How do Guests login? How do Guests login?


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How do Guests login?

Started by DebC, June 28, 2012, 10:00:37 AM

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I am very new to Coppermine and have no idea what I am doing!!  I have managed to upload a few albums and add new users but I would like guests to be able to access only the album for which I have set the password for the new user ie: I have posted a photo album for a client, I have added the client as a new user with a password so he can access the account but I would like his family and friends to have access without me having to create new users for them.  I would also like them to be able to comment on pictures (so they can order them).  How do I do this?  I have tried different things but I don't know and I can't find any details by googling it!!

It can't be this difficult!!  Help please!




Thankyou for the link, but it didn't answer my question.  how do they login? When they go to my login section on my website, do they enter their email address and the password to the gallery that I want them to see?  If so it doesn't work!!

So how do they access a clients gallery??


They need to enter either their email address or user name (depends on what you've set in the config) and their password at the login page. Your "question" is very confusing, I still don't get what the actual question is.


OK sorry, im not good at this and it shows!! 

In Gallery configuration under User Settings I can allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access.  I have enabled Yes: thumbnail, intermediate and full size image.

Where do I set the password for them?

As far as I can see I can only set a password to access a gallery when I click on Users and click on create new user. I click on Album can be viewed by - Members of Guest group, then put in the album password and hint.  I then click on update album and im sure.

But it doesn't stay like that it always reverts back to Album can be seen by Me Only.

So please tell me where I am going wrong!  This tis totally frustrating.  Do you understand my question now?  Please ask as many questions as you need, if I am not giving you the right details.


Quote from: DebC on June 28, 2012, 02:46:44 PM
Where do I set the password for them?
There are no passwords for guests, that's why they're called guests.

Quote from: DebC on June 28, 2012, 02:46:44 PM
I can only set a password to access a gallery when I click on Users and click on create new user. I click on Album can be viewed by - Members of Guest group, then put in the album password and hint.
The album password and the user passwords are 2 different things. They're not related in any way.

Quote from: DebC on June 28, 2012, 02:46:44 PM
But it doesn't stay like that it always reverts back to Album can be seen by Me Only.
That's intended behavior. Please read the docs.

Quote from: DebC on June 28, 2012, 02:46:44 PM
Do you understand my question now?
I'm still not certain what you're trying to do.

Quote from: DebC on June 28, 2012, 02:46:44 PM
Please ask as many questions as you need, if I am not giving you the right details.
For a start please post a link to your gallery, so we can get an idea how it is structured. Additionally, describe what's your goal, not what you're currently doing and what doesn't work as you expect. You should also read the docs, as already suggested.


Thankyou for your patience!!

My website is

If you click on Login you will come to my client gallery page.  This is where I want my clients to enter their email address and password.  This will then take them to the page that has their album in it and they can access it.

I also want friends and family of that client to be able to access the album but I don't want to have to create a new user for each person who wants to have a look.  I would like them to be able to enter their email address and the password that I gave to the original client.

Is this something that is possible.  I have read the docs (not all of them obviously) but I haven't found a section that exactly relates to what I am after.


Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 01:50:10 AM
My website is
Quote<!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.5.12 (stable)-->
Please upgrade to the latest stable release, currently cpg1.5.20.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 01:50:10 AM
This is where I want my clients to enter their email address and password.
I assume we're talking about already existing Coppermine user accounts here? I also guess that you want to create different albums for different clients, which will each see just a part of your whole gallery (i.e. just "their" albums)?

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 01:50:10 AM
I also want friends and family of that client to be able to access the album but I don't want to have to create a new user for each person who wants to have a look.  I would like them to be able to enter their email address and the password that I gave to the original client.
Okay I think I got now what you're trying to do. In fact you don't want to create user profiles, but just want to have a way to limit album access to certain people. If so, you should just use the album password feature and drop the whole idea of user accounts and make the gallery itself accessible for guests.

Then you have two options:
1.) Hide all password protected albums
2.) Display all password protected albums

You have to enter the album password, regardless which option you choose (it's a config setting). If you hide password protected albums and your gallery contains just password protected albums, it appears empty by default. So you'll have to send the album URL and the album password to your client. With a growing number of clients and albums it may be confusing to display password protected albums, as clients may be confused while browsing your gallery.


Ok I will have to ask my friend to help me install the upgrade as she was the one who installed coppermine to begin with.  Yes I want different albums for different clients and I agree that getting rid of user profiles and just using the album password feature sounds wise.  I still don't know how a guest gains access to the gallery? When you click on Client Login on my website it gives you the option to enter your user name and password, how do guests enter?  If I can work that bit out then hopefully I will be on my way!  I will not hide all password protected albums as it looks good for business and also the private galleries are only up for 2 weeks for clients to choose their photos.

