problems with the Cyrillic (windows-1251) (the search doesn't help:)) problems with the Cyrillic (windows-1251) (the search doesn't help:))


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problems with the Cyrillic (windows-1251) (the search doesn't help:))

Started by Nad_F, January 26, 2006, 09:57:07 PM

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I've installed 1.4.3 (stable) and I have problems with the encoding: when I set Cyrillic (windows-1251) in the config section the gallery displayed in the correct encoding but html code with a JavaScript menu on top of the page, which I have inserted into template.html before {CUSTOM_HEADER} displayed in UTF-8. Moreover, I cannot change encoding in Internet Explorer -when I try to set windows-1251 it reverts to UTF-8 right away.
I have copied "" from this site and has made necessary changes from here but it does not help.
I can use only windows-1251 encoding because otherwise general site menu does not work.
Help me please to solve this problem. Beforehand many thanks!


I'm afraid it's a stupid version but maybe u edit template & set charset of document to UTF or insert menu in UTF. My advise is -to edit template once more, & set charset MANUALLY to windows. It works for me:)


Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately manual specifying of the encoding in files "template.html" and "include/" doesn't help. If I insert html-code in file - effect is the same. Moreover the problem is not in the menu - plain text in template.html also displays in UTF-8, I cannot modify it in Internet Explorer. Whereas in Opera 8.5 everything displays correctly.
Can I try something else?
Beforehand many thanks!


Russian file is available here:
Almost everything is ranslated.

Enjoy ;)


Joachim Müller

Quote from: Nad_F on January 28, 2006, 10:10:54 PM
Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately manual specifying of the encoding in files "template.html" and "include/" doesn't help. If I insert html-code in file - effect is the same.
You weren't meant to edit those files, the encoding is set up in coppermine's config. I'm glad things are solved for you, yet be warned: what you did is a workaround, nothing more. Upgrading will be hard.