CPMfetch for 1.5.6 - Page 5 CPMfetch for 1.5.6 - Page 5


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CPMfetch for 1.5.6

Started by lurkalot, June 08, 2010, 11:35:18 PM

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Thought this might be helpful to someone ... I'd been getting the following error message in my installation:
Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /pathtogallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php on line 573
I managed to make it go away by including this line
Quoteerror_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE);
Quote<?php include "../gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php";
on the first instance of cpmfetch on the page.


Current issues :(

Strict Standards: Declaration of cpm::debugPrint() should be compatible with cpm_dao::debugPrint() in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php on line 50

Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50633 Library:50552 in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_dao.php on line 1196

Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50633 Library:50552 in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/install.php on line 236

debug info:

CpmFetch Install Script version 2.0.0
Command install issued to script
SERVER HTTP_ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/
SERVER HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: gzip, deflate, sdch
SERVER HTTP_COOKIE: 6c766cc85b647a61e007c9ccec825642=5682cb1e213cd02836d9729933c
39b66; PHPSESSID=5db5ee5bc0da308490e9d28c1089ffe3; cpg15x_data=YTozOntzOjI6IklEI
SERVER HTTP_HOST: danica-patrick.co.uk
SERVER HTTP_REFERER: http://danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/install.php
SERVER HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/53
7.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.133 Safari/537.36
SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk
SERVER SERVER_NAME: danica-patrick.co.uk
SERVER SERVER_ADMIN: webmaster@danica-patrick.runningandstrength.com
SERVER REQUEST_URI: /gallery/cpmfetch/install.php?do=install&force=true
SERVER SCRIPT_FILENAME: /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/ins
SERVER QUERY_STRING: do=install&force=true
SERVER SCRIPT_URI: http://danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/install.php
SERVER SCRIPT_URL: /gallery/cpmfetch/install.php
SERVER SCRIPT_NAME: /gallery/cpmfetch/install.php
SERVER PHP_SELF: /gallery/cpmfetch/install.php
SERVER argv: Array
SERVER argc: 1
Found config file at ../include/config.inc.php
Found init file at ../include/init.inc.php
force set, skipping version checks
Opening config file at ../include/config.inc.php
Retrieving config from database
CONFIG: admin_activation: 0
CONFIG: albums_per_page: 12
CONFIG: album_list_cols: 1
CONFIG: album_sort_order: pa
CONFIG: album_uploads_default: NO
CONFIG: alb_desc_thumb: 1
CONFIG: alb_list_thumb_size: 50
CONFIG: allowed_doc_types: doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb
CONFIG: allowed_img_types: jpeg/jpg/png/gif
CONFIG: allowed_mov_types: asf/asx/mpg/mpeg/wmv/swf/avi/mov
CONFIG: allowed_snd_types: mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg
CONFIG: allow_duplicate_emails_addr: 0
CONFIG: allow_email_change: 0
CONFIG: allow_guests_enter_file_details: 0
CONFIG: allow_memberlist: 0
CONFIG: allow_private_albums: 1
CONFIG: allow_unlogged_access: 3
CONFIG: allow_user_account_delete: 0
CONFIG: allow_user_album_keyword: 0
CONFIG: allow_user_edit_after_cat_close: 0
CONFIG: allow_user_move_album: 0
CONFIG: allow_user_registration: 0
CONFIG: allow_user_upload_choice: 1
CONFIG: auto_resize: 1
CONFIG: batch_add_hide_existing_files: 0
CONFIG: batch_proc_limit: 2
CONFIG: bridge_enable: 0
CONFIG: browse_batch_add: 1
CONFIG: browse_by_date: 0
CONFIG: caption_in_thumbview: 1
CONFIG: categories_alpha_sort: 0
CONFIG: charset: utf-8
CONFIG: clickable_keyword_search: 1
CONFIG: comments_anon_pfx: Guest_
CONFIG: comments_per_page: 20
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CONFIG: comment_promote_registration: 0
CONFIG: comment_user_edit: 1
CONFIG: contact_form_guest_email_field: 2
CONFIG: contact_form_guest_enable: 0
CONFIG: contact_form_guest_name_field: 2
CONFIG: contact_form_registered_enable: 1
CONFIG: contact_form_sender_email: 1
CONFIG: contact_form_subject_content: Coppermine gallery contact form
CONFIG: contact_form_subject_field: 0
CONFIG: cookies_need_consent: 0
CONFIG: cookie_name: cpg15x
CONFIG: cookie_path: /
CONFIG: count_admin_hits: 0
CONFIG: count_album_hits: 1
CONFIG: count_file_hits: 1
CONFIG: custom_footer_path:
CONFIG: custom_header_path:
CONFIG: custom_lnk_name:
CONFIG: custom_lnk_url:
CONFIG: custom_sortorder_thumbs: 1
CONFIG: debug_mode: 0
CONFIG: debug_notice: 0
CONFIG: default_dir_mode: 0755
CONFIG: default_file_mode: 0644
CONFIG: default_sort_order: na
CONFIG: disable_comment_flood_protect: 0
CONFIG: display_comment_approval_only: 0
CONFIG: display_comment_count: 0