Cheers, Deb


Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 09:34:52 AM
I still don't know how a guest gains access to the gallery? When you click on Client Login on my website it gives you the option to enter your user name and password, how do guests enter?
You can set that either in the groups manager or in the config, see my first reply:
Quote from: Αndré on June 28, 2012, 10:19:56 AM


Ok the Guests settings are all done (they were set that way by me earlier) and it would have been very helpful of you if you had said "Guests just need to click on Album List and they will be taken to another screen that has all of the albums on it!!!! Instead of redirecting me back to the link that says nothing of the sort!!  Really it is like pulling teeth to get a straight answer.  Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful to you for helping me but don't assume we are all wizards on these things.  It would be like me asking you if you, if you know the correct ISO, aperture and speed for a night shot!

Anyway I still have the problem that the album will not lock!  I set the Album Password and password hint and update it, under the Album Properties but it is still open and anyone can have a look.  Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong this time?  And truly I would love a straight answer please!


It's not my fault that you link directly to login.php. It's Coppermine's default behavior to redirect guests without sufficient permission to the login screen (that's what I thought is happening). I haven't tested the permissions, as you directly asked for it. I just answered your question.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 02:09:01 PM
It would be like me asking you if you, if you know the correct ISO, aperture and speed for a night shot!
I'll skip that. Not sure if you really expect support with such an attitude.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 02:09:01 PM
I would love a straight answer please!
It's very hard to give straight answers without sufficient information.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 02:09:01 PM
the album will not lock!  I set the Album Password and password hint and update it, under the Album Properties but it is still open and anyone can have a look.
Which album? Please post a link to that album (e.g.
I can see three albums in your gallery:

  • Test 1 (locked)
  • Stuart & Kelly (public accessible)
  • Moet (locked)

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 02:09:01 PM
Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong this time?
You're probably still logged in as admin. I don't know, as you haven't said that.


Sorry tired and frustrated!!

I have clients waiting to view their photos and I can't post them until this gets sorted out.  Already the Stuart and Kelly album can now been seen by everyone as the guest login details were changed.  That album was created with a user name and password.

When I login as a guest and click on album list the Moet album and Stuart & Kelly album are unlocked.  I have put in album passwords for both of them but they won't lock.  I don't understand why you can see a locked album and I can't?


Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 03:08:14 PM
When I login as a guest
Please, please read the docs to understand how Coppermine works and what the different terms mean. You cannot "login as guest", as guests are all users that are not logged in.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 03:08:14 PM
That album was created with a user name and password.
I don't know what you're trying to say. You can either login with a user name and password or set an album password (without a user name).

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 03:08:14 PM
the Moet album and Stuart & Kelly album are unlocked.  I have put in album passwords for both of them but they won't lock.  I don't understand why you can see a locked album and I can't?
Maybe because you already entered the album password. Try to clear your cookies and the browser cache. If I say that the "Test 1" and "Moet" albums are locked for guests, you can trust me. However, the "Stuart & Kelly" is still accessible for everyone without a password. I don't know if this is intended, as you consequently ignore my question to tell us what you try to achieve. Instead, you always describe what doesn't work.


I have just changed the details on Kelly & Stuarts album, changed Album can be viewed by to Me Only, ticked Password protect the album, added album password and hint. clicked on update album, ticked im sure, clicked on submit changes.  Then I logged out as admin. closed the window, reopened a new window, went to my website, clicked on login, the album was locked, clicked on it and entered the password, then closed the window (is there a way to logout as a guest?) when I went back to my website and login the Kelly and Stuart album was accessible to all, it was not locked. 

Can you please check this for me!!  Does it have something to do with the fact that I had already accessed it on this computer? weird stuff like that happens im sure, or is something really wrong.  Ps the password for the moment is Love (case sensitive)


Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 03:31:56 PM
is there a way to logout as a guest?
No, see above.

Quote from: DebC on June 29, 2012, 03:31:56 PM
Does it have something to do with the fact that I had already accessed it on this computer?
Correct. The album password is stored in a cookie. So if you want to re-check everything, clear your cookies (as already suggested).


Ok so I cleared my cookies, cleared my history and using Safari (which I have been doing the whole time) the results were the same, Kelly & Stuart were still open.  I swapped to Firefox and guess what!!  yep all three albums were locked!! I  entered the Stuart and Kelly gallery then exited out off all of it and cleared my history and went back to my website and surprise surprise it was locked again!!!!!

Hooray!!!!!  are you freaking kidding me, it was Safari playing with me the whole time!!!


Thank you so much for all of your help!!!  I have had a major crash course on how to use a computer and realise I need to learn the correct terminology if I am going to be able to fix things.  Hopefully this is going to work for me, and hopefully for you, you will never hear from me again  :-X  I thank you for your patience...Dx


Quote from: Joachim Müller on September 28, 2008, 12:46:26 PM
tag your answer as "solved" by clicking on the "Topic Solved" button on the bar at the left hand side at the bottom of your thread.