cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 12 cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 12


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cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart

Started by Stramm, October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM

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Hi Stramm

RE: Fatal error: Class 'cpgTool' not found in /home/glzwxkxf/public_html/mediaza/plugins/cpgshop/codebase.php on line 251

I have done some testing, and, as you suggested changed the ORDER of installing the plugins and that seems to have solved the problem.

I uninstalled both Custom Thumbnail Plugin and cpgShop AFTER backing up my database and all php files

Next I reinstalled cpgShop first and added one half of my items to the shop but left another half NOT added so as to test with and without cpgShop

Next I reinstalled Custom Thumbnail Plugin V1.7 (same as before) and tested it on included cpgShop items and NON cpgShop items and everything worked as it should - no errors - no problems.

So we can call this little problem solved although I can't seem to find a "Solved" button anywhere  ??? (Firefox V9.0.1)


Thanks for coming back and solvin your issue ;)
and solved buttons do exist only for entire threads. So your last answer should be enough.


Hi Stramm

Well ok its the end of the weekend  and so back to work again...

Working my way through spgShop I now encounter the probelem of ubication... I cannot progress because the script wants my country... this should be available as irrelevant because I am offering downloads, but I cannot progress through the script because it is telling me that my country is not acceptable...

I have tried deleting the account - does not work - no option to delete account

I have tried changing my country - not saved - changes are not saved

I have tried adding all countries - does not work - script still says my country is not accepted

Edit Details - Does not work - cannot change my supposed country

Any ideas about this?


Errm PS: if my email is visible please send me your costs for full version - if my email is not visible please tell me how to find out more  :)


Have you disabled the country as mandatory field (lang file)? Then add all countries to allowed countries in the shop's config. If that doesn't work please ask me again and I'll have to check the code/ your site.


Hi Stramm,

Sorry about late reply, it was a tough week after having my laptop stolen, followed by flu (stress and sleepless nights) and then having my German Shepherd disappear (not good, he is too aggressive - more stress and more sleepless nights).

Well, finally recovered from the flu, my German Shepherd came back healthy (so far no complaints from anyone) but my laptop is sadly gone forever.

Anyway, down to work again - Yes I made the changes in the language files as per your documentation, however the country field still appears as "necessary" - whether I add all countries or not does not seem to make any difference, even so I do not want this option included anyway since I am only dealing with digital downloads and "country" would be irrelevant anyway. Perhaps I can ask is it possible for me to remove all php code references to Street, Address, Town, City, Country and Zip codes since it is really only the email that PayPal is interested and certainly in my own PayPal purchases that is all I have ever needed to enter.

Meanwhile, I have gone back to starting at the very top of the shop process:

This is the method that seems to offer me the best scenario, perhaps you can help steer me in the right direction (I appreciate your time on this and other projects that you have, so I am looking more for some simple advice rather than coding examples)

First I have Coppermine set so that all casual non-registered visitors can see all images (except full size originals) and listen to all music but they cannot download full size originals or music tracks, however there will be random freebies available. This setup is mostly accomplished using standard Coppermine "Congifuration" options.

The next level of access to the media would be the CPGShop level. At this moment I have decided that I like this following method:

A Paid Registered Account - Users simply buy a membership and can see and download all full size images and music for a given time period or for a predetermined number of downloads. In this example therefore, add to cart/and cart options are not really necessary. To accomplish this a user who registers is sent to Paypal - to complete the registration process a PayPal payment must be made, and once payment is recieved this user becomes "registered" and as such gains access to all full size originals and download links. Once again, the Coppermine "Configuration" options are enough to manage media access control but it appears that this would not be monitored by cpgShop (number of downloads/download time limits etc. which would need to be implemented in another manner since selected items are not being added to a cart)

My question on this point is would I really need cpgShop at all, or is it better to continue with cpgShop for it's PayPal options (this is not intended as an attempt to bypass cpgShop, rather the contrary, cpgShop has many useful features worth retaining, however I guess I would need to strip out/hide lots of code and add further modifications). Any ideas?

Best Wishes


Paid Membership Periods

Continuing the above post I have come up with this process in laymans terms which I would like to implement:

A user decides to create a paid membership and clicks on the standard CPG "Register" button (renamed to something more apt perhaps)

There may be more than one Membership type available based on "Time" - User selects Membership "Type"

They are then presented with the cpgShop Register form

Upon correctly filling in the form and clicking on the "Pay Now" button their currently (correct) entered details are sent to the CPG and / or cpgShop database but marked as "Inactive" along with a current date stamp. (this is done just in case they don't complete the payment process which could be for any number of reasons  apart from lack of funds such as having to attend the bathroom, power failures, BSOD's etc - also it would mean there is no need for them to re-enter their registration data in the future)
(INSERT into USERS "name,email=$email,status=inactive,time=$getcurrenttime,membershiplan=0,paymentamount=0");

Upon receipt of a valid PayPal payment the users database entry is updated to "Active" and a new time stamp created - the time is required for Memberships that are for pre-selected memberships, such as daily, weekly, etc. but may only be "one time"
(UPDATE USERS where ' email=$email,status=active,time=$getcurrenttime, membershiplan=$membershiplan,paymentamount=$paymentamount');

As a now active member, the user has full access to CPG gallery according to the User Group Policies selected in Coppermine's standard Configuration Options.

