Install problems Install problems


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Install problems

Started by xdozer, July 14, 2004, 09:25:23 AM

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for a few hours now i have run into a very frustrating problem! i have uninstalled and reinstalled .php and many services numerous times. The error i am getting on the Install.php is                     
Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [C:/image/convert images/nopic.jpg albums/userpics/im.gif] in C:\Wargnome\photo\install.php on line 105

Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/im.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Wargnome\photo\install.php on line 106

Warning: unlink(albums/userpics/im.gif): No such file or directory in C:\Wargnome\photo\install.php on line 107

The following errors were encountered and need to be corrected first:


The installer found the ImageMagick 'convert' program in 'C:/image/', however it can't be executed by the script.

You may consider using GD instead of ImageMagick.

and i actually did install GD2 and tried using it and when i uploaded a picture it had said that it wont work and that i should try using Image Magick. i wanted to piss on the server.....
does anybody have any advice on these errors?, operating system is 2003 Web Edition. .php v4.3  MySql works perfectly. IIS v6 and ofcourse Coppermine photogallery 1.3

Joachim Müller

enable GD in php.ini (either gd1 or gd2, but not both) by uncommenting the proper line. Make sure the dll resides in the proper place.
If you want to use ImageMagick, make sure to set proper permissions.

Please understand that this is not a coppermine issue: the minimum requirements for coppermine are a working and properly configured webserver that has either GD or IM. If you need help setting up your server, you're recommended to google on your issues or to look into the faq sections of GD or IM homepages.

There have been similar postings to yours in the past on this board as well, make sure to search the board first before posting.



Not to be rude, and I only mean this comment with the nicest of thoughts but, I have searched and searched and searched for an answer to a solution to this problem, on both google, coppermine's own "SUPPORT" board and everywhere else.

Now, I know that Coppermine doesn't really support IM, but out of the huge list of users who use Coppermine I'm sure a bunch use Windows as well and have run into a few problems that all the other windows users are having.

Now, I two, am running into this error where the IM convert utility is found however, not able to be used.  And the only generic answer I can find is..

Quoteenable GD in php.ini (either gd1 or gd2, but not both) by uncommenting the proper line. Make sure the dll resides in the proper place.
If you want to use ImageMagick, make sure to set proper permissions.

Please understand that this is not a coppermine issue: the minimum requirements for coppermine are a working and properly configured webserver that has either GD or IM. If you need help setting up your server, you're recommended to google on your issues or to look into the faq sections of GD or IM homepages.

There have been similar postings to yours in the past on this board as well, make sure to search the board first before posting.

And there aren't similar postings that answer this problem, just similar postings with this same generic answer on the bottom of it.  Can you give anymore insight into this problem and solve it, or do I just give up and use GD which I hate as well?

Thanks again, and this isn't a flame just a desperite attempt at finding an answer.

Joachim Müller

OK, a more detailed answer: the coppermine supporters are reluctant to explain ImageMagick setup, because you really need to know how a webserver works before you start playing with it, and getting ImageMagick to work on Windows is "piece of cake" for experienced Admins, but difficult for Newbies. You're not recommended to run a webserver that is publicly available unless you really, really know what you're doing, that's why there's little in-detail help for newbies.

Some hints:
  • the path to ImageMagick's convert executable mustn't have any spaces or special chars in them. Although Redmond claims you can have spaces in file or folder names: you mustn't do that when running a webserver. Most newbies install Image Magick to c:\Program files\Image Magick\. Well, you mustn't!
  • In coppermine's install/config page, you're asked to enter the path to the convert executable. A path to a file is not the same as a file path! On my IIS, the path to ImageMagick's convert executable is d:/ImageMagick/, not d:/ImageMagick/convert.exe or d:/ImageMagick/convert
  • There are two places in IIS where you actually set permissions: First, set permissions in the file system (Windows Explorer, browse to the folder, right-click, properties, security), there are two relevant users that are being used by the webserver (IUSR_hostname and IWAM_hostname). Then, set permissions IIS's "Internet Service Manager": browse to the folder in question, right-click, properties, "directories" (read/write) and "Directory security" (usually you won't have to edit permissions there)
Now, all of this is explained better and in more detail elsewhere on the web: if your google search or your search on this board didn't come up with good results, you'll have to review the keywords you were searching for.
