Why store original photos Why store original photos


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Why store original photos

Started by rasputin, August 23, 2004, 07:45:39 PM

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Tinkering with Coppermine and very impressed !

However, why does Coppemine store the original photo as well as the resized and thumbnails ? This seems a bit extravagent of server space if they are not needed ?

I bet the answer is obvious, so apologies in advance.

Thanks everyone.


When you view the photos, and click on the displayed image, a popup window will open to display the original file, if there is one. The reason to keep the original file would be up to the gallery owner (original files can be deleted). It might be kept because the original file is so big that regular use would slow browsing, but full appreciation of the photo requires the larger file. The intermediate size that CPG creates improves browsing by ensuring that the image is more likely to fit in a variety of screen sizes, and does not take as long to load as the original file when in general browsing mode.

Basically, it's a good compromise.


TranzNDance's answer is the major reason, however, another is that if you decide to do a mod to the image (such as watermarking) you have the original to work from if neccessary.
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I have a gallery allowing members to upload thier own photos.  They are not all so good at uploading reasonably sized files.  But the Delete Original Size Photos function is getting a little cumbersome as it only runs on one album at a time.

Is there a way to run it on all albums at once?

Is there a way to disable keeping the orginal sized photo when new photos are added?

Joachim Müller

not in the current stable release of coppermine, but cpg1.4.x will feature an option to remove the full-sized pics during the upload process, leaving only the intermediate sized file in place. It should be easy to backport this for cpg1.3.2



Quote from: GauGau on February 01, 2005, 06:27:22 AM
not in the current stable release of coppermine, but cpg1.4.x will feature an option to remove the full-sized pics during the upload process, leaving only the intermediate sized file in place. It should be easy to backport this for cpg1.3.2


Does anyone know if there is a way of running a auto update, say, every night at 3am to delete all original files from all albums?

I have 22 users with about 35 albums, it takes me an hour or so to check them all  ::)


Yeah your best bet is to wait for cpg 1.4.x which has this feature built in so on uploading the original has a max width and height and is resized if over this.

There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. -Mr. Mackey, South Park


Quote from: krkeegan on April 18, 2005, 10:53:50 PM
Yeah your best bet is to wait for cpg 1.4.x which has this feature built in so on uploading the original has a max width and height and is resized if over this.


Sounds better then, thank you  ;D