Access to Full Size images for certain users - Page 3 Access to Full Size images for certain users - Page 3


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Access to Full Size images for certain users

Started by JohannM, December 30, 2015, 02:23:54 PM

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Sorry for the late reply. Does the issue still exists? If so, please give me some more information of the current state, as I haven't re-read the whole thread. It seems you want to re-arrange links, that are inserted by different mods/plugins?


Hello André

Its all find. A late reply is better than non at all.

I will try to explain as brief as possable. You helped me with some code and mod for a certain usergroup/register user to download the full size image via a botton (link) once I granted permission to them.

The problem now is, once I compress the complete directory (e.g. with 2000 pics inside), by default coppermine anable registered members and other user groups I creaded ( 3 =  VIP ) and ( 4 = SUPER VIP).

1. How can I prevent normal visitors (guests) and normal registered users to download this zip file ?

2. Is there a short way to code that I can enable/disable cetrain galeries/albums for showing the "Download Full Resolution" photos ?

Thanx in advance, looking forward to your answer/help

Greetings ... Johann


So we've 2 issues here:
1. You want to prevent certain user groups to download a zip file. Is this zip file created and provided by you, or is there a button which compresses the directory on the fly, each time a user hits the button?
2. If I remember correctly you use the fullsize_access plugin to allow access to the full-sized pictures, right? If so, we need to have a closer look at that plugin.



Yes, the plugin used are the "fullsize_access" plugin.

The zip file I created I do within unix (to prevent me from uploading the complete zip from all over). I compress the zip, create a custom thumb. But like I said, even registered user can download the zip as it is coppermine's default. I just want e.g. Super Vip members to be able to download the zip.

Like with this plugin, if I make a member "Super VIP", a botton apears to "Download Full Size Image" ... I want to be able to have another butten e.g. "Download All Photos within this album as Zip".

Also, is there a way (small mod) to enable/disable downloads from a spesific album (e.g. a setting in album properties) like you have when settings can be changed who can "View / See" an album ?

Thanx yet again.  Wish 1.6 can come out now !




Quote from: JohannM on July 03, 2017, 10:35:01 AM
The zip file I created I do within unix (to prevent me from uploading the complete zip from all over). I compress the zip, create a custom thumb. But like I said, even registered user can download the zip as it is coppermine's default. I just want e.g. Super Vip members to be able to download the zip.

So what exactly are you doing? Do you add a link to that file somewhere in the album, or do you actually add that file to Coppermine (e.g. via batch-add)?

Quote from: JohannM on July 03, 2017, 10:35:01 AM
Also, is there a way (small mod) to enable/disable downloads from a spesific album (e.g. a setting in album properties) like you have when settings can be changed who can "View / See" an album ?

Please start a new thread, we're already dealing with too much different issues in this thread.


I do not batch add the zip file. I simple compress the images withing a folder (which is connected to an album) with unix commands.

So, basicly, if there is a zip file present, to have the ability disbale or enable it for a spesific group, and if enabled for a spesific group to have a button / link that indicates .e.g. "Donwload full Album as Zip" just as you get a button "Download Full Size Image".

Hope this make sense.


Sorry, but I don't get the status quo. Please post a link to your gallery where I can see the link to the zip file.


Even visitors / unregistered users can download the zip.

Point is I want to enable/disable downloads this zip file preferable with settings in album manager ... permissions to download zip according to usergroups.


You actually add the zip file to your gallery. This is what I didn't know till now. There's a solution without any code modification or use of a plugin. Just create a new album and set the album permission "Album can be viewed by" to the group you want to allow to download the zip file. Then, move all zip files to that album and unique keywords to all zip files (e.g. "zip1", "zip2", etc.). Now you need to enter the corresponding keyword to all albums you initially moved the zip files from. While writing this you should probably assign the keyword to the zip files and albums before moving them to the restricted album ;D

- Assign "zip1" as album keyword to the album
- Assign "zip1" as keyword to the zip file (
- Create a new album "album zip files" (name it however you want, it doesn't care)
- Move the zip file to the new album "album zip files"
- Now, it works the same way as before
- Restrict the permissions of the new album "album zip files"
- Now, the zip file is only displayed in album 1 to users which have access to "album zip files"



It can work as you described.

My problem is that only user "Piet" is purchasing Album 1 for example. Then user "Gert" is purchasing Album 2 for example. Having all the zips in one album will cause "Piet" to be able to download both zip files, as where he only paid for Album 1.

Q: Where does the script / how does the script in fullsize_access know it is a jpg file and full size ? Can't one just add the extention "zip" to it ?

Kind of complicated for me.


Quote from: JohannM on July 03, 2017, 04:13:57 PM
Q: Where does the script / how does the script in fullsize_access know it is a jpg file and full size ? Can't one just add the extention "zip" to it ?

I haven't checked the code or tested this yet in a vanilla gallery, but maybe a zip file don't need "full-size" access to enable the download.

Proposal: don't add the zip files to your gallery at all, but send the link to the zip file(s) to Piet, Gert, etc. after they purchased one or more albums. This way you don't need to mess around with code.