_errors['register_globals_title'] = 'Register Globals sind aktiviert!';// cpg1.5
$lang_errors['register_globals_warning'] = 'PHP register_globals ayar&#305; sunucunuzda etkindir. Güvenli&#287;iniz için bu ayar&#305; kuvvetle devre d&#305;&#351;&#305; b&#305;rakman&#305;z önerilir.'//cpg1.5

$lang_bbcode_help_title 'BBCode yard&#305;m';
$lang_bbcode_help 'BBCode etiketlerini kullanarak t&#305;klanabilir linkler ve bu alanda baz&#305; biçimlendirme ekleyebilirsiniz: <li>[b]Fett[/b] =&gt; <strong>Fett</strong></li><li>[i]Kursiv[/i] =&gt; <i>Kursiv</i></li><li>[url=http://deineseite.com/]Url Text[/url] =&gt; <a href="http://deineseite.com">UrlText</a></li><li>[email]benutzer@domain.com[/email] =&gt; <a href="mailto:benutzer@domain.com">benutzer@domain.com</a></li><li>[color=red]Beispieltext[/color] =&gt; <span style="color:red">Beispieltext</span></li><li>[img]http://documentation.coppermine-gallery.net/images/browser.png[/img] => <img src="docs/images/browser.png" border="0" alt="" width="19" height="18" /></li>';

$lang_common['yes'] = 'Evet'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['no'] = 'Hay&#305;r'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['back'] = 'Geri'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['continue'] = 'Devam'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['information'] = 'Bilgi'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['error'] = 'Hata'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['check_uncheck_all'] = 'tümünü seç/pasifle&#351;tir'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['confirm'] = 'Do&#287;rulama'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['captcha_help_title'] = 'Görsel do&#287;rulama (captcha)'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['captcha_help'] = 'Spam önlemek için, bir insan oldu&#287;unuzu ve sadece script olmad&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305;z&#305; kan&#305;tlamak zorundas&#305;n&#305;z. Bu yüzden grafikte gösterilen harfleri girin.<br />Büyük ve küçük harf fark etmez, küçük harflerle her &#351;eyi girebilirsiniz.'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['title'] = 'Ba&#351;l&#305;k'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['caption'] = 'Altyaz&#305;'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['keywords'] = 'Anahtar kelimeler'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['keywords_insert1'] = 'Anahtar kelimeler (%s ile ay&#305;rtmak)'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['keywords_insert2'] = 'Listeden eklemek'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['keyword_separator'] = 'Kelimeler ay&#305;r&#305;c&#305;'//cpg1.5
$lang_common['keyword_separators'] = array(' '=>'Space'','=>'Virgül'';'=>'Noktal&#305; virgül'); // cpg1.5
$lang_common['owner_name'] = 'Sahip'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['filename'] = 'Dosya ad&#305;'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['filesize'] = 'Dosya boyutu'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['album'] = 'Albüm'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['file'] = 'Dosya'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['date'] = 'Tarih'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['help'] = 'Yard&#305;m'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['close'] = 'Kapat'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['go'] = 'hayde'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['javascript_needed'] = 'Bu sayfa JavaScript gerektirir. Lütfen taray&#305;c&#305;n&#305;zda JavaScript aktifle&#351;tirin.'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['move_up'] = 'Yukar&#305; ta&#351;&#305;'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['move_down'] = 'A&#351;a&#287;&#305; ta&#351;&#305;'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['move_top'] = 'En üst noktaya ta&#351;&#305;y&#305;n'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['move_bottom'] = 'En alt noktaya ta&#351;&#305;y&#305;n'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['delete'] = 'Sil'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['edit'] = 'Düzenle'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['username_if_blank'] = 'Bilinmeyen korkak'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['albums_no_category'] = 'Kategorisi olmayan albümler'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['personal_albums'] = '* Ki&#351;isel albümler'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['select_album'] = 'Bir albüm seçin'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['ok'] = 'Tamam'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['status'] = 'Durum'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['apply_changes'] = 'De&#287;i&#351;iklikleri kaydet'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['reset'] = 'Geri al'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['done'] = 'Yap&#305;lm&#305;&#351;'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['show_password'] = '&#350;ifre göster'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['album_properties'] = 'Albüm Özellikleri'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['parent_category'] = 'Üst Kategori'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['edit_files'] = 'Dosyalar&#305; düzenle'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['thumbnail_view'] = 'Küçük resim görünümü'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['album_manager'] = 'Albüm Yönetimi'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['details'] = 'Ayr&#305;nt&#305;lar'// cpg1.5
$lang_common['more'] = 'daha fazla'// cpg1.5

