An other bridge for Joomla 1.5 (rc4) by Mehdi - Page 2 An other bridge for Joomla 1.5 (rc4) by Mehdi - Page 2


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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An other bridge for Joomla 1.5 (rc4) by Mehdi

Started by extrabigmehdi, January 07, 2008, 04:57:29 PM

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I too use his bridge. There are 2 files of the coppermine core that need editing, bridgemgr.php and contains a lot of code that is important to the running of coppermine and while it may work, how do you know that that was not one of the files that had the securtity hole that needed fixing?

That is why  Mehndi provides details of how to hack the bridgemgr.php and files yourself as he realises that this may be a problem.

Spending 5mins doing it now may save a lot of heartache in the future when you get hacked.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Your personal quote is quite appropriate!   :)

I give, you are absolutely right.  I have been hacked before, several times actually.  Only once was directly my (lazy) fault.  And it was the worst one.  Lost my entire mysql db to a hacker.  Rewrote the passwords for all users, not on just one site, but all them.  It was a Joomla exploit and I hadn't patched it yet.  I spent days trying to recover from that one.

Another one, was using my email server at their will.  I would have not noticed, but they were being greedy and godaddy cut them off after 1000 emails each day and sent me an email.  Still took me three days to figure out which site on my server was responsible.

You would think those people could find better things to do with their time.  I haven't been hacked in some time, and I keep regular back ups of all my sites now, and then back up my local hard drive nightly.

But I digress.

Mehdi, could he maybe include the official bridgemgr file, or just give a link to the other posting on how to hack it the "official" way?


He does provide the instructions.

It shouldn't take you more than a few minutes.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Great stuff, easy to understand, but unfortunately doesn't work for me. I have followed your instructions and install the visual plug in and comes up with this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare scriptfixcallback() (previously declared in /home/mainsite/public_html/ in /home/mainsite/public_html/ on line 53

The Joomla site and the CPG site both work as a stand alone but when I click on the link to go to CPG it comes up with this error, what am I doing wrong??? ???


Sorry, but you will have to ask the author for support on this. As we did not produce the bridge we cannot provide support as we simply do not know the bridge well enough.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


According to you error, you are using a visual integration plugin. I've only done yet this only for cpg 1.5x and didn't find time to adapt that  for cpg 1.4x (updating all instructions, + support for previous joomla versions , all that mess and more).
Anyway, please follow instruction for cpg 1.4x and forget for now instructions for cpg 1.5x and related file.
Uninstall the plugin for visual integration.
Cpg 1.4x only .



I got rid of the cpg visual plugin, realising now that it was for CPG 1.5. I am using Joomla 1.5.10 and CPG 1.4.2 and it is not visual integrating into Joomla. When I click on the gallery link (for my CPG) it opens it in a new window but without the template I have for Joomla around it, it seems to use the style2.css I created, so there must be something else I need to do. Help!  :-\


Hi Again,
Just for informations sake, it was integrated into Joomla, but I had to edit the CSS to tell it exactly where to find the image files which were in my template directory. I used the CSS integration software but it didn't find the image files. So now all is fine. Thanks Mehdi for great software.


Hello Mehdi

Can you please tell me if I can use two instances of coppermine in my joomla site. In other words, I have 2 coppermine galleries going. One is integrated with joomla and I would like to integrate the second one as well.



hi Mel,
QuoteCan you please tell me if I can use two instances of coppermine in my joomla site. In other words, I have 2 coppermine galleries going. One is integrated with joomla and I would like to integrate the second one as well.
should work fine, you can easily unbridge anyway


Hello, I have different joomla websites with coppermine galleries integrated. I'm try to upload coppermine into a new website and all seems to work fine but when I open the gallery it says:

Fatal error: Class 'Inspekt' not found in /site/gallery/bridge/ on line 32

It seems it can't find a class..I bet is a problem of coppermine's version??? Can someone tell me if I can find a plugin or which version I shoul upload to let the bridge work fine??


Contact the maker of the bridge on his site for support.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


After reading my response all_the_love asked the same question in the Italian board.,60717.0.html


Please do not create duplicate threads. It just causes clutter and often means extra work for us.

In the case of this bridge, it was not created by the coppermine team and as such we do not know it which is why I pointed you towards the author of the bridge. I am sure he does not have too much time to visit here on a regular basis which is another reason for my suggestion.

