Some Plugin Disappear... Some Plugin Disappear...


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Some Plugin Disappear...

Started by mr.bena, March 14, 2012, 09:15:23 PM

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Hi.. I notice recently that some of the plugin disappear form the plugin manager page. They are still there on the server. Previously they were display on the plugin manager. Now, even if I upload another new plugins (uploaded correctly following the full instructions) , the plugin manager will not show anymore of new plugins uploaded. The old ones are still display correctly..

I could not enjoy the advantage of new plugins anymore.. :-[. Please help...



Please post a link to your gallery and list some plugins that doesn't show in your plugin manager. Please also post a screenshot of your plugin manager (preferably scroll down to the bottom).


My gallery is The plugins which do not appear are like facebook plugin, fade out, slideshow etc. But I am sure it is not the plugins fault because if I uninstall and delete those plugins which is currently shown on the plugin managers page and delete from it. Even if I upload correctly that plugin again, it will not be shown anymore...

I include my plugin manager screenshot..


Please either delete the annotations plugin or replace it with the latest version. It seems that it breaks the output of that page.


If it doesn't solve your issue, try to delete the next plugin (by alphabet).


Hi, I delete annotate plugin plus the next two plugins.. but all I experience is the number of plugins available for me is lesser. Should I delete all plugin I have uploaded and re-upload again? I am sure if I upload the annotate plugin again which I just delete, it will not appear anymore on the plugin manager except which I still have left now. I am doomed, please give me another suggestion..

You can see from below that i have deleted as you have told me..


How have you deleted the plugins? Via the plugin manager or via FTP? I'm quite sure some plugin breaks the HTML output, probably a plugin that isn't installed yet. Please post the current HTML source code of your plugin manager (if it's too big to post, please attach it as text file).


Yes, I deleted via plugin manager. I have uploaded around 12 plugins through FTP, they reside on the server inside plugins/.. folder. But they do not appear on the plugin manager page, only five plugins appear currently.

I attached my plugin.txt below..


Quote from: mr.bena on March 15, 2012, 03:32:22 PM
Yes, I deleted via plugin manager.
Sorry, that was a misunderstanding. Please delete them via FTP.

Quote from: mr.bena on March 15, 2012, 03:32:22 PM
I attached my plugin.txt below..
I don't need your plugins.php file, but the actual HTML code which you can see in your browser.


My plugin manager html code is... as attached below..


It ends with
QuoteNot in Coppermine...
so there's an issue with a plugin. Please delete one by one (via FTP) to find out which one breaks your plugin manager page.


It is solved now! Thank you sooooo much..




It was the Fade Out Plugin as I remember.