Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 3 Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api) - Page 3


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Google Map in Coppermine Gallery, version 2 (of mod and api)

Started by Tranz, May 07, 2006, 10:05:44 AM

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I've updated the mod to allow for filtering of different album views. This would be helpful for people who have a lot of individual markers and would like to have more choices in the views that they can present. To find the code edits on the first page, look for the notes dated 2006-05-31


Quote from: TranzNDance on May 31, 2006, 05:59:57 PM
I've updated the mod to allow for filtering of different album views. This would be helpful for people who have a lot of individual markers and would like to have more choices in the views that they can present. To find the code edits on the first page, look for the notes dated 2006-05-31

Thanks! Excellent work! Something cool that happened on my site, is if you have the hack for category themes installed (
) when you switch the drop-down to display photos from a specific album, it will use that albums theme on the map page. COOL! To see it: login: guest Pass: guest1968

One thing to be aware of, some themes are narrower than what the map requires, so the map section may extend past the theme border a little bit.

Tranz, I borrowed some text from your site for my private categories, I hope that's okay with you.


Quote from: tibu on June 01, 2006, 01:34:22 PM
Thanks! Excellent work! Something cool that happened on my site, is if you have the hack for category themes installed when you switch the drop-down to display photos from a specific album, it will use that albums theme on the map page. COOL!
Wow! That is really cool! There is so much potential in that. People can have themes for holidays, locations, events... so much potential.

As for the issue with narrow themes, one of my things to do is enable the map width to be more dynamic.

BTW, I got an error here: I ran update.php to try to fix it but one of the update.sql lines isn't there. The map is looking for the album table's latitude and longitude columns.


Thanks for the headsup on the missing SQL, I will get that taken care of.


Quote from: tibu on June 01, 2006, 01:34:22 PM
One thing to be aware of, some themes are narrower than what the map requires, so the map section may extend past the theme border a little bit.
After seeing that it would actually be useful to have the map size be dynamic, and finding that it was possible, I've posted the changes to the code. The changes are annotated 2006-06-01. Thanks for the inspiration. I see you have adjusted the width to accommodate the map in the different themes. :)

Dr Preacox

Seems like a damn good mod, saw it on your site, works really well. I dont currently have a use for it tho :(
My Mods:
Making Memberlist Public - VIEW
Different Way of Displaying Categories - VIEW
Coming Soon - Automated Sub Domains -MOD


TranzNDance, once again, excellent work on this mod.

I've modified my editpics.php document, but I'm getting a Google Maps API error.  It's telling me that the API is not registered for my site.  I'm only getting this error on the editpics.php page, and the API is working fine on all of my other pages. 

Any thoughts about what might be causing this?



Quote from: 9re9 on June 04, 2006, 02:39:50 PM
TranzNDance, once again, excellent work on this mod.

I've modified my editpics.php document, but I'm getting a Google Maps API error.  It's telling me that the API is not registered for my site.  I'm only getting this error on the editpics.php page, and the API is working fine on all of my other pages. 

Any thoughts about what might be causing this?

Please double-check the changes. If you still have that issue, rename a copy of editpics.php as editpics.txt and attach it to your next post.



congratulation to this Google Map Mod in Coppermine.
As a Mountainbiker I sychronise my pictures with the data from my GPS. For this I use the program RoboGEO which adds the latidude and longitude informations to the exif-file of the picture. Would it be possible to import this exif information directly with coppermine and display with Google Map Mod?

If you want I could e-mail you some pictures examples with the integrated Exif-Informations.

Am I right that Google Map in Coppermine is a not easy to install modification which needs some tuning and not just a unzip and easy running pluglin



Sure, please attach a couple of those photos to your next post.

No, it's not a plugin. The instructions are on the first page of this thread. It takes time, but I don't think copy and pasting is hard. You won't need to edit the code since settings are in Config.


Hi TranzNDance,

thank you for this nice MOD.  :)

I have included all the modification code and its working well on my side
But i have one small problem with the theme blackbirch, if the popup-window appears in the map, i see only white text on white background :-((. I tried many color code changes in style.css, but unfortunately i am not a php specialist to solve this problem.
I hope someone can help me.



For .infowindow, add:

or whatever color you want.


Hello TranzNDance

I have a big problem with all this:

story >>>
1 year ago I used Coppermine for the Gallery of my Student Union
This year I am in China and I'll move to Spain. I wanted show my pictures and located them on Google Map to explain much more precisely the stuffs I have seen.
I was not aware that coppermine cool dot this
I turn to Gallery2 but my provider (damn him), allows 10Go of storage but I cannot install Gallery2
I looked deep into internet and there is just you script that allows a private gallery (not on flickr for example), and giving me what I want to do

I have done once all your explainations!
Worked right just for editpics.php... there everything fine, I could double-click and get the long/lat

all the other places where the map could be need: displayimage.php etc... nada, nothing, rien !
even on my general map (locations_map.php for you) is not working...
I just see the Google Logo, the bar for the zoom and the arrows for the N/S/E/W...

I am really get nervious at the moment because already the internet connection in China does not help me with all the disconnection...
and now I am pretty sure I did everything as you explained...
and it is not working as it should !!!

And another point,
instead of doing it with "copy" "past" why not give the files ?
If I understand right, any of the files we have to change for that touch the "theme" each of us use...
admin, editpics, editonepic, thumbnails, displayimage... etc... all this would be the same for everyone, right ?
just having the language php file that would be different, right ?

I am really tired... I havent sleep all night because of that thing. I want it to be right... I will have it right bt now I really need your help...
If you want I can create an "administrator" account for you, this way you'll see editpics.php and editonepic.php

meanwhile if you understand something to this !!!


Quote from: Brunosh on July 18, 2006, 01:52:26 PM
And another point,
instead of doing it with "copy" "past" why not give the files ?
If I understand right, any of the files we have to change for that touch the "theme" each of us use...
admin, editpics, editonepic, thumbnails, displayimage... etc... all this would be the same for everyone, right ?
It's not necessarily the same for everyone since some people might use other mods/hacks. Also, the core files change as Coppermine provides version updates. I think it's easier if I don't have to provide file updates every time there is a Coppermine update.

Looking at your source file, the CSS code is commented out. When I dynamically added it with the webdev toolbar in Firefox, the map looked fine. I checked out editpics. Although I got access denied, I could still see that the source shows the CSS is commented out. Double-check the code in the master_template plugin codebase.php, if that's how you added the css. I'm guessing that is how because the map code appears before the closing body tag.
Quote from: Brunosh on July 18, 2006, 01:52:26 PM
If you want I can create an "administrator" account for you, this way you'll see editpics.php and editonepic.php
If you still have trouble after addressing the CSS issue, and checking your code changes again, you can PM me an admin account.


Ho lord,

TranzNDance you're amazing! Thank you for the reply so fast!
I'll have a look immediately


I do not want change of theme, so maybe I should put directly the CSS code into my .css of my theme ?!
I wanted too try that before write the first post... but... not so sure !!!


I tried to do again de copy/past for codebase.php but it seems I did it again wrong...

I don't understand what I do wrong !

- editpics.php ....... OK
- editOnePic.php...  BAD

- thumbnails.php .. BAD
- displayimage.php BAD

- map.php BAD

I send you right now by PM and admin account.

Thank you for you help.
I really appreciate.  :)



There's no point in me logging into your account as admin if you don't apply the code correctly. Please post your codebase.php file.


my codebase.php is in the rar I notified by PM
and I post it here also