full size image not full size full size image not full size


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full size image not full size

Started by brynn, October 06, 2013, 05:57:45 PM

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Hi Friends,
I finally have my new gallery all installed, bridged, running, and open.  And I'm really happy with the theme, which Niecher so very kindly merged classic_w_drop into my forum theme, for me.  Inkscape Community Gallery

But there's 1 mystery that I still haven't solved yet.  When I click on an intermediate image, to see the full size, it doesn't show me the full size.  Here's an example:  http://inkscapecommunity.com/ic_gallery/displayimage.php?pid=50#top_display_media.  You can see what the full size is, in the File Info area.  But what opens for me is only slightly larger than the intermediate size.  It's not even close to the full size.  Do you all get the full size when you open it?

I don't know if I have something set up wrong, or if I'm misunderstanding what "full size" means.  Or could it be something about my system....my browser maybe?  (Firefox on Win7, 64-bit)

In File Settings > Max width or height of uploaded pictures is set for 2400 pixels.  I realize that's larger than most screens, but I was expecting the window would open with scrollbars.  I would consider making that smaller, if I need to, for some reason.

Can someone explain what's happening, or tell me what I need to do, to get the true full size?

Thank you very much   :)


It appears that some script is not working well or at least I have this feeling.

However, the tag {JAVASCRIPT} is working well.

I'm thinking about it.



Hello brynn,

I am oriented to think that maybe some other plugin installed (not svg plugin) may be affecting the intermediate image.



I have these plugins installed, in addition to SVG support v 0.1:

Filetypes editor v 2.1
Favorite button v 1.2
Remote videos v 1.8

Do you think I should uninstall, 1 by 1, testing for the image size in between each uninstall?  I guess I should restart the gallery in between each uninstallation.

Or does one of those plugins sound like it could be the problem, without uninstalling all?

Actually, I have to shut down for this evening, because of a prior commitment.  But I will be back much later tonight or tomorrow.

Thank you very much, Niecher  :)


Hi brynn,

Uhmm, I do not think it's for these plugins.

I was visiting your gallery, and I really like the images you upload and found two with the thumb_nopic, here and here.

I think something is wrong.



If I click on the image nothing happens, as there's no actual link. Have you enabled full-sized view for guests?

Maybe this is what you're looking for: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,65409.0.html


I assumed that it had been enable and may not be so  ::)



Ooohh, sorry about that, guys  :-[

Visitors cannot open a full sized image.  I set it up that way to help encourage people to register.  But I forgot about it when I posted the link to show you an example.

So what is this?

Quote from: Joe Carver on June 08, 2010, 04:15:25 PM
The plugin will remove the (nice) resizing feature for full-sized image pop-ups built into cpg 1.5.x.

(I have to say, as a new CPG user, it's sometimes frustrating to decipher such cryptic messages which only very experienced and knowledgeable users can understand.)

What is this "....nice resizing feature for full-sized image pop-ups built into cpg1.5x"?  It sounds like it may not be so nice for my particular use of CPG.  And I guess that this plug-in must somehow....remove or override that resizing feature?


I think this must be a separate problem, which Niecher found.

Quote from: Niecher on October 07, 2013, 01:10:13 AM
I was visiting your gallery, and I really like the images you upload and found two with the thumb_nopic, here and here.

I have NO IDEA what might be happening there!  And thank you Niecher, for bringing it to my attention.

Should I post a separate topic for that, since it probably is a separate issue?

Joe Carver

Quote from: brynn on October 07, 2013, 11:16:43 PM
Should I post a separate topic for that, since it probably is a separate issue?

Quote from: brynn on October 07, 2013, 11:16:43 PM
Ooohh, sorry about that, guys  :-[

Visitors cannot open a full sized image.
Please, can you mark this as solved?


Hello brynn,

Before marking the thread

You have a problem on your server, accessing to this url should show a blank page.




Quote from: brynn on Today at 03:16:43 pm

    Should I post a separate topic for that, since it probably is a separate issue?


Quote from: brynn on Today at 03:16:43 pm

    Ooohh, sorry about that, guys  :-[

    Visitors cannot open a full sized image.

Please, can you mark this as solved?

No problem.  I'll start a new topic for that issue.

Solved?  I missed that part.  I suppose you're implying that you think using the plugin that Andre suggested, will solve the problem?  This is what I mean about cryptic messages.

Oh, maybe this is what you mean.  Instead of "visitors", I should have said "guests" can't open full sized images.  "Members" CAN open full-sized images, and the problem still remains that they aren't full sized.

Of course, I could change the configs, and allow you (guests) to open a full-sized image, so you can see what I mean.  But it sounds like Andre, and maybe Joe Carver, thinks the referenced plugin will solve the problem.  So maybe that won't be necessary?

If all my inferences are correct, it sounds like I should try that plug-in.  My only hesitation is where it says "There is no support for this plugin. It was made for cpg users who liked the 1.4.x style of pop-ups and to help the moderators on this board with support requests about the new resizing feature in cpg 1.5.x."

Does "no support" mean that you won't help CPG users if they have problems?  Or is it more that this one of those kind of plug-ins that you just install and that's it, it just works -- that there aren't any controls or configs?

Meanwhile, I'll go ahead and install it.  But I'm still quite curious about the "new resizing feature".  What is its purpose?  (I don't know what the 1.4x style of pop-ups was, so I can't even guess.)

Thanks again  :)

PS - Niecher posted while I was typing.  Niecher, I can't figure out how to get to that URL through the gallery.  But that is the user whose images you showed me where they weren't showing up.  So let's take this up as soon as I post the new topic, ok?  I'll do that as soon as I finish installing this plug-in.  Thanks again   :)


Ok, plug-in installed!

Full size images are now truly full sized!

Thank you very much   ;D

Still curious what the purpose of not-full-sized full size images is, though.


I think this plugin shows full-size image with scrolls, as you said this:
Quote from: brynn on October 06, 2013, 05:57:45 PM
I realize that's larger than most screens, but I was expecting the window would open with scrollbars.
Perhaps André understood that you want scrolls and he showed the plugin for you.

The url that I have shown you is a user folder and when accessing this url, the gallery, protects your files and returns a blank page.

If you have a 500 Error, not only for the user's folder (spaventapasseri) also for all other user folders means that something is wrong.

The gallery does not cause 500 errors by itself. Check if a rule in your htaccess file causes this.

I can not imagine why.



Quote from: brynn on October 08, 2013, 02:41:26 AM
Still curious what the purpose of not-full-sized full size images is, though.
That's a matter of taste. Some people want to see the image in their actual size, even if it exceeds the screen dimensions. Others want to display the full-sized image according to the visitor's screen, so it gets downsized if it's too large. The latter is the default behavior of cpg1.5.x. We plan to make this configurable in a later release of Coppermine. It's not possible in cpg1.5.x, as we'd need a new language string.


Thanks Andre!  Also Niecher, and everyone  ;D