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CONFIG: display_thumbnail_rating: 0
CONFIG: display_thumbs_batch_add: 1
CONFIG: display_uploader: 0
CONFIG: display_xp_publish_link: 0
CONFIG: ecards_more_pic_target: http://www.danicapatrick.uk/gallery/
CONFIG: ecard_flash: 0
CONFIG: editpics_ignore_newer_than: 0
CONFIG: email_comment_notification: 0
CONFIG: enable_encrypted_alb_passwords: 1
CONFIG: enable_encrypted_passwords: 1
CONFIG: enable_help: 1
CONFIG: enable_menu_icons: 2
CONFIG: enable_plugins: 1
CONFIG: enable_smilies: 1
CONFIG: enable_thumb_watermark: 1
CONFIG: enable_unsharp: 0
CONFIG: enable_watermark: 0
CONFIG: enable_zipdownload: 0
CONFIG: filter_bad_words: 0
CONFIG: first_level: 0
CONFIG: forbiden_fname_char: $/\\:*?"'<>|` &#@
CONFIG: form_token_lifetime: 900
CONFIG: fullpath: albums/
CONFIG: fullsize_padding_x: 5
CONFIG: fullsize_padding_y: 3
CONFIG: gallery_admin_email: debrag@danicapatrick.uk
CONFIG: gallery_description: Welcome to the Danica Patrick UK gallery where you
will find photos from various projects Danica has done.
CONFIG: gallery_name: Gallery
CONFIG: global_registration_pw:
CONFIG: guest_token_cleanup: 1433454599
CONFIG: hit_details: 0
CONFIG: home_target: index.php
CONFIG: impath:
CONFIG: im_options: -antialias
CONFIG: jpeg_qual: 80
CONFIG: keep_votes_time: 30
CONFIG: keyword_separator: ;
CONFIG: lang: english
CONFIG: language_autodetect: 1
CONFIG: link_last_upload: 0
CONFIG: link_pic_count: 1
CONFIG: login_expiry: 10
CONFIG: login_method: username
CONFIG: login_threshold: 5
CONFIG: log_ecards: 0
CONFIG: log_mode: 0
CONFIG: main_page_layout: breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2
CONFIG: main_table_width: 85%
CONFIG: make_intermediate: 1
CONFIG: max_com_lines: 10
CONFIG: max_com_size: 512
CONFIG: max_com_wlength: 38
CONFIG: max_film_strip_items: 5
CONFIG: max_img_desc_length: 512
CONFIG: max_tabs: 12
CONFIG: max_upl_size: 1024
CONFIG: max_upl_width_height: 2048
CONFIG: media_autostart: 1
CONFIG: min_votes_for_rating: 1
CONFIG: normal_pfx: normal_
CONFIG: offline: 0
CONFIG: old_style_rating: 0
CONFIG: only_empty_albums: 0
CONFIG: orig_pfx: orig_
CONFIG: performance_page_generation_time: 0
CONFIG: performance_page_query_count: 0
CONFIG: performance_page_query_time: 0
CONFIG: performance_timestamp: 0
CONFIG: personal_album_on_registration: 0
CONFIG: picinfo_movie_download_link: 1
CONFIG: picture_table_width: 100%
CONFIG: picture_use: thumb
CONFIG: picture_width: 400
CONFIG: purge_expired_bans: 1
CONFIG: rate_own_files: 0
CONFIG: rating_stars_amount: 5
CONFIG: read_exif_data: 0
CONFIG: read_iptc_data: 0
CONFIG: reduce_watermark: 0
CONFIG: registration_captcha: 0
CONFIG: reg_notify_admin_email: 0
CONFIG: reg_requires_valid_email: 1
CONFIG: report_post: 0
CONFIG: session_cleanup: 1493027867
CONFIG: show_bbcode_help: 1
CONFIG: show_private: 0
CONFIG: show_which_exif: |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|
CONFIG: silly_safe_mode: 0
CONFIG: site_token: b5bec738cb93c9dfd710db0f0ee8169c
CONFIG: slideshow_hits: 1
CONFIG: slideshow_interval: 5000
CONFIG: smtp_host:
CONFIG: smtp_password:
CONFIG: smtp_username:
CONFIG: subcat_level: 1
CONFIG: tabs_dropdown: 1
CONFIG: theme: water_drop
CONFIG: thumbcols: 4
CONFIG: thumbnail_to_fullsize: 0
CONFIG: thumbrows: 3
CONFIG: thumb_height: 100
CONFIG: thumb_method: im
CONFIG: thumb_pfx: thumb_
CONFIG: thumb_use: ex
CONFIG: thumb_width: 100
CONFIG: time_offset: 0
CONFIG: transparent_overlay: 0
CONFIG: unsharp_amount: 120
CONFIG: unsharp_radius: 0.5
CONFIG: unsharp_threshold: 3
CONFIG: upload_create_album_directory: 0
CONFIG: upload_mechanism: swfupload
CONFIG: upl_notify_admin_email: 0
CONFIG: userpics: userpics/
CONFIG: users_can_edit_pics: 0
CONFIG: user_field1_name:
CONFIG: user_field2_name:
CONFIG: user_field3_name:
CONFIG: user_field4_name:
CONFIG: user_manager_hide_file_stats: 0
CONFIG: user_profile1_name: Location
CONFIG: user_profile2_name: Interests
CONFIG: user_profile3_name: Website
CONFIG: user_profile4_name: Occupation
CONFIG: user_profile5_name:
CONFIG: user_profile6_name: Biography
CONFIG: user_registration_disclaimer: 1
CONFIG: views_in_thumbview: 1
CONFIG: vote_details: 0
CONFIG: watermark_file: images/watermark.png
CONFIG: watermark_transparency: 40
CONFIG: watermark_transparency_featherx: 0
CONFIG: watermark_transparency_feathery: 0
CONFIG: where_put_watermark: southeast
CONFIG: which_files_to_watermark: both
BRIDGE: cookie_prefix:
BRIDGE: full_forum_url:
BRIDGE: recovery_logon_failures: 0
BRIDGE: recovery_logon_timestamp:
BRIDGE: relative_path_to_config_file:
BRIDGE: short_name:
BRIDGE: use_post_based_groups:
Closed database connection
Opening init file at ../include/init.inc.php
Reading init file at ../include/init.inc.php
InitFile: CPG Version 1.5.40
Closing init file
* * Generating Dynamic Defaults * *
* * Assigning bridged settings * *
Bridge_enable: 0
Bridging is not enabled in CPG
Opening cpmfetch config file: cpmfetch_config.php
Writing cpmfetch config file cpmfetch_config.php
Completed writing config file
Producing output screen and exiting


