Merging two Coppermine Galeries Merging two Coppermine Galeries


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Merging two Coppermine Galeries

Started by, June 08, 2006, 02:22:19 PM

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Is there any tool that could help me merge my two Coppermine Galleries (both 1.4.8 by now) into one?
I started those as two different projects but as of right now merging them into one big project would make more sense.
Gallery 1 has 323 albums, Gallery 2 has 454 albums. To merge them would save me the time to do that by hand and hopefully can carry comments, views and ratings over to the big Gallery as well as the registered users...
Is there any tool/bridge/mod/plugin for that?


Joachim Müller

Would be hard to impossible to accomplish such a task. Not related to bridging though. Moving accordingly.


It would be require great care to convert all the record IDs from one of the galleries to new IDs for the merged gallery.  It might be possible.  It would mainly be difficult in being very fastidious about all the fields and IDs.  I don't think it's impossible, but it might be.

In any case, there wouldn't be that many people who would use such a thing, so I don't think anyone would spend the time to code such a tool unless it were a personal project.

If you have the skills, go for it.  It sounds like you have the motivation to do so.  And consider sharing once done.

If not, besides batch-adding the photos from one to the other (and recreating the albums & categories using maybe the MassImport plugin), you might post on the Freelancer board.

There are two plugins that might help, but I don't think they would work "out of the box", as they are now.

  • File2AlbumMover: mirrors your albums in your folder names - I don't think it handles categories though
  • Mass Import: mass-creates categories & albums based on your folder & file structure

I could imagine applying the first plugin to one gallery to re-organize the files & albums, then copying the new albums folder to the other gallery, then using MassImport to pull them in to effectively merge the galleries.  But this might not work with how the plugins are currently written.

At the very least, you could manually organize one gallery's photos into folders with the album names, then using MassImport to add them to the other gallery.  That should work well with a day's work or so.  If your current albums mirror the folders fairly well, you may just have to rename the folders before using MassImport.

Remember to backup your files & database first.  And test out whatever you do with a small number of files first.  MassImport is a very powerful but also a very frantic tool.   :D


got the same problem... started two projects: picts from women boxing ( and Polish kick-boxing ( and now I want to merge them into one fighting gallery. Is there any script/plugin to do it... this topic is pretty old, so maybe some solution came up recently? thanks!
regards! :)

Joachim Müller

No plugin/mod available (and probably never will be). Above suggestions by Paver and me still apply.


I came looking for the same thing too, a way to merge multiple galleries :)

Having two of galleries with a couple of hundred photos each that I would like to merge, I thought if there was a tool available it would be much easier. Looks like I'll have to do it manually.

Maybe a MySQL dump of one and modification by hand (or regular expression). Then merge it into the other DB.


Joachim Müller

Will almost certainly break things if you only change reference in the pictures table. You'll have to make sure that your IDs stay unique and that the reference in all other tables is changed accordingly as well.
If you decide to create a script that will accomplish this task, we would appreciate it if you contributed it when done.


Yes, probably have to change IDs in a few tables.
Is there a database diagram for Coppermine gallery?
I have had a look for it but only found the Developer documentation which doesn't have much info.

Joachim Müller

No, sorry: there's little dev documentation available. There's no DB diagram.