Tentacle Theme - Customization $125 USD Tentacle Theme - Customization $125 USD


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Tentacle Theme - Customization $125 USD

Started by firebum, December 19, 2006, 02:26:45 AM

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I am looking for some heavy customizations to be made to a Tentacle theme "new install" gallery. I will give full FTP access to the root directory to whomever can assist.

I have drawn a picture of what I would like the end product to look like here - I have documented some of the changes in red:

I would like buttons created for the following info on the top link bar:
Home - Register - Login - Last Uploads - Most Viewed - My Favorites - Search

Rate this File directly under that

Navigation buttons:
Female - Male - Back - Alert - Mailto - Forward "in the picture I only have back - info - forward, after thought I would like a button that any viewer can press which will send me an email if there is p_orn posted to my website "I do not need that" and a Mailto button which if a viewer likes the picture he can email it to themself" The added Female and Male buttons would be the only way a viewer can switch to the 2 galleries.

A 3 Column Table:
First Column would have an appropriate background similar to the above picture in which I can place ads
Second "MAIN" column would have the Last Uploaded Picture
Third Column would have the following Last Uploads prior to the MAIN picture in column 2

Title of the Picture:
Followed by whatever the user input as text

File Information: "I would like the following changes to be displayed"
Date Added
MySpace "a location in which users can input a URL to myspace or other site"
Messenger "a location in which users can input their Messenger address - usually email address"
Key Words "used to search for pictures"

Comments: "a place where anyone can place comments

I hope the picture helps to show what I would like to see. I would like anyone who registers with my website to be able to post 1 picture - My home page would be exactly like the picture in which the Last Uploaded picture displays in full - clicking on next would jump to the next person.

If possible I would only like two galleries: Female and Male "accessed only by the Female / Male buttons"

I hope I have been descriptive enough and would love any ideas as I think this would be a really fun site similar to "hotornot.com" but different in the way it automatically displays user info which they do not.

Thank you again,  :D


Just curious if this was possible and what a fair price would be if so.



Progress - Foulu is doing a great job with this, will post back when complete - Thank you.


Quote from: firebum on January 07, 2007, 06:39:36 PM
Progress - Foulu is doing a great job with this, will post back when complete - Thank you.

Project Done - very Happy with Foulu's end work!

Joachim Müller

Thanks for resolving your thread, and thanks as well for foulu's praise. It's good to hear that the freelancer board works as expected (in terms of bringing skilled freelancers and users looking for paid customization together) for you. It's improtant for us as well to get feedback from end users regarding the skills of contributors like foulu.