Problems with swf files Problems with swf files


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Problems with swf files

Started by mrejas, June 28, 2007, 10:49:18 PM

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Well, sorry my english but i speak spanish, i have a coppermine gallery, i upload swf videos, but i have problems when i try to reproduce them, you can see in this link what is the problem i'm having:

the movie stop at 46% and doesn't avance to the 100%, when i reproduce this file in my computer it works fine an reproduce all, i don't know what is happening what is the problem i try to do everything but i can't fix it, if somebody can help me i will be really happy thanks a lot for all the people that could help me


Looks fine to me. Try a different browser or pc.


Nibbler, what browser have you used?, and what operating system?, i have tested in othe computer

i tested in my computer a windows xp sp2 with internet explorer 7.0 and the progress bar counts 46% and stop counting

and i have tested in other computer with windows 98 with internet explorer 6.0 and the progress bar counts 44% and stop counting

so i ask what browser have you used?, to you the progress bar reach to 100% and reproduce the movie????, please help me because i'm going crazy about this


well really i'm going crazy, now i have look in google for other coppermine gallery that have swf file in, i found it:

it reproduced in my computer, a windows xp sp2 with internet explorer 7, and it reach to 100% and reproduced very good with no problems, so i download this swf file that this person has in his coppermine gallery and i have uploaded to my coppermine gallery here is the link:

a sorprise for mi was that the same file doesn't reproduce in my gallery it do the same that do the other link that i have put in my first post, the new file reach to 46% and stop counting  what is the problem, i have to install something to my coppermine to reproduce the swf files???????, is there something that i have to change???????, i have to install a plug in or something, please help me really i'm going crazy, i can't understand


try this:
config=>Files and thumbnails advanced settings=>Movie Playback Autostart=>yes
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


i do the steps that you said me, but nothing change, please is somebody that have the same problem????????, i'm really going crazy


really i'm going crazy i ask to the support of the server where i have installed my coppermine gallery and this is the answer:

"Hi there,

The file plays perfectly for us .

A member of the Byethost Internet Group "

So why on all the computers of my lan when i try to visit the link that is in the first post the progress bar stops in 46%, i send the link to other peson that have a lan and its stop too, and send the link to other person and he said me that the file plays perfectly, so what's wrong coppermine uses a special port that i have to open in my router?, i don't know what to do i'm really going crazy



i can't understand why the video in this gallery

reach to 100% when i try to view,in my computer an the same video but upload to my gallery here

reach to 46% and freeze there, not reaching to 100%  why, is the same video, but one is in the gallery of other person, and in the other is in my gallery, is something that my gallery doesn't  have????, that the other gallery have?????, i really don't understand, please help me, is there a guru in coppermine or somebody that have had the same problem and fix it???? help me


It's only happening to you, so it must be something with your browser or connection. Are the other pcs you tried on the same network or something?

I use FF2 on Fedora 7 with the Flash 9 plugin.


isn't only the computers in my lan, i sent the link to other person that i have in my contact of msn and much have the same problem, so i don't know why it happens to me but i can se the same video very good in the gallery of other person, please help me