When a pre-selected membership time expires their database details are not deleted but reset to "Inactive" providing the possibility of purchasing further memberships in the future.

Now comes the difficult part....

To make this process more automated I suspect CronJobs would need to be used - I am not sure too clearly if PayPal sends a "time up" marker that can be used to reset the database to "Inactive".

An hourly CronJob would simply read through the database, and taking each payment plan currently active it would calculate time remaining (might be useful to echo this to the users screen) or whether or not a members allocated membership period has been completed, thus resetting his / her account to inactive, deleting any relevant cookies and forcing a "LogOff" so that the user is now just like any other guest and cannot continue downloading media (unfortunately this does not take into account those persons that have previously lined up huge amounts of downloads that are currently "In Process")

The only other things to take into account in the above sketch are that Download Buttons/Options are only visible to registered users and not to guests.

I understand that cpgShop is not really designed this way, however I can see a way of modifying it to make it work this way.

Any ideas/opinions anyone?


Possible, if you want to modify it. A few things are redundant, some are lil bit complex. You create a subscriber/ member table. Here you sava all the info for reference. Once PayPal IPN messages a successful payment you start a script that enables the user (user table) and modifies the subscriber / member table.   

Cron is not necessary. You can move that to the init process (2 if clauses).


Quote from: Stramm on February 15, 2011, 07:46:54 AM
What you describe are the two additional modules.
The enhancement for the payment process is, that PayPal IPN has been added (connects to PayPal, verifies if a payment has been made, if yes, some action is taken, eg. preparing the download, emailing the customer).
The download module creates a htpasswd protected download folder for the customer. You can specify different pic sizes the customers can purchease. It gets resized and copied into the download folder.

Hi Stramm

Please PM me. i am interested in the full version.
I will donate for your efforts



Anyone know how i can get hold of Stramm?


I cant reply through Coppermine.can you please e-mail me through my personal address? hein@visionsofnature.co.za



Hi Stramm,
Very good job! i'm interested to have the both additional modules.



Quote from: Stramm on October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM
cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart.

....The plugin in its basic version doesn't come with PayPal IPN nor with digital image download support.
For a donation I'll send you the full version. Just leave a message here and I will contact you using the forums private messaging system.

I am interested in the full version, can you please pm me the details?



Entschuldigt bitte, wenn ich hier deutsch schreibe.
Könntest du mich bitte kontaktieren wegen einer Vollversion.
Das Plugin ist super. Die alte Version war schon klasse und jahrelang bei mir im Einsatz.
Das Einzige was mich stört, ist dass der Kunde zwei Mal seine Anschrift eingeben muss.
Einmal beim Registrieren und ein Mal als Rechnungsanschrift.
Kann man das ändern?
Vielleicht habe ich ja etwas falsch gemacht?

Dieter M.

Hallo Stramm,

könntest Du mich bitte kontaktieren wegen Details zur Vollversion.



Hello Stramm, or anyone else that might be able to help me.

I have installed the CPGshop and it is all working as I would like it to work.
There is however something I would like to change; If someone chooses to pay by wire transfer and has passed step 4, in the conformation window, everything is in English, while it should be in Dutch. I can`t find out where and how to change the language, because it`s not in the language file. I did find the corresponding text in the install.sql file, but changing that doesn`t help. So where do I change this?

The second thing is that I would also like the confirmation email to be in Dutch, and now it`s in English as well. Where can I change that?

Thanks in advance!



Hava a look at the shop admin -> documents


 :-[ Sorry, I looked everywhere, but there. Thank you so much!


Nice work Stramm!

1. Its not possible to fill the cpgShop user fields (Title, Country, Address etc) from admin/users/add new user or admin/users/edit user profile? Only from Registration (new user)? I want to "register" my own users to give access... I don't want the CPG option "register new user" on.
2. How can i set a field (Title, Country etc) as NON mandatory?
3. What about donation for full version?

Thank you


1. There was a change in register.php regarding the plugin system. To make the shop work again as expected register.php needs to be modified.
CPGPluginAPI::action('register_form_submit', $user_array);
and change to
CPGPluginAPI::filter('register_form_submit', $user_array);

Please read http://stramm.bplaced.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cpgshop#editing_required_profile_fields