File upload limits -picture upload limits 1024k max? File upload limits -picture upload limits 1024k max?


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File upload limits -picture upload limits 1024k max?

Started by hoser, August 18, 2010, 04:39:13 PM

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Where do I adjust the upload limit for users?

Try to upload pictures and get a error 1024k limit.

Looked all through the admin section.

Searched the user guide cant find it

Searched this site cant find it must be searching for the wrong terms.

Is their a reason modification that makes uploading pictures like using PHPBB message board, users DONT use the album because they cant figure out how to upload pictures if it was made to look and work like PHPBB then it would be self explanatory.

Is their a tutorial already written that they can use to learn how to use Coppermine?

In the past I have done some batch uploading for the guys but my Coppermine pretty much goes unused because most cant figure it out, a bunch has signed up but thats as far as they go, they sign up for PHPBB3 and maybe 1 in 500 new users will ask how to attach a picture to a post.

Thanks in advance.


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on August 18, 2010, 06:29:28 PM

ok I have that setting set to 1924.

When I try to upload pictures I get the following error

QuoteDisk quota exceeded.<br />&nbsp;<br />You have a space quota of 1024K, your files currently use 877K, adding this file would make you exceed your quota.

Since it says 1024 is the quota I have to assume the setting I am looking for is someplace else.

How about answers to my other questions or do I need to ask each question in a separate post?

Never got a email notification of a reply to this post.

Thanks again


The quota is set on the groups page. Other questions go in other threads please.


Quote from: Nibbler on August 18, 2010, 08:25:01 PM
The quota is set on the groups page. Other questions go in other threads please.

I have no idea what this means can you give me directions where to go what to look for?

If I am logged in as administrator I dont get this error and can upload files.


I went to log out as a user so I could log in as a admin and I get this error

A valid form token could not be found.


Never mind I have decided since their is no support (not finding what I need in the manual) and none of my users can figure out how to actually use it, no tutorials on how to use it I am just going to delete it off my server and try another photo album.

You can delete my account and all my post you guys have fun with "tech support"


It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
