cpg1.6.07 installer stops at step 2 with blank below Checking installation files cpg1.6.07 installer stops at step 2 with blank below Checking installation files


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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cpg1.6.07 installer stops at step 2 with blank below Checking installation files

Started by tonyofpureevil, November 04, 2019, 10:31:32 PM

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This is on my own server, not a hosted server

Ubuntu server 19.10
php 7.3.11 with php-gd
nginx webserver
mysql 8.0.17

Working applications:

I have tried both the zip file download and git clone from github with the same result.
The entire coppermine app file structure is owned by the webserver and write permission on include and albums directories.
I must be missing something basic.



I have read that post before and didn't find any help then or now.
This is not an upgrade, but a brand new installation of coppermine.
I have tried repeatedly, getting new app files through git hub, both zip file and git clone methods, removinging all existing files between tries.
I have even tried dropping and then re-creating the database, even though it has never been populated yet.

Well, I managed to bork my entire server, so I will wipe it and start again. I will update when I get back to getting coppermine installed again.
I'm used to using OpenBSD where everything has to be configured manually. Ubuntu does most things for you.  I just have to learn to stop messing with configurations that work in other OS's.

Thanks for listening


Maybe this is a bug that needs fixing?

Here's what I have done:
Bare metal install of Ubuntu server 19.10
apt update and upgrade
install mariadb following the instructions on https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories
verified mariadb working normally
installed phpMyAdmin
working properly
using phpmyadmin, created cpg user and empty cpg database fully accessible by the cpg user.
installed coppermine files from zip file downloaded from github
renamed cpg1,6.x-1.6.07 directory to coppermine
moved the Coppermine structure to nginx's default directory: /var/www/html
opened Coppermine from another system
clicked the link for the installer
step 1 loaded showing copyright and license information
clicked let's go
Step 2 page opens with a blank page below Checking installation files
server activity stops, mostly blank page remains
removed coppermine/include.config.tmp.php and went through same steps with the same result

Has anyone successfully installed cpg1.6.07?


You dismissed my message above ... but I'm going to try again ::)

Clear all the files out of var/www/html/coppermine
Place the installer stub linked to above (cpg_installer_stub.php.v3.3.txt) as cpg_installer_stub.php in the coppermine directory.
Access <your_site>/coppermine/cpg_installer_stub.php from a web browser
Perform the install
Be happy (and less evil)


Yes, I did dismiss your message ron4mac, but I gave it a try.  The installer stub is pretty cool.  I haven't looked, yet, but it appears to do automatically exactly what I have been doing manually.  Results were exactly the same - a mostly blank step 2 page.  I will try again with an older version that I have used successfully before.  The installer stub makes this easy!  I will report my results.


No change! The installer stub only offers 1.6.07 and 1.6.06 and 1.6.05.  It shows a 1.6.04 version, but that can't be selected. I also tried the unreleased version offered by the stub  I did find cpg1.5.48 on Sourceforge and tried that. Same results with an additional message on step 2:  "This is the new install wizard. Click here for the classic install screen."
I tried the classic installer, but apparently it doesn't recognize php-mysqli and so is still a bust since php-mysql is long deprecated and is now gone.
My previous working installations were all on current versions of OpenBSD.  This is my first try on Ubuntu Server. Could there be something in Ubuntu causing this?


Some sort of error is occurring during install but, because of PHP settings, is not displaying it or writing it in a log file (I assume you looked for an error log file).

You will have to set your php.ini to do this or you could try a .user.ini file in the coppermine directory:

error_reporting = -1
display_errors = true
log_errors = true
error_log = "php_error.log"


I was missing php-xml
After adding this: sudo apt install php-xml and reloading php7.3-fpm, the installer completes correctly.
Thank you ron4mac for your patience getting me through this.

Now, since I ended up with version 1.6.06, I'll do it again with 1.6.07.  I'll update soon with the results.  I'm confident that there will be no problems.


Final post on this topic. ;D
Install of 1.6.07 had only one hitch,
Since I was doing a clean install and not an upgrade, I needed to drop the old database and create a new one.
I'm sure an upgrade would not have needed this.

Thank you again ron4mac


Thanks for sticking with it and uncovering the issue. I will add a check during install to insure that PHP XML capabilities are present.