phpBB 2.08 Integration error - Debug Info Included phpBB 2.08 Integration error - Debug Info Included


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phpBB 2.08 Integration error - Debug Info Included

Started by KotobukiRan, July 23, 2004, 09:14:42 PM

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Hello everyone,

I've had some problems integrating phpBB 2.08 and CPG 1.3.1. They both work perfectly fine on their own, I've been using the forum for months now with no issues but CPG 1.3.1 just won't integrate with it for some reason. Below is the debug error I receive:

Fatal error :

There was an error while processing a database query.

While executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='0' AND user_password='*' AND user_active='1'" on Resource id #5

mySQL error:

I have absolutely nooooo idea what on earth that means or where to even start to figure it out. I'd greatly appreciate help in resolving this issue.


Quote from: KotobukiRan on July 23, 2004, 09:14:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I've had some problems integrating phpBB 2.08 and CPG 1.3.1. They both work perfectly fine on their own, I've been using the forum for months now with no issues but CPG 1.3.1 just won't integrate with it for some reason. Below is the debug error I receive:

Fatal error :

There was an error while processing a database query.

While executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='0' AND user_password='*' AND user_active='1'" on Resource id #5

mySQL error:

I have absolutely nooooo idea what on earth that means or where to even start to figure it out. I'd greatly appreciate help in resolving this issue.

Hi KotobukiRan

Though I dont have a solution offhand, I can tell you this, the main problem from what I see [or rather the main symptom hehe] is that there is no user number '0' in a phpbb board

Guests [which is called anonymous in the phpbb permission schema] are number 1 and the main admin account is number 2

Seems to me that there is a NULL being sent by the script for authentification? Cant' promise anything hehe - but if youd post links to your forum and gallery maybe I can see something :)

- Suede


Thanks for the help,

I kind of understand what you're saying but I don't know what to do to fix it. I thought maybe logging out would work, but that only gave me a new error:

QuoteWhile executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='2' AND user_password='********' AND user_active='1'" on Resource id #5

mySQL error:

I replaced the real user_password with ******** just in case it was a security risk. It was a bunch of letters and numbers.

My website's one about costuming, so I'm trying to get CPG up and running so forum members can post their costume photos, in case anyone wondered what it was about.


yes - good to not be posting passwords [especially for user_id=2 as thats the main admin acct!]

ok I registered and then went to your Gallery - which generated the error message.

While executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='0' AND user_password='*' AND user_active='1'" on Resource id #5

what I note is this... FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users

I think you may need to go into your bridge fle for phpbb and ensure that this parameter is correctly filled out...

// you'll have to set the below var to '/phpBB2/'.
define('PHPBB_WEB_PATH', '/forums/');

IF thats actually coepestetic then maybe its this?:
that the error is saying 'phpBB2'.phpbb_users can also mean that you didnt set the name of your database in the bridge file.



Turns out I did forget to do that, but after doing it and resetting CPG to phpBB integration it gave a new error whether I was logged in or not:

QuoteWhile executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='0' AND user_password='*' AND user_active='1'" on Resource id #5

mySQL error:


`phpBB2`.phpbb_users  is still in the error message -

`phpBB2`.phpbb_users means... table phpbb_users from database `phpBB2` - unless phpBB2 is the NAME of your database, do you still have to fill out the top variables of your phpbb bridge file? [database name, etc...]

if you have, maybe you need to set the database prefix. phpBB uses phpbb_ as its default for the table prefixes... but if you changed this on install the line to reflect this in the bridge file is
/ Prefix and names for the database tables
define('PHPBB_TABLE_PREFIX', 'phpbb_'); // The prefix used for the DB tables


Yeah, the DB name is phpbb2. My website provider had a button in the config to install phpbb for me and I'm using the information it used. I installed 1.3.0 and at least got pass this step. I checked the file in both 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 and they're the same. I deleted all of 1.3.0 since it was buggy before installing 1.3.1.

Is there a certain file from phpbb that I can check to see just what the table prefix is? Just to double check and see if it is indeed phpbb_ because the auto install might not have used default phpbb settings. So far the phpBB2 database name isn't default, maybe other things aren't either.


