Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x

Started by Fast Lane, July 21, 2010, 09:40:54 AM

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Fast Lane

This should work.  Let me know if it does not.

Thanks again to Coppermine for all the hard work.  My small contribution!

If you have set a custom cookie prefix in your Invision board, please see the bridge file header for special instructions.


Thanks for your contribution.

Quote from: Fast Lane on July 21, 2010, 09:40:54 AM
  Note: If you have a custom cookie you will need to revise the following
      items on lines 146-148. edit: $_COOKIE['member_id'] and $_COOKIE['pass_hash']. 
      Example, if you have a cookie prefix of "mysite_" then revise as follows...
      $_COOKIE['mysite_member_id'] and $_COOKIE['mysite_pass_hash']
I'm unfamiliar with bridging. But can't this be auto-detected?

Fast Lane

Probably if I parse the ipb database I can.  For the majority of people it will already be plug and play (only if you added a cookie prefix will you need to make those edits).  I wanted to get something working to everyone asap :P.


What should we have the gallery and forums cookie settings set to?

Thanks for the help!

Fast Lane

If you set a cookie prefix in the ipb control panel (   1.  Tools & Settings  >    2. System Settings > Cookie Prefix) then you need to make the update above.  If not then no edits are needed :).

Can anyone confirm if this is working for them?


Hopefully someone will. I do not have IPB so cannot test it.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I have not been able to get it to work, but appears to be a cookie issuse

i have nothing set in the cookies setting under IPB (default)

in Coppermine i have a cookie name of cpg15x and path to /

Do i need to change the name of the Coppermine cookie name?

Fast Lane

I will upgrade my gallery and note back my status.  I think it should work and I will note any config issues / changes for the group.


Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on July 22, 2010, 12:30:12 AM
Hopefully someone will. I do not have IPB so cannot test it.
Same here. That's why I haven't the bridge file to the svn yet.

Fast Lane

ok.  I installed 1.5.6 and fixed the bridge.  It works for me great :).

see attached and enjoy!!

Fast Lane

please use this the latest attached file.  I cleaned up a few things to make it generic.

Fast Lane

Attn mods/admin.  Can you please remove all previous attachments (except my last one which works and is the final copy).  Thanks! :)


I attached your latest contribution to the first post and deleted the rest.

Fast Lane

Fast Lane

actually can you delete the note and just say "see the bridge file header if you have a cookie prefix for special instructions".


Changed initial post in a similar way as suggested.


It shows im logged in now !!!

but i can't upload or access the admin panel, ive tried setting my main group to Root Admin and Administrator, neither seem to fix it.

Is there a place I need to devine the Admin group and the Members group ID?

(tried with Use Bridge App groups as NO, still no user or admin menu)

Fast Lane

You probably need to run the bridge manager directly.

http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.  Use this to run the setup. 

Also make sure in the ipb conf_global.php the admin group is set right (root of your forums for the file).  Also make sure you adjust all the settings correct for permissions.  I found that upon the upgrade all the permissions were wacked (even the admin/members could not upload).  You may need to fix that yourself.

Good luck!


You are the man, that was it. The numbers got changed in conf_global.php

I thank you from the bottom of my heart, this almost drove me to a inferiour gallery product.

Thank you again! I hope it works for others.


Quote from: Fast Lane on July 23, 2010, 02:31:04 AM
You probably need to run the bridge manager directly.

http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.  Use this to run the setup. 

Also make sure in the ipb conf_global.php the admin group is set right (root of your forums for the file).  Also make sure you adjust all the settings correct for permissions.  I found that upon the upgrade all the permissions were wacked (even the admin/members could not upload).  You may need to fix that yourself.

Good luck!

Hello :)
I'm glad that it worked out for you WYoLars, and thnx for the bridge and suggestions Fast Lane....but still I have the same problem...I'm logged in and nothing works

i did as you suggested, but nothing happened :(
1. i ran bridgemanger script (  is that right?
2. I checked ipb cong_global.php and nothing changed, it's the same.
3. I adjusted the permissions

after all that, nothing really worked....i'm logged in but neither the admin links are there nor "upload file"....can anyone help please?  :'(