CPMFETCH - Thumbnail size!! PLEASE HELP; I tried everything CPMFETCH - Thumbnail size!! PLEASE HELP; I tried everything


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CPMFETCH - Thumbnail size!! PLEASE HELP; I tried everything

Started by xtina-fanatic, April 13, 2014, 09:46:01 PM

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I'm really desperate at the moment and I hope somebody can help me.
I'm using CpmFetch on my page and it really works fine!  8)

But there's one problem:

I can not change the size of the thumbnails and this option is required, because I want to adjust them to my current design. It really doesn't look good just using the standard thumbnail size ... HERE A SCREENCAPTURE -> www.xtina-fanatic.com/cpmfetch.png

And here is the script that I'm using:

include "./gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php";
$objCpm = new cpm("./gallery/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_config.php");
$options=array("imagewidth" => "57""imageheight" => "57");

I already tried it with adding this option (as you can see in the script above):

$options=array("imagewidth" => "57", "imageheight" => "57");

but the size of the thumbnails are not changing.  :-\ :-\
I would be really grateful, if someone can help me solving this problem.

awaiting to hear from you  :)




Is there nobody who can help me?
Would a link be helpful?

Here my page -> www.xtina-fanatic.com

Other pages are using this option too and it works there, why not on my page?
It's so weird.

Please someone help me  :(


I'm not seeing the issue....
The images displayed on the page you provided the link to appear smaller that the normal thumbnails in your gallery as you indicated you wanted...It seems to be working.

Perhaps a browser cache issue? Try clearing you cache, or using a different browser/pc to see if problem still exists.

If I am missing something, let me know..
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Marking as solved, as Melissa confirmed that it works in the other thread.