Additionally, check which version of coppermine you are using and which version of his bridge you are using
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


sorry I thought I was allowed to post it in my language too :(

I should need the 1.4.21, but on the website there's only the newest one :(

Joachim Müller

Quote from: all_the_love on July 21, 2009, 09:50:24 PM
I bet is a problem of coppermine's version???

Quote from: all_the_love on July 22, 2009, 02:14:45 PM
I should need the 1.4.21, but on the website there's only the newest one :(
No, that's wrong. Always use the most recent stable release. Do not use cpg1.4.21, it's outdated!


Hi all,
I have a question. I'm curious to try this bridge and to have joomla+Coppermine together but i worry little about the integration. My questions are :

1- I have installed coppermine in my main folder, do i need to move the gallery in subfolder ore i can install joomla in subfolder and make the integration ?
I want when i open the link to my domain to open joomla with link in the menu to the gallery?? Is that possible ore not ?

2- Do my users from the gallery automatically get the accounts for Joomla after that ?

3- I have phpbb3 installed in subfolder too. I didn't make bridge for it with coppermine, can i make the bridge after that too ?

Thanks in advance :)

Regards Ivo

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Heroe on September 30, 2009, 01:06:41 PMMy questions are
We have a strict "one issue per thread" policy that you agreed to respect when signing up. You have been told about our policies (i.e. board rules) before, please read them and respect them from now on; you have broken them several times already. Posting several questions in one thread is bad, and especially generic posting generic questions that are not directly related to the user-contributed bridge discussed in this thread, but that are generally about bridging. Your questions show you haven't read the docs nor have you understood the bridging concept.
Quote from: Consider bridging

Coppermine was designed to be used as standalone application in the first place. However, many people wanted to integrate it with another app, so starting with cpg1.1.x coppermine came with a mechanism that allowed users to bridge coppermine with another app in terms of user management. The main advantage is giving your site visitors a single sign-on for your overall site (e.g. both in your gallery and your forum), so they don't have to sign in twice and memorize two different logons.

Bridging does not integrate coppermine visually into your home page (you have to create a custom theme to accomplish this).

You can enable (or disable) bridging at any time, but you should make up your mind on bridging when installing Coppermine in the first place, because there are some issues that have to be taken into account: if you already have users inside your coppermine database when enabling bridging, the correlation between those initial coppermine users and the "new" users from the app you bridge with gets lost. As a consequence, there will be no more correlation between things your "old" users did (uploading pic, posting comments etc.) and the "new" users from the bridge.

To circumvent those future issues, you should make up your mind when installing coppermine: do you want to allow user interaction? Do you plan to offer a bulletin board later (or any other application that keeps track of users)? If your answer is "yes", or "maybe", then it's advisable to enable bridging before actually promoting your site publicly and starting to let users in.

Read up details in the bridging section of the docs.

Quote from: Heroe on September 30, 2009, 01:06:41 PM1- I have installed coppermine in my main folder, do i need to move the gallery in subfolder ore i can install joomla in subfolder and make the integration ?
Both options possible. Your choice.

Quote from: Heroe on September 30, 2009, 01:06:41 PMI want when i open the link to my domain to open joomla with link in the menu to the gallery?? Is that possible ore not ?
I don't understand the question. However, I doubt that you own the domain "" - that domain is owned by a webhosting company as far as I can see. You mustn't post dummy placeholder links, but real life links, as per board rules. Yes, you have been told about board rules several times already. Why do we have to repeat that again and again?

Quote from: Heroe on September 30, 2009, 01:06:41 PM2- Do my users from the gallery automatically get the accounts for Joomla after that ?
No, the opposite is the case, see
Quote from: Coppermine users, groups and pics uploaded by users are lost when integrating

Warning: If you already have users and custom groups in your coppermine database when you enable bbs integration, be aware that they will be lost. If your coppermine users have already created private albums and uploaded pics to them, they will be lost as well!

Quote from: Heroe on September 30, 2009, 01:06:41 PM3- I have phpbb3 installed in subfolder too. I didn't make bridge for it with coppermine, can i make the bridge after that too ?
No, of course not. Coppermine can only be bridged with one application that then becomes the master. However, phpbb maybe can be bridged with Joomla as well, or maybe there is a particular phpBB-port for Joomla available, who knows?

What you ask is generic bridging advice. Stay out of this thread and do as suggested. If you have actual individual bridging questions, start a thread of your own, respecting board rules and reading the docs before doing so.


Just updated the link for cpg 1.4x bridge.