Bridge Installation -> CM1.3.0 -> WBB2.1 -> HELP Bridge Installation -> CM1.3.0 -> WBB2.1 -> HELP


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Bridge Installation -> CM1.3.0 -> WBB2.1 -> HELP

Started by volldasgute, July 01, 2004, 02:34:48 PM

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Hey Dudes,

Coppermine is a fantastic Galerie and so I need help! :)

Ok my Problem, see @ the Thread Topic !

I found a manual for CM1.2.1 but not for 1.3.0 with WBB1.2! The Manual i had found doesn't works :[

Or iam to stupid for that! Egual I need help!

I want to create  a users friendly Login - window for all applications on my site
@the moment! WBB1.2 and a Alex Download Engine works Correctly with the same User Table so all good things are three and so i want that the CM1.3.0 Users also use this User_Table from the WBB1.2 :D

I hope you understand all I want! hehe

Thx for request or an Manual! Link or whatever!

Great Greetings Frank  ::)

Joachim Müller

Since WBB is commercial software we have to rely on user contributions, we don't have a wbb test install we could test with, so there's little we could tell you.



Quote from: GauGau on July 01, 2004, 02:36:57 PM
Since WBB is commercial software we have to rely on user contributions, we don't have a wbb test install we could test with, so there's little we could tell you.


Ok in German :D You mean you want to test it in the future? It'll be really fat, if you want to do that...! Beacause WBB1.2 isnt commercial, beacause 1.3 costs money the new one...! Its only a Configuration where i need help...!

In the Manual is written that i have to this

// User database integration
// Uncomment the applicable line if you want to use it
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'phpbb');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'invisionboard');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'yabbse');
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'wbb21');                  //<--------------- This


// database configuration
define('PHPBB_DB_NAME','phpBB');     // The name of the database used by the board            <------ normally, thats no Problem
define('PHPBB_BD_HOST','localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('PHPBB_DB_USERNAME','root');  // The username to use to connect to the    database
define('PHPBB_DB_PASSWORD','');      // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your phpBB directory
// If your URL to your board is for example '',
// you'll have to set the below var to '/phpBB2/'.
define('PHPBB_WEB_PATH', '/phpBB2/');                    <-------------------------  Here is a Problem ok a Warnings tolds me php...!  on line 41....
// Logout Flag
// the value of this boolean constant depends on your phpBB version:
// If your version of phpBB is 2.0.4 or lower - change the value to FALSE;
// if your version of phpBB is 2.0.5 or newer - leave it as TRUE

In the other Manual in the Old Forum from Coppermine sourceforge .... i've found the other one, because in the skript bridge there was a link to it...

Iam Confused now *g*

Joachim Müller

if you're going to integrate coppermine with wbb, you shouldn't be editing bridge/, but, which reads like this: // database configuration
define('WBB_DB_NAME','wbb2');   // The name of the database used by the board
define('WBB_BD_HOST','localhost');   // The name of the database server
define('WBB_DB_USERNAME','root');   // The username to use to connect to the database
define('WBB_DB_PASSWORD','');      // The password to use to connect to the database

// The web path to your Woltlab Board directory
// In this example



Hmm ok!

Is this file the "" a file who i find in the Coppermind directories?

Or is that the Database cfg File from WBB1.2!


It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here