A How To: Random album image with ASP A How To: Random album image with ASP


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A How To: Random album image with ASP

Started by John, October 20, 2003, 02:01:32 AM

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do we even need index.html file in the pic paths, its a blank file yes?


Revised. Here is the ASP code that will display all images in a path, if anyone wants it i can modify to resize the pic on the fly instead of set it to 100x100 but it suits my needs .

in head:


' Initialize the random number generator. love asp randomize :) .

Dim intImageNumber ' A var to store our randomn number

' Set our random images pickup directory.
Const IMGS_DIR = "./coppermine/albums/userpics/YOUR_GALLERY/"

' Variables for our FileSystemObject objects
Dim objFSO, objFolderObject, objFileCollection, objFile

' A pair of integers for our random image selection
Dim intFileNumberToUse, intFileLooper

' A "handle" to the file we choose to use
Dim objImageFileToUse

' A variable to build our image tag
Dim strImageSrcText

' Lets see what's in the directory:
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolderObject = objFSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(IMGS_DIR))
Set objFSO = Nothing

Set objFileCollection = objFolderObject.Files
Set objFolderObject = Nothing

' Get a count of files and use it to generate a random
' number from 1 to the count.
intFileNumberToUse = Int(objFileCollection.Count * Rnd) + 1

' Set up loop control so we exit when we get to the random
' file number we just picked.
intFileLooper = 1
For Each objFile in objFileCollection
        If intFileLooper = intFileNumberToUse Then
                ' Get a "handle" on the appropriate file
                Set objImageFileToUse = objFile
                Exit For
        End If
        intFileLooper = intFileLooper + 1

Set objFileCollection = Nothing

' Build our img src tag text
strImageSrcText = IMGS_DIR & objImageFileToUse.Name

Set objImageFileToUse = Nothing

in body wherever:

<img src= "<%= strImageSrcText %>" width ="100" height="100" alt= "Random Gallery Image"/>
