Date in Exif import Date in Exif import


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Date in Exif import

Started by hjens, August 19, 2010, 07:20:07 PM

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I want to have the date of saving the image file displayed in file infomation. In standard setup the Exif data for DateTimeOriginal and DateTimedigitized are the same for my Nikon cameras, so I change the "DateTimeOriginal" to only "DateTime" in the $exif_info string in the /include/ file.

$exifParsed = array();
    //String containing all the available exif tags.
$exif_info = "AFFocusPosition|Adapter|ColorMode|ColorSpace|ComponentsConfiguration|CompressedBitsPerPixel|Contrast|CustomerRender|DateTime|DateTimedigitized|DigitalZoom|DigitalZoomRatio|ExifImageHeight|ExifImageWidth|ExifInteroperabilityOffset|ExifOffset|ExifVersion|ExposureBiasValue|ExposureMode|ExposureProgram|ExposureTime|FNumber|FileSource|Flash|FlashPixVersion|FlashSetting|FocalLength|FocusMode|GainControl|IFD1Offset|ISOSelection|ISOSetting|ISOSpeedRatings|ImageAdjustment|ImageDescription|ImageSharpening|LightSource|Make|ManualFocusDistance|MaxApertureValue|MeteringMode|Model|NoiseReduction|Orientation|Quality|ResolutionUnit|Saturation|SceneCaptureMode|SceneType|Sharpness|Software|WhiteBalance|YCbCrPositioning|xResolution|yResolution";

It work for me - take a look at:

I know it is not advisable to change in the system files, and I should copy the content over to my theme files, so a update does not overwrite the changes made. But please advise me how?
I have tried copying some of the content with no good result  :-\ (Maybe due to my lake of php-knowledges!)



Quote from: papukaija on August 20, 2010, 06:50:10 PM
Did you read about creating custom themes?

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, as you may have seen have I made some changes to the curve theme at my web. but I don't want to build a "new" custom theme. I just want to add the above changes of read Exif-info.

My quieten is what to copy to my theme, I understood in to the theme.php in my hmj-curve folder, right?

I have tried to follow some treads in the 1.4 forum on the exif issue, but didn't work, maybe due to changes in the 1.5 version and curve-theme too. Please advise which sections to copy into my own curve-theme files?



You cannot copy content of include/ to your theme.php file. So you have modify that file directly, as you already did.


Thanks for clarify this Αndré!