image approval per album or category? image approval per album or category?


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image approval per album or category?

Started by brynn, February 04, 2014, 09:32:37 PM

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Hi Friends,
As far as I can tell, image approval can only be allowed/disallowed by user groups.  I'm not sure if there's an option to allow images in certain albums or categories, to be approved/disapproved.  If so, could someone point me in the right direction?  I can't seem to find it, if there is such a feature.

If there's not, I wonder if anyone else would be interested in such a feature?  I didn't want to post in Feature REquest board, until I'm sure it either doesn't exist, or nothing similar is available.  Or if no one else would use it.

Thank you very much   :)


Currently that feature is not available. We do plan a more granular permissions system for CPG1.6 but at this time we cannot say when that will be ready as there is a lot of work to do.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Well, it's good to know it's planned, anyway.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a sort of workaround?  Would it be possible to make a non-public album, but allow visitors to upload?


The easiest way should be to hard-code the album IDs (or category ID) which differ from your global approval setting.

Quote from: brynn on February 05, 2014, 07:41:38 AM
Would it be possible to make a non-public album, but allow visitors to upload?
Is this what you want to achieve eventually?


Eventually?  I'm not quite sure what you're asking.  I was just asking if that would work.  Ultimately, I want to have an album which only members in a certain group, can upload to, but which won't be seen on the site (except by me or mods) until I (admin or mods) approve them.  And after they're approved, everyone can see them.

Part of my site's content is member-contributed Inkscape (vector graphics editor, i.e. SVG images) tutorials.  Members can either use an SMF mod called SMF Articles, which allows members to create text tutorials; or if they make video tutorials, they can be uploaded into an album which will hold only video (and possibly PDF, SVG or PNG) tutorials.  I want to review tutorials before they go public.  SMF Articles can be set so that they don't go public until admin (I) approves them.  But I can't think of any way to see video tutorials before they go public.  Being able to approve the images in the Tutorials album (which are really videos, rather than single still images) would allow me to do that.

I was thinking if I make an album (public album, not user album) that only I can see, but still allow visitors (member groups that are allowed to upload to public albums) to upload, that might work.  Then after I review the video, if I approve it, I can just move it to the Tutorials album.  Not exactly the same thing as approval by album/category, but I'm asking if that would work, until approval by album/category is available.

Because I'm still kind of fuzzy about "Permissions for this album" settings in Album Properties.  Not sure if I understand correctly.


Though we had a lot of correspondence in the last time, please understand that I cannot remember how each gallery is structured and supposed to work. You said you want allow your users to upload tutorials (i.e. different file like images, documents and videos), which you want to review before they get live in the gallery. If this is the only case your users upload files to your gallery, just set enable admin approval for that user group. If your users are allowed to upload other content without approval, we maybe need a mod. Alternatively you maybe could use the different areas (albums in public categories vs. albums in the user gallery category) to set different approval settings. As I said, that really depends on your gallery setup.


Quote from: Αndré on February 06, 2014, 09:26:31 AM
If your users are allowed to upload other content without approval, we maybe need a mod.

Yes, members may upload the images they've drawn with Inkscape (vector graphics editor) to their own user gallery and also (later, but not set up yet) other public albums, without approval.

Quote from: Αndré on February 06, 2014, 09:26:31 AM
Alternatively you maybe could use the different areas (albums in public categories vs. albums in the user gallery category) to set different approval settings. As I said, that really depends on your gallery setup.

That might be what I'm asking....I'm not sure.  If I make a public album which only I can see (in Album Properties > Permissions for this album > Album can be viewed by > album owner only), will I be able to set it so anyone can upload to it (Album Properties > Permissions for this album > Visitors can upload files > yes)?  And then if I allow only members of a certain group to upload to public albums, then only they can upload.  And only I can see the images (videos, and possibley text PDFs and PNGs) (which are tutorials).  Then once I approve them, I would move them to another public album where everyone can see (Tutorials album).

Would that work?  Have I got that right?

If so, it will be a good workaround, until a mod can be made.  Because eventually (a year or 2 later), we might have several public albums, and everyone will need to be able to upload to public albums.  For now, I would only allow that special group that are allowed to write tutorials.  But if that won't work, I'll wait for a new mod to be written.  Unless someone can think of another arrangement.


Quote from: brynn on February 08, 2014, 03:02:03 AM
If I make a public album which only I can see (in Album Properties > Permissions for this album > Album can be viewed by > album owner only), will I be able to set it so anyone can upload to it (Album Properties > Permissions for this album > Visitors can upload files > yes)?  And then if I allow only members of a certain group to upload to public albums, then only they can upload.  And only I can see the images (videos, and possibley text PDFs and PNGs) (which are tutorials).  Then once I approve them, I would move them to another public album where everyone can see (Tutorials album).

Would that work?  Have I got that right?
Just tested and I think that matches your requirements.


Thanks for your help Andre and Phill Luckhurst.  I wasn't sure if I understood the album permissions options.  I just did a test, and it does seem to work how I want. 

It was a little confusing for the member who I had asked to test it, because they had used the multiple file upload option, which is 2 steps.  They could only do the 1st step.  But the image was uploaded anyway.  To reduce confusion, I'll make sure to post instructions to use the single file upload option.

So I'll be looking forward until approval per album is possible.  But until that's available, this will work nicely.

Thank you very much  :)