ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x - Page 3 ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x - Page 3


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ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x

Started by Gizmo, December 30, 2006, 03:39:50 PM

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Hi Gizmo,
Thanks for the great theme!

I have a question about the background colour of the photo gallery. I'm trying to change it from dark gray to white but it doesn't seem to work. I can change the colours of all the other things (main background, buttons, etc) but not the photo gallery background. I know the colour code for it is #1b1814 but I changed all the #1b1814 to #FFFFFF and no success. I also took a screen shot to find the colour code (#161410) and did a search on all the documents, but no success. It's a super basic question but nothing is working. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

My site is:

This is the post structure of my style.css where I found the code #1b1814 (it has been changed to ffffff)

/* Post Structure */

.post { padding: 10px 0 0; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: hidden; }
   .widecolumn .post { padding: 0; margin: 0; }
.top { padding: 15px 10px 0px; background: #ffffff; margin-bottom:

15px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff; }
.lastfive { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
   .postmetadata { margin: 3px 0; padding: 0; }
   .postmetadata a { font-weight: bold; }
      #sidebar .postmetadata { line-height: 1.5em; }
   .continue { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.3em; }
   .top .entry { font-size: 1.1em; }
   .entrytext { padding: 0 10px 0; line-height: 2em; font-size:

1.1em; }
   .entrytext h2 { border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff; display:

block; }
   .entrytext ul { list-style-type: square; }

Joachim Müller

Both issues that the last two users have come up with are individual issues that should be discussed on this announcement thread, but in separate threads. So please start threads of your own, posting all relevant reference (like link to your gallery and link to this thread).


Quote from: Joachim Müller on August 12, 2008, 10:26:00 AM
Both issues that the last two users have come up with are individual issues that should be discussed on this announcement thread, but in separate threads. So please start threads of your own, posting all relevant reference (like link to your gallery and link to this thread).

It's not and individual issue.  There is a java compatibility issue with the new release.


@denimdee, the background is an image. Make a new image or remove the background.

#wrapper {
background: url('images/content_bkg.gif') repeat-y top left;

For future support on "how to edit a theme" start a new post. To help you with your theme editing, use Firefox as your browser and install the add-on Firebug.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Fabrian on August 12, 2008, 10:50:30 AM
There is a java compatibility issue with the new release.
Certainly not. Java is not involved. .You probably meant JavaScript (which is an entirely different animal). As you appear to lack the skills, you better leave it to my judegement to decide wether your post belongs here or into a new thread. Anyway, it's up to the supporters here to decide wether you're required to start a new thread or not. If I tell you to start a new thread, you start one or get unsupported - that's how a support board works: I'm not ready to argue with you about board policies. >:(


Joachim beat me to the post!

@Fabrian, I got the code to work in 1 minute. Go back and read the LightBox thread very carefully and pay attention the instructions. If after that and you still need help, start a new thread and I'll answer there.

To all others, this thread deals with issues on the ChaoticSoul theme that hasn't been edited, hacked or plugins added. Basically if you download it and see problems with the native theme then please post here.

Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Joachim Müller on August 12, 2008, 11:22:04 PM
Certainly not. Java is not involved. .You probably meant JavaScript (which is an entirely different animal). As you appear to lack the skills, you better leave it to my judegement to decide wether your post belongs here or into a new thread. Anyway, it's up to the supporters here to decide wether you're required to start a new thread or not. If I tell you to start a new thread, you start one or get unsupported - that's how a support board works: I'm not ready to argue with you about board policies. >:(

I have no desire to argue either, but please don't put me beneath yourself or threaten me, it's uncalled for - I was trying to help, I'm not a polluter here.  If you want to flex your support board muscle, then delete my post, ban me or whatever else makes you feel better.


Quote from: Gizmo on August 12, 2008, 11:41:10 PM
Joachim beat me to the post!

@Fabrian, I got the code to work in 1 minute. Go back and read the LightBox thread very carefully and pay attention the instructions. If after that and you still need help, start a new thread and I'll answer there.

To all others, this thread deals with issues on the ChaoticSoul theme that hasn't been edited, hacked or plugins added. Basically if you download it and see problems with the native theme then please post here.


Thanks Billy.  I'm really surprised since I thought everything was fresh and clean on my part.  Oh well!!  I'll have to  find out what I did wrong - sorry for troubling you for nothing then.

BTW, I didn't forget about that thing...  I'm hoping to have time tonight.

Thanks again, your work is greatly appreciated, Billy.

Joachim Müller

Butt out of this thread with your individual issues - do as I suggested and start a thread of your own instead of cluttering this thread even further. I mean it!


love this theme , only one issue... i for some reason with a completely fresh install and this theme cannot remove the filenames for the thumbnails, even though i've taken them to "off" in the configuration page, the filenames for all images shows below the thumbnails. Does not look very good as it makes all the pictures separate very far :(

edit: never mind im stupid! it was the jupload plugin that i forgot to properly setup, sorry about that!

another edit:

would like to ask the author gizmo of this theme if he knows a easy to way to get next & previous tabs for the thumbnail view on this theme, there are several of mods but none of them seem to work for this specific theme!


Joachim Müller

Your question doesn't belong into this thread, as the question is not related to this theme. Start a thread of your own.


Hi Gizmo,
I really love this theme! It looks pretty awesome on FF3 but on my IE7 installation, it looks kind of strange. it is completely left-aligned and the fonts are far bigger than in FF3.

Please have a look on your own:

Anything i can do?

Thank you and greetings,


Hi Farnsi,

The link you provided looks the same for me on FF3, IE6 & IE7. I'm running Parallels on a Mac with separate vm's for IE6 and IE7 so maybe it's on your end. Hopefully someone else will come along and be able to check tonight for you. I'm glad you like the theme!  ;)

Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


I really love the theme and i kind of think that the ones who use IE7 have bad luck..BUT ~30% of my users are IE-users..
Enclosed you find a screenshot of my problem. I can't tell why this is happening, seems like the gallery doesn't want a new theme.. >:( ;D


Hi Farnsi,

Again it looks fine on IE7 for me but I did notice the 2 vertical lines left of the menu in your attached image. There should only be 1. See my IE7 image attached.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


OK... let's try this, can you upload a new version without Stramm's modpack integrated and if it's still not right try deactivating some of your plugins. I'd like to get this working for you but it looks right on my machine.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Damn that plugins, now it was the keywords add whatever plaugin.
Now everythings looks as expected!
Thank you so much, again!  :)



this is an awesome theme. i love it.

i'm having a bit of a little trouble though. i dont know what settings that i have off or on, but on my gallery page.. it only shows categories and random files.. it doesn't show the album list.


Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision



Love this theme, but i need some help doing hyperlink of the header images to the gallery home.

I've managed to do this, but it's not proper coding:


<div id="headerimg" class="clearfix">
<div class="image_header bkgleft"><a href="http://mygallery/stuff/"><img src="http://mygallery/stuff/themes/chaoticsoul/images/image_left.jpg" border="0"</a></div>
<div class="image_header bkgright"><a href="http://mygallery/stuff/"><img src="http://mygallery/stuff/themes/chaoticsoul/images/image_right.jpg" border="0"</a></div>

This does work in firefox, but in both explorer and opera the output is buggy.

Is there any proper way to make the head images a hyperlink to the gallery home?

Thanks for the awesome work on this great theme :)