Notification to relevant users of new albums Notification to relevant users of new albums


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Notification to relevant users of new albums

Started by Tom Lancaster, February 16, 2006, 03:43:31 AM

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Tom Lancaster

Second question: I do event photography and am using Coppermine to organise my images. Is there an automated way that I have missed to notify relevant groups of registered users when a new album is added that features/concerns them? (I am not proposing scamming as these are people who have requested to see the photos). Or is it a case of manually extracting e-mail addresses and mailing them?



I would be interested in this as well. I hope someone comes up with a plugin for this. I know the Devs dont like this but lets face reality as this is a function people need and want. I dont have preference of this being part of coppermine but I think its fair to exist as a plugin. Anyhow, there has been a lot of discussion on the boards and there are some existing mods. Do a search.

Myself, I am also an event photographer and for now Im using a mailing list manager that does a good job.

You can try and post it on the plugin board as a request. Maybe someone will do it.

Joachim Müller

The coppermine dev team is reluctant to add features that result in even more emails being sent, as the inboxes of power-users are already cluttered enough by spam. Any feature that adds the ability to send notification emails will be used by people (on purpose or by accident) to spam others, that's why we probably won't add such code to coppermine's core. Of course everybody is welcome to create a plugin that does what you request.

Tom Lancaster

A plug in would be useful, I'll have a look at the plugin documentation and see if I can put something together when I get the chance.

Joachim Müller

so far, there is no plugin documentation available yet (Paver is working on it though), so there's little you could take a look at ;). You'll have to learn how to code plugins by looking at how other plugins work. For a start, you could try to come up with a regular mod instead of a plugin, which is easier for first-time coppermine hacking for most.


Since t his  is a php program can not you just add a notify or a  watch button to the catagory and/or album page so that whom ever is intrested can choose to be notifyed when there is a new p ic or a new album?

Quote from: GauGau on February 16, 2006, 10:18:42 AM
The coppermine dev team is reluctant to add features that result in even more emails being sent, as the inboxes of power-users are already cluttered enough by spam. Any feature that adds the ability to send notification emails will be used by people (on purpose or by accident) to spam others, that's why we probably won't add such code to coppermine's core. Of course everybody is welcome to create a plugin that does what you request.


or upon registration, you could check or uncheck "receive email notifications for new additions"...

Joachim Müller

Quote from: webfairy on February 18, 2006, 02:20:38 PM
Since t his  is a php program can not you just add a notify or a  watch button to the catagory and/or album page so that whom ever is intrested can choose to be notifyed when there is a new p ic or a new album?
Sure, go ahead! That's why I suggested coming up with a mod.