What version of coppermine are you trying to install this too? What is your PHP version? We require a bit more information.

Also please be aware that Vuud, who developed this plugin, has not visited this site in quite some time.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on April 26, 2017, 11:53:31 AM
What version of coppermine are you trying to install this too? What is your PHP version? We require a bit more information.

Also please be aware that Vuud, who developed this plugin, has not visited this site in quite some time.

I have coppermine version 1.5.46 and php version 5.4.45


It seems your problems are currently more than just an issue with cpmfetch. I suggest you start a thread in the support section to get your gallery working first - http://danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Great my gallery was working a short while a go. Will have to try to fix that now! - Fixed!!!

Quote from: debraguk on April 26, 2017, 02:26:56 PM
I have coppermine version 1.5.46 and php version 5.4.45

I can use php versions 5.5, 5.6, 7.0

I get the following errors when using any of these versions

Strict Standards: Declaration of cpm::debugPrint() should be compatible with cpm_dao::debugPrint() in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php on line 50

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_dao.php on line 1277

Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50634 Library:50552 in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_dao.php on line 1277

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php on line 419

If I use cmpfetch version 2.0 install.php doesn't load


images are showing on my main home page but along with the following error:

Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50633 Library:50552 in /home/runninga/danica-patrick.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/wp-cpg-widget/cpg_database.php on line 158

Is it basically saying that cmpfetch is working and it's a server issue now?


right I appear to still be getting errors :(

On my home page the wordpress app appears fine but when using the code in a php widget it get broken images :(

How do I add space/border between images? is that in the php code or an added style sheet.


Please start a new thread for your specific problems as these do not appear to be related to this plugin.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Recently moved host for all my sites, and have using cpmfetch 2.0 0 from the first post in this topic since it was posted.  Now using a Higher php version I've noticed my error log filling up  I think anything running php 5.4 and up will now run into problems with this cpmfetch add on because of deprecated code.  Here's the error generated on every page load,

8192: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead
File: /home/cxxxxxxx/public_html/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_dao.php
Line: 1196

I'm assuming version 2.1.1 will have the same problem.
Running SMF 2.1.4  / Tinyportal 3.0.1, bridged with Coppermine 1.6.25, plus cpmfetch 2.0.0


It will, we need to change calls to mysqli instead.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


If there is evidence that it is in use a lot out there, I would be willing to take on updating it for PHP 7 (as well as CPG 1.6).


Quote from: ron4mac on May 29, 2017, 07:08:57 PM
If there is evidence that it is in use a lot out there, I would be willing to take on updating it for PHP 7 (as well as CPG 1.6).
I believe it is still in active use... I know I use it a lot.