KotobukiRan -

  • Check that you have defined correctly not only the database name prefix, but also the host, username and passowrd. If you think you got it all right then please post the first 4 "DEFINE(...)" lines from your bridge file (don't forget to mask out the password!).
  • Is there any text after mySQL error: ? If yes, then please post it.
  • If you have shell access or good PHP knowledge, try to run an independent query and see if it works



Yeah I got it all set:

Quote// database configuration
define('PHPBB_DB_NAME', 'phpBB2'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('PHPBB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('PHPBB_DB_USERNAME', 'norbert_phpbb1'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('PHPBB_DB_PASSWORD', '****'); // The password to use to connect to the database

I'm uncommenting and recommenting the phpBB line if that's what you're checking for. I uncomment it for when I try the suggestions I get here, then recomment it so I can actually see my gallery. Should I leave it uncommented?

Quotedefine('COPPERMINE_VERSION', '1.3.1');
// User database integration
// Uncomment the applicable line if you want to use it
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'phpbb');

I barely know how to alter some php scripts so I have no idea how to do that or even what to do with shell access even if I had it.

Joachim Müller

what database does coppermine run on? It has to reside in the same database as the bbs if integration is meant to succeed.



It's different than phpbb's. I followed the directions from the doctumentation and it didn't have any notes about what to do if you planned to do integration later on so I just assumed anything was fine, so Coppermine got it's own database.

I went back to install.php and it mentioned the install.lock file, I renamed it to get the database name and such that I entered the first time. With install.lock gone, should I just put in the same database information for phpBB's database? Or do I need to do something else in addition to redoing the install.php's info? A full reinstall?


Just put in the same database that phpbb uses, and everything will work fine.  Make sure to leave the table prefix as cpg130 (or whatever the default value is), the same thing for the cookies.
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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


I put in the phpbb database information, and now it gives a new error message, which makes me think my webhost used something else instead of phpbb_ to set up the tables:

QuoteWhile executing query "SELECT user_id, username as user_name, user_level FROM `phpBB2`.phpbb_users WHERE user_id='2' AND user_password='*****' AND user_active='1'" on 0

mySQL error: select command denied to user: 'norbert_phpbb1@localhost' for table 'phpbb_users'


KotobukiRan -

From your latest responses it seems you should clear with your web host the following questions:

Is MySQL installed on the same server (ie. physcial machine) as phpBB and Coppermine?

If the answer to the above is NO, then what is the IP address of the server running MySQL?
You have to use that address instead of localhost.

What is the prefix for phpBB tables in the database?

I think it should be easier to open a support ticket with your web host, rather than continue shooting in the dark. From my experience it's better not to explain the entire problem, but just ask specific questions that require simple answers, such as the above.



It is localhost. The one button installation of phpBB via my webhost's control panel set up phpBB with localhost in it's settings. So therefore I would assume that's correct and no IP is needed.

I finally found the table prefix on my own, and it is the default phpbb_.


I only now noticed the MySQL error and it looks like the problem may be permissions.

Did you verify that the DB user name and password are the same as used by phpBB?

You can check in phpBB's configuration file config.php.



Yep it's exactly the same, I found the phpbb config file a while ago so all that information is correct since I redid the install.php info for CPG.


I'm running out of ideas  ???

I doubt it's a Coppermine bug or mis-configuration. The error indicates permissions problem, but you checked that too. If your web control panel has phpMyAdmin, try to login with the DB user/password you use for Coppermine, and run the query directly (click on "query window" at bottom-left).



I found PhpMyAdmin... but I have no idea what to do with it. I have the phpBB/CPG database selected and the query window open, but I have no idea what to do after that.

The phpBB/CPG database has entries with both phpbb_ and cpg131_ in it, 13 from cpg and the rest are phpbb (30) for a total of 43.


mySQL error: select command denied to user: 'norbert_phpbb1@localhost' for table 'phpbb_users'

seems to indicate that the DB password may not be correct - you may wish to ensure that the password you put in the bridgefile is the password for your database.

You seem to be having a comedy of errors - hope that you get this running soon. If not - and you feel like trusting someone to actually go in and help with setting this up - you can email me at and I'll be happy to go in myself and see if I can track down whats happening and what needs to be fixed.

I was going to suggest phpMyAdmin as well btw - just for you to see what the table prefixes etc are... glad you got that as you will find it to be an invaluable program once you start modifying your phpBB :)