I need someone to do a (paid) installation for me please. I need someone to do a (paid) installation for me please.


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I need someone to do a (paid) installation for me please.

Started by teenagevenus, March 07, 2007, 09:00:46 PM

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What I am looking for is a stable photo program (coppermine!) to be installed on a domain I own for mostly friends' use.

Excuse my simplicity - but I'm a young, dumb blonde :-[

I need a site which visitors can view photos on, but where only people that join can post photos to galleries and which other members can rate - if that makes sense!

I would like to provide a number of galleries for them - such as: "My Pet", "My Car", "Holiday Pics", "My Funniest Pic", "My Baby", or whatever.

I would also like one or more galleries to be password protected so only 'adult members could have access.

If it could have any or all of the following it would be great: a 'top 10' thumbnail display, Gallery thumbnails, "Most Viewed", ability to rate from '1 to 10' and comment.

If possible, the adult ratings/thumbnails would only be visible to those with the appropriate password.

I would like a colour-scheme which has good contrast so all tabs etc. are easy to read. (No dark blue writing on black background type of thing.)

It would either have space for adverts either at top or side/s

If anyone can help (and maybe has/knows a site I can view as an example) - and does not expect half of Bill Gate's salary for doing it - please make an offer.

I'm open to any suggestions (regarding the site ;D that is.) And whilst I can pay, it will need to be in tens of dollars rather than hundreds.


Joachim Müller


Gau Gau,

I did read the rules and most of the forums and qs and as before posting.

I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong or in any way offended you. No way was that my intention.

All I wanted was some help with coppermine for which I'm willing to pay.

I did notice a lot of your pictures and interjections telling less well informed or computer-litterate or (presumably) followers of your laid down proceedure, to read what you'd put.

Do you ever wonder WHY so many times you have to do this? Could it just be that so many others like me just want help, and maybe your 'conditions' or whatever they are - whilst being perfectly clear to you - are obviously not understood by so many posters.

If I've done wrong can you please exlplain how or in what way. That will help me. It will also help many others. It will also save you continually having to fill the threads up with interjections to 'read your rules'.

Thankyou on behalf of myself and the other 'ignorant' posters.

Teenagevenus (DUMB BLOND illiterate forum newbie. Sad all I got was a complaint and no help offered so far.)

Hein Traag

Patience is a virtue.. so i reading the board rules before you start complaining.


NOW I see how you get positive KARMA - suck up to the 'boss' :) :) :) :)

Of course if you had read what I put you would see I HAD read the 'whatever', and couldn't understand what I'd done or said wrong.

At the risk of repeating myself:

I'm neither looking for 'tickings off' nor recriminations, no for others to use my post to score positive KARMA points.

I wanted to OFFEND nobody - I was seeking  HELP after all!!!!!!!!

ALL I wanted and still want, is some knowledgeable person to offer to help me out with an installation in return for reasonable remuneration.

In my naivity I thought that this is what the forum was for. If anyone can help out PLEASE email me at teenagevenusus at yahoo do co dot uk befor the self-appointed JUDGE, JURY, and EXECUTIONER decides he has awarded me sufficient minus KARMA points to delete this and my other postings to show to himself (If nobody else) that he is 'almighty'.

I DID APOLOGISE - Though it seems only he knows what I had to appologise for!!!!!!!!!


PS: If anyone knows a forum I CAN get help on I will be most grateful.


Don't delete this thread, there might be someone interested in taking the job.


I need someone to install and customize coppermine for my site!

It would be on one of my domains/sites which currently has nothing installed on it.

What I'm looking for is a site where friends can join and post photos in assorted galleries and members can rate the photos. Some galleries would be password protected.

I'm ignorant on this and don't know if 'coppermine' is a 'stand alone' program or I would need a BB or something as well.

PLEASE - All I'm seeking is an offer of help from some capable enthusiast who would do this for cash.

I'm NOT trying to offend or upset ANYONE. I'm  willing to pay a reasonably generous fee for this. 


If you want someone to take the job then do as suggested and post an actual budget and time schedule.


I can do it for you. I don't charge (I'm nice like that).

Please E-mail or PM me the following details:
Your MSN Address or Yahoo or Skype or AIM so i can tell you how i am getting on.
1 x MYSQL Database
The Database username, DB Login and Password plus the MYSQL server address.
And FTP access.

Best Regards,



RE:- Don't delete this thread, there might be someone interested in taking the job.

That was VERY kind of you and I really appreciate it.




RE:- I can do it for you. I don't charge (I'm nice like that).

REECE, much appreciated.

Apart from being a dumb blonde (Literally - as cancer messed up my throat) I was born deaf. (This has SOME advantages :)) but means I can't use a phone, so I will contact you by email.

Thanks you nicer guys for putting up with me.




This request has been carried efficiently and swiftly by "Reece296".

For this I am most grateful, and would reccomend if you need help - and he offers - to grab his assistance with both hands.

teenagevenus. (Visiting this site has been quite an experience - say no more  :-X )


Thanks for resolving the thread and posting feedback.