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File theme.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
$lang_main_menu['home_title'] = 'Ana sayfaya git';
$lang_main_menu['home_lnk'] = 'Ana Sayfa';
$lang_main_menu['alb_list_title'] = 'Albüm listesine git';
$lang_main_menu['alb_list_lnk'] = 'Albüm Listesi';
$lang_main_menu['my_gal_title'] = 'Ki&#351;isel galerime git';
$lang_main_menu['my_gal_lnk'] = 'Galerim';
$lang_main_menu['my_prof_title'] = 'Ki&#351;isel profilime git';
$lang_main_menu['my_prof_lnk'] = 'Ki&#351;isel profilim';
$lang_main_menu['adm_mode_title'] = 'Yönetici moduna geç';
$lang_main_menu['adm_mode_lnk'] = 'Yönetici modu';
$lang_main_menu['usr_mode_title'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; moduna geç';
$lang_main_menu['usr_mode_lnk'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; modu';
$lang_main_menu['upload_pic_title'] = 'Bir albüme dosya ekle';
$lang_main_menu['upload_pic_lnk'] = 'Dosya yükle';
$lang_main_menu['register_title'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; hesab&#305; aç';
$lang_main_menu['register_lnk'] = 'Kay&#305;t ol';
$lang_main_menu['login_title'] = 'Giri&#351; yap';
$lang_main_menu['login_lnk'] = 'Giri&#351;';
$lang_main_menu['logout_title'] = 'Ç&#305;k&#305;&#351; yap';
$lang_main_menu['logout_lnk'] = 'Ç&#305;k&#305;&#351;';
$lang_main_menu['lastup_title'] = 'Son yüklenenleri göster';
$lang_main_menu['lastup_lnk'] = 'Son yüklenenler';
$lang_main_menu['lastcom_title'] = 'Son yorumlar&#305; göster';
$lang_main_menu['lastcom_lnk'] = 'Son yorumlar';
$lang_main_menu['mostcom_title'] = 'En çok yorumlanan dosyalar&#305; göster'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['mostcom_lnk'] = 'En çok yorumlanan'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['topn_title'] = 'En çok bak&#305;lan dosyalar&#305; göster';
$lang_main_menu['topn_lnk'] = 'En çok bak&#305;lanlar';
$lang_main_menu['toprated_title'] = 'En be&#287;enilen dosyalar&#305; göster';
$lang_main_menu['toprated_lnk'] = 'En be&#287;enilenler';
$lang_main_menu['search_title'] = 'Galeride ara';
$lang_main_menu['search_lnk'] = 'Ara';
$lang_main_menu['fav_title'] = 'Favorilerimi göster';
$lang_main_menu['fav_lnk'] = 'Favorilerim';
$lang_main_menu['memberlist_title'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; listesini göster';
$lang_main_menu['memberlist_lnk'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; listesi';
$lang_main_menu['browse_by_date_lnk'] = 'Tarihe göre'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['browse_by_date_title'] = 'Yüklenilen tarihe göre bak'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['contact_title'] = '%s ile ileti&#351;im kurun'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['contact_lnk'] = 'Kontakt'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['sidebar_title'] = 'Taray&#305;c&#305;n&#305;za kenar çubu&#287;u ekler'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['sidebar_lnk'] = 'Kenar çubu&#287;u'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['main_menu'] = 'Ana menü'// cpg1.5
$lang_main_menu['sub_menu'] = 'Alt menü'// cpg1.5

$lang_gallery_admin_menu['upl_app_title'] = 'Yeni yüklenen dosyalar&#305; onayla';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['upl_app_lnk'] = 'Yükleme onay&#305;';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['admin_title'] = 'Ayarlara git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['admin_lnk'] = 'Ayarlar';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['albums_title'] = 'Albüm ayarlar&#305;na git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['albums_lnk'] = 'Albümler';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['categories_title'] = 'Kategori ayarlar&#305;na git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['categories_lnk'] = 'Kategoriler';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['users_title'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; ayarlar&#305;na git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['users_lnk'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305;';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['groups_title'] = 'Grup ayarlar&#305;na git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['groups_lnk'] = 'Gruplar';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['comments_title'] = 'Düzenleme için tüm yorumlar&#305; göster';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['comments_lnk'] = 'Yorumlar&#305; düzenle';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['searchnew_title'] = 'Çoklu dosya eklemeyi aç';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['searchnew_lnk'] = 'Çoklu dosya ekleme';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['util_title'] = 'Admin seçeneklerine git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['util_lnk'] = 'Admin seçenekleri';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['key_title'] = 'Arama sözlü&#287;üne git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['key_lnk'] = 'Arama sözlü&#287;ü';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['ban_title'] = 'Banlama ayarlar&#305;na git';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['ban_lnk'] = 'Kullan&#305;c&#305; banla';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['db_ecard_title'] = '&#350;imdiye kadar gönderilen ekartlar&#305; göster';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['db_ecard_lnk'] = 'Ekartlar&#305; göster';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['pictures_title'] = 'Resimlerin albümlerdeki s&#305;ralamas&#305;n&#305; belirle';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['pictures_lnk'] = 'Resimlerimi s&#305;rala';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['documentation_lnk'] = 'Belgeleme';
$lang_gallery_admin_menu['documentation_title'] = 'Coppermine k&#305;lavuzu';
Grüsse & Selamlar

