I have an error when i try upload an image into a category? I have an error when i try upload an image into a category?


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I have an error when i try upload an image into a category?

Started by erdinc, October 24, 2012, 09:44:39 AM

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Hi everyone,  ;)

This is Erdinc, it's my first message here...

I have an error when i trying first time to upload an image into a category...

In error system returns me below:

In Turkish:
Kritik hata:
Simge yada küçük resim yaratılmadı.

I translate that to English below:

Critical Error:
Icon or small image can not creating...

What i should do to resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance...


Thank you Αndré,

folder and file permission settings on the /albums, /albums/userpics, and /albums/edit directories are 777.

But still the same problem occurs...  ::)