New CSS based XHTML compliant themes - Page 4 New CSS based XHTML compliant themes - Page 4


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New CSS based XHTML compliant themes

Started by Tarique Sani, June 28, 2004, 10:41:56 AM

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in another thread, Tarique Sani wrote (about theme Reynolds and standards compliancy):

Like Gaugau said - the theme is - the code for 1.3.2 is still not
See the latest one at
You will need the code from CVS to make it work

Wow, it is the first time I have seen a CPG site which validates. Congratulations! Could you perhaps be a little specific explaining which files from the CVS I would need to implement a standard compliant CPG theme in my site?

Thanks in advance
Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen

Tarique Sani

The files which need to be changed are index.php, thumbnail.php, displayimage.php and BUT if you take just these files from the CVS and not the entire package - your install of coppermine is likely to break.

If you are comfortable with Alpha code then you can download the entire CVS devel and run the update.php. Currently the devs are not aware of any show stopping bugs in the CVS devel, so that way it is almost Beta...
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: Tarique Sani on September 09, 2004, 09:01:16 AM
If you are comfortable with Alpha code then you can download the entire CVS devel and run the update.php. Currently the devs are not aware of any show stopping bugs in the CVS devel, so that way it is almost Beta...

Well, as I am not at all familiar with Alpha code, I think I will follow the advice in your signature: "Don't! just Don't!!"

I'll be patient and wait till there will be an official Beta... When do you expect that to happen?

Thanks for your answer, anyway!

Jorgen Peter Kjeldsen

Tarique Sani

Quote from: pjoern on September 09, 2004, 09:22:56 AM
When do you expect that to happen?
Well the official line is "When it is ready" but a Beta can be expected in a couple of weeks
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


When I try to uncompress the Reynolds theme, it only gives me three images.


Where did you get the download from.  It sounds as if it is corrupt, please download a new copy.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: pjoern on September 09, 2004, 09:22:56 AM
Quote from: Tarique Sani on September 09, 2004, 09:01:16 AM
If you are comfortable with Alpha code then you can download the entire CVS devel and run the update.php. Currently the devs are not aware of any show stopping bugs in the CVS devel, so that way it is almost Beta...

Well, as I am not at all familiar with Alpha code, I think I will follow the advice in your signature: "Don't! just Don't!!"

I'll be patient and wait till there will be an official Beta... When do you expect that to happen?

Thanks for your answer, anyway!

Jorgen Peter Kjeldsen

Don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I'm quite the newbie myself and my page is based around 1.4 code and validates fine. I took the long route and actually downloaded the CVS code locally and then re-uploaded it to my server. Seems to work ok and validates fine. I'm using the reynolds theme and have been for a good while now. Initially it wouldn't validate but I debugged a few errors to make it validate and passed it along to Tarique to help out some. Needless to say, all I did was download the whole tree (make sure and get the SQL folder!!) and then ran the update.php file and it did everything for me. If you want to take a look, my gallery is @ :)

Also, Tarique, I'm having an issue with 2bornot2b on the config page. The headers/category titles for each section are black on a charcoal background (though the text for each option is correct). I'm going to try and figure it out myself in the meantime, but if you have any suggestions on how to correct it, it would be much appreciated.

Edit: fixed! tableh2 class needs "color" changed from #000000 to anything lighter.. (e.g. #ffffff). Also, 1.5em is, in my opinion, entirely too large. I'd suggest something more moderate like 1.3. Reynolds is set @ 1em, for example. I've attatched the corrected css file.

Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


I corrected it myself... and I forgot to attatch the corrected one, but it seems to be a moot point now.

EDIT: Tarique, you should edit the template.html near the bottom and change the xhtml 1.0 compliant banner to check referer instead of your URL. You inadvertently left your own URL hard-coded into the button link. The CSS button links properly, however.

Tarique Sani

2bornot2b is due for a huge clean-up - yes will keep your point in mind
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Quote from: Tarique Sani on September 13, 2004, 02:57:47 PM
2bornot2b is due for a huge clean-up - yes will keep your point in mind
cleanup as in how? I'm tempted to go through and remove all the double-spacing from the css file itself. I can't really see much of anything else that is in dire need of attention.

EDIT: I got bored and used JOE to go through and remove all the extra whitespace in style.css for 2bornot2b and while it looks better, it only saved 1KB in file size. If you want the file, I'll provide it... Basically, what I've done is single-spaced between classes and taken out all the line spacing between elements of the classes (e.g. background: and the like).

Tarique Sani

You mean I have already removed all those duplicate classes and IDs scattered .... must have, now to remove the hard coded links and add the variable for language and theme selection ;)
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz



I found that when using reynolds in admin mode the content is stretched and impedes the menu.

I have fixed this myself by placing the album admin menu in a new row under the album thumbs/description cells.
I did it by changing this code (twice);

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td colspan="3" height="1" valign="top" class="tableh2">
                        <a href="{ALB_LINK_TGT}" class="alblink"><b>{ALBUM_TITLE}</b></a>
                <td align="center" height="100%" valign="middle" class="thumbnails">
                        <a href="{ALB_LINK_TGT}" class="albums">{ALB_LINK_PIC}<br /></a>
                <td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top" class="tableb_compact">
                        <p class="album_stat">{ALB_INFOS}</p>

To this;

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td colspan="3" height="1" valign="top" class="tableh2">
                        <a href="{ALB_LINK_TGT}" class="alblink"><b>{ALBUM_TITLE}</b></a>
                <td align="center" height="100%" valign="middle" class="thumbnails">
                        <a href="{ALB_LINK_TGT}" class="albums">{ALB_LINK_PIC}<br /></a>
                <td width="100%" height="100%" valign="top" class="tableb_compact">
                        <p class="album_stat">{ALB_INFOS}</p>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center" height="100%" valign="middle" class="thumbnails">{ADMIN_MENU}</td></tr>
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


I actually noticed the same thing, but never really bothered to fix it :P  I prefer the darker colored theme anyway and it seems to work perfectly fine on my end so far.

and @Tarique, the duplicate classes appear to be gone from what I can telll. With the whitespace removed, the css file checks in at 11KB.

Tarique Sani

Works fine on Mozilla for me - please post more details
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Hi tarique,

I noticed this when more than 2 columns of albums are shown, or when viewing at a lower resolution, say 800x600.

It is the index page, and cat index page this is noticable on, not the config page.  I accept that this theme is designed for use at 1024 or higher, and with just 2 columns, but as you know there will always be users who choose to do it differently, and then moan.

This is just a cosmetic fix for those occassions.  Does the 'colspan' create a problem with validating?
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


One other suggestion for 2bornot2b. under the class .debug_text, color should be changed from #000000 to #ffffff as it's completely unreadable with the color set as 000000 (black). I have debug mode turned on in admin mode since I'm testing 1.4 and I had to change the color in the css in order to make it readable :P

Tarique Sani

@casper - at lower resolutions too many things break in reynolds anyways... So I am not in favour of just adding colspan when we cannot fix other stuff like the thumbnail display anyways
@cryogenic - will keep in mind .debug_text color when I fix 2bornot2b
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz



Some questions:

1 - Which are the xhtml compliant themes ? Where could I found a list ?

2 - New themes are tableless or Coppermine still comes with html tables inside php code ?

Thanks in advance


Joachim Müller

You will find out if you read this thread from the very beginning to the very end. The themes mentioned here are both experimental, and the current cpg release version (cpg1.3.2) is not xhtml compliant (but the next version will be). Coppermine (any version)  is however not completely tableless.
