[Closed]: Seeking Seemless Integration with e107 [Closed]: Seeking Seemless Integration with e107


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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[Closed]: Seeking Seemless Integration with e107

Started by paulf, April 04, 2008, 06:19:59 PM

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The systems have both been installed and both were recently upgraded. My skills are on the server side of things and not on the code side of things so my efforts to simply upgrade this have been fraught with frustration. Both for me and the person I'm doing this for.

I have read all the FAQs and I have enabled everything I know how or can enable and things just aren't working the way we expect or want them to. Coppermine should be a feature of the site through the e107 system. Not the way it's working through a complete repage. What is happening now is inelegant and embarrassing.

The ideal candidate for the job will have an intimate knowledge of both Coppermine and e107 (with references to proove it). They will have a solid karma rating (I can't believe some people with negative values keep trying here). The ideal candidate will be inexpensive. We have a budget in mind but we're really interested in seeing what someone is willing to do this for rather than insult someone with a too low figure or further embarrass ourselves with too high a figure. Fair is the target here. If you aren't willing to do this I'm more than happy to see ballparks of what I should expect to pay. The ideal candidate will also know that reputation matters. That person ~must~ be trustworthy.

The current problems we're having is that coppermine tells us that ImageMagic isn't enabled. It is. We are also having a problem because the Coppermine has completely taken over the admin area of e107. Not exactly what we had before the updates were installed. The final problem of course, already mentioned, is that continuity of look isn't working. The site should look like one place, throughout the entire experience. Counters and stats aren't working either. Beyond that things seem to be working.

A few notes:

The site is heavy with images of naked people. It's not a porn site but it's not a Martha Stewart "how to" site either. If you are offended by naked women and/or a few naked men, this probably isn't your gig.

We have been quasi-functional for about a week now. Not a good thing for a guy who makes his living through selling prints.

We will only pay ~after~ the site is functional by our standards. Having been in this industry for a while, we all know the perils of prepayment. If that doesn't work for you this isn't your gig. Timeliness is crucial.

The person you will be in contact with will need to know what you are doing and, if time permits and personality is compatible, why. We don't want to pay for this and have to pay again if we can pay once and learn what oversight was. We seek independence from hostage programming (some of you will most certainly know what I'm talking about).

An account will be created for the person who gets the job as some of the problems are through the administrative system and nobody should fault us for not wanting to give "test" access to that. Right Joachim?

We have a huge userbase and though we can restore from backups, we would prefer to move forward.


Looking forward to working with someone talented and professional.

The site is http://www.uniquenudes.com


Paul F.


So essentially you want someone who is highly skilled, professional, yet willing to work for as little as possible.  AND that person is only paid some undetermined rate AFTER you feel the job is complete "to your standards". 

Thanks, but I think I'll pass on this one.  I would never enter into such a lopsided, open-ended "contract".  But good luck finding others that will!



Hi Tim:

Thank you for your reply. I am indeed looking for professional, skilled, and willing to work. Assuming the lowest rate wins is neither fair nor professional. Maybe you could give us all the courtesy and let us know what you would charge for this project.

The rate will be determined before this person starts work and payment will be made after it is done. I'm sorry if there was any impression made that I wasn't willing to pay a fair price or that the rate wouldn't be negotiated before work started.

I appreciate the opportunity to clarify my request.

Best Regards,

Paul F.


I gave it some thought and came to the conclusion that maybe I wasn't using the correct terminology. I am seeking BIDS for this job. Private bids and public bids are both welcome.


Paul F.


I have resolved the GD problem. Batch upload is now working just fine. So the BID we are seeking is actually for less work now.

Paul F