Joachim Müller

Thanks for your readiness to share what you have so far. All translations are welcome - no matter if they are only partial translations or full translations. It seems though as if the forum has chopped off part of your file; I'm having a hard time extracting your translation. Could you please attach your file (either put it into a zip archive or rename it from turkish.php to turkish.php.txt and then attach it) as suggested in
Quote from: http://documentation.coppermine-gallery.net/en/translation.htm#translation_step_by_step7. Post your language as a zipped attachment of the thread "[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.5.x".
You can post the attachment as a txt file or you can put it inside of a .zip archive, but please don't use other exotic archival formats such as .rar, .ace, etc.
Thanks in advance.



Gladly, find attached the zipped language.
Grüsse & Selamlar


Thanks for your contribution. I'll add the language file to the svn.


Added Turkish language file in r7476.

Joachim Müller

Thanks for the contribution. All potential takers of the remaining translation and all who are willing to use the partial translation should be aware that Sitki has used the German language files to translate from, so the untranslated strings will show through in German and not in English.

Joachim Müller

Those who are interessted in monitoring the progress of the Turkish langauge file: please don't use the file attached to this thread - intsead, always check out the most recent version from the subversion repository.


yönetim paneli ve site girişi türkçedir diğer bölümler için çalışmalrım devam edecek yakında yeni dil dosyasını ekleyeceğim


Please translate to English and post only in English language beyond the language specific boards. Thank you.


Turkish admin panel and site access is going to continue my work for other departments soon will add new language files


Joachim Müller

Thanks for your contribution. To me it seems (looking at your contribution and the existing partial translation by Sitki using a Diff Viewer) that your translation is at least partially built upon the existing file. As I don't speak Turkish I can't see the reason for your edits concerning the existing strings. Please supply translator's notes if you change an existing string that has already been translated by someone else.
It's a pity as well that you appear to have switched forth and back in your editor as far as encoding is concerned, that's why the German Umlauts that shine through at the bottom are broken. I had to manually edit a lot in your file - please use the one I have added to the SVN for further edits, revision 7521.
Please don't edit out other translator's credits, but add to them (that's what I did for you as well). Thanks again.
Merging your new thread with the existing thread where Sitiki announced his translation.


Sorry, but the translations are gaps and errors.

Only a few examples:
$lang_rate_pic['no_votes'] = 'değerlendirme yapılmamış sen yapmak isre misin :)';
correct translation: $lang_rate_pic['no_votes'] = '(Puanlama henüz yok)';

$lang_admin_php['upd_success'] = 'geçerli confirigasyonlar yüklendi';
correct translation: $lang_admin_php['upd_success'] = 'Coppermine ayarları güncellendi';

Grüsse & Selamlar

Joachim Müller

@Sitki: should I undo the commit?


Yes, as far as I can see that.
Grüsse & Selamlar

Joachim Müller

Rolled back to the version committed by Sitki - went into rev 7526


I just short-term result of this translation I made a deal.
Errors can occur, my knowledge of php is not good
I'm working on
I want this translation to assist users with
do better than that if you do go ahead

thanks a lot google translate :D:D ;D ;D :) :)

Joachim Müller

Google translate is not a viable tool to come up with a language file.


I am still a little come forward to 427th line.
Grüsse & Selamlar


Quote from: Joachim Müller on May 12, 2010, 03:33:12 PM
Google translate is not a viable tool to come up with a language file.


Certainly it isn't. But can save you a lot of effort - I estimate 60-70% is quite well translated to Spanish, and I'm using it for the very first step with help files. You must read the resulting translation and sometimes change the words order, sometimes some words, an in some cases the entire phrase. But so long it has saved me a lot of keystrokes.

Don't know about how it works for turkish...



Quote from: Sitki on May 13, 2010, 04:11:20 PM
I am still a little come forward to 427th line.
Committed in r7537.

Quote from: jmatute on May 13, 2010, 11:48:42 PM
Don't know about how it works for turkish...
It sucks for German. The words may be correct but the syntax is terrible.