It isn't a standard plugin - and really can't be (as far as I can tell) as its intent is to be called from outside CPG (from same or different website/subdomain) to display CPG pictures... The author (not me) intentionally used his own db access methods and doesn't rely on any CPG functions being present.  It uses the CPG database but beyond that is standalone code.  Because of that it is likely '1.6 compatible' - and would be PHP 7 compatible if changed from mysql to mysqli calls.

If you are going to tackle this - start with version 2.1.1 in first thread. It fixed some issues with 'off site access'. If not it is on my list to get to when I find some time...

Quote from: lurkalot on May 29, 2017, 10:00:33 AM
Recently moved host for all my sites, and have using cpmfetch 2.0 0 from the first post in this topic since it was posted.  Now using a Higher php version I've noticed my error log filling up  I think anything running php 5.4 and up will now run into problems with this cpmfetch add on because of deprecated code.  Here's the error generated on every page load,

8192: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead
File: /home/cxxxxxxx/public_html/gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_dao.php
Line: 1196

I'm assuming version 2.1.1 will have the same problem.
Lurkalot - changing your error reporting to no notices should stop the logs from filling... Anytime there is a deprecated function you will start to get these.  I'd expect the same from CPG 1.5 - as it uses mysql calls as well.  (Maybe CPMFETCH is changing the error reporting?  I'd have to look closer...)
My Coppermine Gallery
Need a web hosting account? See my gallery for an offer for CPG Forum users.
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Cpmfetch is well used by many. Sadly, the author, Vuud, had little time on his hands.

It was written a long time ago, for CPG1.3 iirc. It has its own forum and at one time there were extensions using it in Joomlart, Wordpress, Drupal, PHPbb and more. With minor changes it has worked with all versions since. Vuud planned and started a complete re-write, starting from scratch but it never got finished. He felt the code was a long way from where he wanted it, and wanted to do things with newer methods.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Okay .. I'll dedicate some time in the very near future to update it to modern PHP/CPG.


Quote from: ron4mac on May 30, 2017, 12:41:01 AM
Okay .. I'll dedicate some time in the very near future to update it to modern PHP/CPG.

Find updated version (2.2) above in original post.


Quote from: ron4mac on May 31, 2017, 12:54:41 AM
Find updated version (2.2) above in original post.

Ron, that was quick, thank you so much for doing this.  Just added it on my test site and it works perfectly, no more errors. I'm not running php 7 yet, but the depreciated errors I was getting with php 5.6.30 have gone. I'll add it to my main site tomorrow.  8)

Edit:  Just noticed with this version, the number of views and the title's are missing from the thumbs. and clicking on a thumbnail  takes me to the album instead of the image.
Running SMF 2.1.4  / Tinyportal 3.0.1, bridged with Coppermine 1.6.25, plus cpmfetch 2.0.0


Quote from: lurkalot on May 31, 2017, 01:31:36 AM
Just noticed with this version, the number of views and the title's are missing from the thumbs. and clicking on a thumbnail  takes me to the album instead of the image.
I did nothing to change how it functions. Perhaps there were differences in function between 2.0.0 and 2.1.1?


Change log for 2.1.1 (also in first post) shows:
Quote2007-04-17 22:31  wbchmura

   * .: Added in support for linking to albums, categories, image
     sizes. Also added in css_id template options
Would have to look - but I'm sure he maintained the ability to use as you were...

The major change in 2.1.1 was to cfimageget - which plain didn't work in 2.1.0.
My Coppermine Gallery
Need a web hosting account? See my gallery for an offer for CPG Forum users.
Send me money


Thanks.  Not sure if I needed to change my code for 2.1.1  I assumed it would work the same way as the stable release but with added features. Or maybe that's why I stuck with 2.0.0 because it worked as I liked, I can't remember.

When I installed the fixed version last night the images were on my page, and depreciated errors gone so thought it was all good until I clicked on one of the images.  Hits are not displaying, Neither are the titles, and it goes to album rather than image page.

Code I'm using at the moment is,

echo '<div id="cpmfetch">';chdir("../gallery/cpmfetch/");include "cpmfetch.php";
$objCpm = new cpm();$options = array("subtitle" => "<center>{{pTitle}} <br>{{pHits}} Views  </center>");
echo '<br><a href="http://cctestsite.info/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=0?action=gallery"><u><b>View more latest images</b></u></a>';
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])

if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
$thecat = 10000 + $context['user']['id'];
echo '  * <a href="http://cctestsite.info/gallery/index.php?cat='. $thecat .'" alt="My Gallery"><u><b>My Gallery</b></u></a>';
echo '</div>';
Running SMF 2.1.4  / Tinyportal 3.0.1, bridged with Coppermine 1.6.25, plus cpmfetch 2.0.0