Upload Error: 406 Upload Error: 406


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Upload Error: 406

Started by kittykat8103, January 20, 2012, 12:31:59 AM

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I am using Coppermine version 1.5.18, and all of a sudden I'm getting the error "Upload Error: 406" when I try to upload pictures. I have multiple galleries and they are all doing the same thing. I did what the docs said and set up a test user account, created the test album, etc. I tested it myself with that account with the simple uploader and pictures upload fine with it. It's the flash-driven uploader that's doing it, so that's the one I have set in the config if you'd like to test it. (Debug is also on)


Username: test
Password: test


Quote from: kittykat8103 on January 20, 2012, 12:31:59 AM
Upload Error: 406

Quote from: kittykat8103 on January 20, 2012, 12:31:59 AM
I have multiple galleries and they are all doing the same thing
I guess they're all hosted on the same server or at the same provider?

Unfortunately we cannot fix that issue for you, as that error message isn't created by Coppermine. Please contact your hosting provider to have a look at the Apache configuration or try to Google for a HTTP status code 406 fix. Maybe you can fix it yourself by adding some code to the .htaccess file, e.g. I found a (German) thread where a user reported that the following code works for him:
Quote from: http://de.piwigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=894
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off


Yeah they are all on the same server.

I've actually been talking with them about the issue too, because they had recently switched me to a different server. They had changed security settings and it seemed to have fixed the 406 error and pictures are uploading. But that's not the only problem now. Now all of my sites (they are all on same server) go down on me (get page can not be displayed). And this happens every few minutes when I try to do something. Whether it's adding categories, moving an album, or just clicking links. They are having problems trying to figure it out themselves because the galleries are manually installed and weren't installed through Fantastico (which at the time I couldn't install through there cause I had nothing in that on old server anyways, including coppermine).

Do you know of anything that could be causing that? Should I still have them check the Apache config? They said if you can give me anything for them check on server side they will.


Increasing the PHP memory limit and/or the PHP maximum execution time may solve that issue.


Ok, I'll bring that up to them. Thank you.

Also, I do have a gallery that is still version 1.5.16, so I went and messed around on that one, doing the same things and it wasn't causing my sites to go down. The ones that are 1.5.18 are. Is there something different between the two.


Of course there are differences between those versions. You can find them e.g. in the changelog or the announcement thread, but they shouldn't affect the performance.

What exactly happens? Do you get a blank page or an error message? Is the error reproducible (i.e. does it happen every time when you try to complete a certain task)?


I know there's differences, I meant differences that could cause it, sorry, lol.

I don't get anything at all when it happens. Like for example... earlier I added two categories, went to add a third one, and then my sites went down. When it happens it's not just the gallery, it's every piece of every site I have. They go to "Page can not be displayed". And I believe they only go unaccessable to me. It of course has got to do with something with the server, atleast that's what it looks like. But with it only happening with the 1.5.18 versions, there must be something with them and my server that isn't sitting well with each other.


Sorry to double post, but I just wanted to let you know that they increased the PHP memory limit and the PHP maximum execution time, and it worked a little while longer but then went down again. I waited til they were back up and then tried again, but then that time it went down just after 2 minutes of messing around on it.

Once it was up again I started working on both galleries again (the 1.5.18's). At that time they were not crashing on me, but one gallery I was getting the Upload 406 error again, while the other gallery was uploading just fine. After a bit it crashed on me again, lol. I tried the suggestion you gave earlier with the .htaccess file for the upload problem and it didn't work for me.

I know 1.5.18 is a mandatory upgrade, but could I revert back to 1.5.16 for now? Then I can also see if it stops doing that. Maybe 1.5.18 just isn't cooperating with my server.


I still don't know what exactly happens. Please post a screenshot of what exactly happens, when "nothing" happens.

Additionally it makes no sense that it works for some time and then, suddenly, it stops to work. Maybe your hosting provider has set some CPU limit per time or the server exceeds its resources.

I just tried to force what you described by refreshing your gallery continuously and I think I got what you described. My Firefox tells me
QuoteThe connection has timed out

The server at colin-egglesfield.net is taking too long to respond.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

So it seems that there's either set a limit to use just x CPU time in y minutes or the web server crashed completely. That's nothing we can fix, but maybe we can verify that it also happens in other of your galleries (even the cpg1.5.16 ones), if you post links to the other galleries.


Oh, when it crashes and goes down on me I just get the "Internet Explorer cannot display webpage", like when your internet connection goes down. But it obviously wasn't my connection because it was just my sites I couldn't access.

I started getting the 406 error again on the Colin one. They finally found it in the error log and they disabled the mod security. I no longer get the 406 error, so that issue has been solved. I'm going to continue to mess with the galleries to see if they continue to go down on me. Hopefully that had solved that issue too.

Yeah, it really doesn't make any sense, lol. I was even trying to google the issue and wasn't really getting anywhere with it. If it continues to go down I'll bring up those suggestions to them that you gave.

Here's the link to the one that is 1.5.16 if you still want to try that out: http://www.ambyr-childers.com/gallery

I know this isn't just a Coppermine issue, it's server based, and I appreciate you helping us out with it.


Wait, actually I don't know if that one is even 1.5.16. I don't remember if I had upgraded it. But I hadn't had any problems with that one. I'll have to get that upgraded soon.