Need help with my gallery Need help with my gallery


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Need help with my gallery

Started by totalindustry, July 02, 2007, 07:11:30 PM

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My batch add files is acting up and comment spamming is driving me crazy.  Ive tried to make the modifications, but can not find some of the codes that are listed in the directions.  Is there anyone that can help me.  I know html, but this is alittle harder than I thought.  So I need help with this Captcha upgrade and also need to know why my batch add files is not working.

François Keller

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


OK, this gallery is free and Im having problems with it, who do I reach out to.  I dont mind paying, the comments that are being posted are driving me crazy, having to delete them every day.  Im just not good at this code changing thing.  So, now my question is, who do I contact.  Coppermine support or a freelance person who understand the codes.  Either way, I need help fast and I dont mind paying.  Please dont tell me about where are how to post,  I need results.  Coppermine has no number to reach customer service, so Im lost in these mazes of postings on how to fix this and that.  Someone please PM me and lets talk pricing to fix this.


If you have problem with Captcha Mod , you can install Captcha plugin it's easy and you shouldn't change any code at all
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

This thread shouldn't have gone into paid support in the first place, nor has the subject been chosen wisely. Additionally, it breaks or strict "one question per thread" policy. There's no need to pay anything, just search this board for "comment spam" and apply one of the solutions. Easiest solution would be to disable anonymous comments in coppermine's groups page, second best options are "captcha plugin", "captcha mod", "akismet mod".
Start another thread for your upload issues on the corresponding board (the upload board) after having read the upload troubleshooting section of the docs.
In the future, respect board rules and common sense! Locking this thread, marking it as "invalid".