A few requested features A few requested features


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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A few requested features

Started by Oasis, September 30, 2003, 03:43:38 PM

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OK, for the past week our coppermine site has been under testing.
First I'd like to point out that we're using coppermine a bit differently from most people. We are using it as a yahoo style online photo album. So each user has his own albums. So when I say "album" here, actually I mean each user's private category, the subcategories of category 1.  Each album may have many albums in it. Here are a few of the features requested by our testers, and also some problems based on tester feedback (over 40 now):


1) They want personalized urls for their albums (done!)

2) They want to go directly to their own albums when they log in (done!)

3) They want to be able to specify the picture for their cover, not just for albums, but the user's category itself. Currently it shows the most recently updated picture (not done...don't know how...)

4) They want to be able to rotate pictures (next release?)

5) They want to be shown confirmation that their picture has been uploaded and not just display the photo. (not done.. trying)

6) They want to password protect specific albums, so that only people who have the password have access to it. (Not done, but seems like a great idea)

7) They want to be shown how much space is left when uploading (not done...)

8) They want to upload more than one picture at a time (next release?)

9) The album creation process is confusing at first  (fixed)

10) They want to be able to order photos the way they can order albums. (not done)

11) Chinese filenames won't show up (fixed)


1) The photo info shows the album, but not the user.  (not fixed)

2) There could be random albums and top rated albums and top visited albums, instead of just pictures on the start page (not done)

3) There should be a place to type in a user's username and view his albums.  (not fixed but should be ueasy now they have custom urls)


1) User passwords should be encrypted. Leaving it in plain text is a big security threat and would be devastating should a hacker gain access to the data.

2) There should be a mass mailing function.

3) User subgroups should be allowed under groups. In other words, I would like to have a subgroup VIP under Registered. They are the same as Registered users but they have more disk quota. This is because currently when Registered users make their albums private so only Registered users can see them, VIP users can't see them, even though they are ironically called VIPs.

OK that's about all I can think of now. I'll keep adding if I get any more feedback from users.
Pixnet Gallery: http://www.pixnet.net
iNSiGNiA Weblog: http://www.jayliu.org


Quote4) They want to be able to rotate pictures (next release?)

Yes.  Only have patchwork beginning done.  Slow going because I never worried much about the CPG code before and still trying to disassemble it to see what's actually going on.
Read the Online DOCs,FAQ, and SEARCH the board BEFORE posting questions for help.


I agree especially to the highlight photo feature...

I use CPG as a user's album, also - so I badly need a feature wich allows admin to edit user albums...

s t a n g s t e r


are you going to post your hacks for things that are "done"/"fixed"?



Quoteare you going to post your hacks for things that are "done"/"fixed"?

sure, here are a few:

Quote1) They want personalized urls for their albums (done!)
OK this one has a long thread on the coppermine 1.0 board. First, you will have to make an .htaccess file:

QuoteRewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9&=]+)$ index.php?username=$1

Second, make an ALBUM.PHP:

if (isset($HTTP_GET_;VARS['username'])) {
$username = $HTTP_GET_VARS['username'];
$results = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM cpg11d_users WHERE user_name = '$username'");
list($row) = mysql_fetch_row($results);
if (!$row) {
$row = -10000;
$catid = $idnum;
$cat = $catid;
$HTTP_GET_VARS['cat'] = $cat;

Lastly, in INDEX.PHP, replace


Your user's albums will be accessible with the url:
If you own your domain, you can give them a really short url, such as http://www.album.com/username
(note, no trailing slash)

Quote2) They want to go directly to their own albums when they log in (done!)

Actually, there's an entry on this in the FAQ.
edit login.php and search for
Quotepageheader($lang_login_php['login'],"<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=$referer\">");
and add before it
Quote$referer = 'index.php?cat='.(FIRST_USER_CAT+$USER_DATA['user_id']);

Quote9) The album creation process is confusing at first (fixed)

I moved the Create and Delete buttons above the album list, made the album list shorter (so that the "apply changes" button would be visible without scrolling), and added the words "New Name" next to the input box.
I forgot what file this was in but i suppose it should be albmgr.php.

Quote11) Chinese filenames won't show up (fixed)

In db_input.inc.php, search for
Quote$picture_name = $matches[1] . '.' . $matches[2];
and replace it with
Quote$picture_name = time() . '.' . $matches[2];
I think xp_publish.php also has to be modified if you wish to change the filenames when using web publishing wizard.
This will change the filename into the unix timecode for the time of the upload. If there is more than one upload per second, it will add a ~1 to the filename. This will also mean that the order of the pictures will be according to the upload order, since the newest uploads will always have filenames with numbers bigger than older ones.

Quote1) The photo info shows the album, but not the user. (fixed)

There is also an entry in the FAQ which I just found now.
Edit displayimage.php and search for:
Quote$info[$lang_picinfo['Filename']] = htmlspecialchars($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename']);
add after it:
Quote$info[$lang_picinfo['Username']] = htmlspecialchars($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user_name']);.
Then open /include/functions.inc.php and search for following in function
if($select_columns != '*') $select_columns .= ', title, caption';
and replace it with:
Quoteif($select_columns != '*') $select_columns .= ', title, caption, user_name';
After that search for:
Quote$result = db_query("SELECT $select_columns from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE aid='$album' $approved $ALBUM_SET ORDER BY $sort_order $limit");
and replace it with:
Quote$result = db_query("SELECT $select_columns from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} AS u ON u.user_id = p.owner_id WHERE p.aid='$album' $approved $ALBUM_SET ORDER BY $sort_order $limit");
Then you have to add the language string for the username. Open /lang/yourlang.php and search for:
Quote$lang_picinfo = array(
and add after that:
Quote'Username' => 'Username in your language',
Also you need to execute this query in MySQL (with a tool like phpMyAdmin):
QuoteALTER TABLE `cpg11d_pictures` ADD INDEX ( `owner_id` );
(If your table_prefix is not cpg11d_ then you need to change it in the query)

You might want to note that if you applied the user album url mod, you can have the username link to the user's album. All you have to do is:
In the first step, instead of adding
Quote$info[$lang_picinfo['Username']] = htmlspecialchars($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user_name']);.
Quote<span class="alblink"><a href="' . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user_name'] . '">' . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user_name'].'</a></span>';

As for the rest, I hope some people can give some contributions! Thanks
Pixnet Gallery: http://www.pixnet.net
iNSiGNiA Weblog: http://www.jayliu.org


Does somebody know how to make personalized urls for the albums, not the albums of the user?

Maybe something like:
Instead of

Sorry, I have forget this post:
http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/viewtopic.php?p=2706#2706 I will try it out now. Sorry!