LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2 LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2


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LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2

Started by Joe Carver, December 18, 2009, 06:01:20 AM

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Joe Carver

This will replace the pop-up image with a LightBox and slideshow. It is based on the cpg 1.4x plugin by jeepguy_1980 and the mod. by Sander Weyens (SaWey). It uses the jquery based NFLightBox by Helori LAMBERTY at The Coppermine file jquery-1.3.2.js is used by the plugin.

    • Borders with rounded corners
    • image caption shown by default with title
    • timing settings for image swap and fade
    • image swap by fade only (no animations)


       To install:
       1) Download the zip file to your computer
       2) Log in as admin and install with Plugin Manager - use Configuration to set your preferences
       3) Enjoy it!

        -) SET  "Number of files in album to list for slideshow"  TO 500 OR LESS

       To uninstall:

       1) Use Plugin Manager
    Example/Demo Here (Main Site)  
    Here (My 1st CPG Gallery)  
    Here (Artists Gallery)  

    Best effects and views with browser set to view full screen - great with large images.


    Compatible browsers - Firefox 3.5.6 - IE8 - Safari (Mac + Win) - Opera - Chrome
    Compatible 1.5.x plugins - iScroll. Slider, Monitor Calibration, Mousewheel + More


    Bug and usage reports are kindly requested - thanks.

    Download the latest version below

    Joe Carver

    Release of Version 0.2

          - NFLightBox.js - fix bug in escape key function
          - NFLightBox.js - enable/fix click overlay to close
          - NFLightBox.js - add function - return to last image
          - NFLightBox.js - add function - show image caption
          - NFLightBox.js - add function resize image to screen
          - NFLightBox.js - remove uneeded code
          - nav. images edited for contrast
          - codebase.php - add image caption
          - codebase.php - add a few .js variables to <head>
          - nf.lightbox.css - small edits
          - add readme to plugin package

    Alll essential Slideshow functions should now work out of the box. It still needs a config page and some clean up of .css,  etc. New version is attached to first post.


    Joachim Müller

    Indeed a very cool plugin - I'm looking forward to see more of it (i.e. the plugin's config panel).
    Please note: the name of the library that get's used is not "jsquery", but "jquery" as far as I can see.

    Joe Carver

    Release of Version 0.3

          - add hit counter function - (borrowed from EnlargeIt! - thanks)
          - Meta album set maintained for LightBox image set (lastup, topn)

    Version 0.3 attached to first post.
    @ Timos + Joachim,
    The config. is coming, but I am still learning and want to get the biggest bugs out first...

    Joe Carver

    Release of Version 1.0

       - add configuration page to plugin package
       - Visual timer can now be set on/off (save cpu)
       - add "nofollow" attribute - configurable                  
       - add captions, border, timers, etc. to config
       - Major .css and style changes
       - tweaks, cleanups for more efficient operation
       - detailed instructions for Config in on-line readme file

    New version attached to post # 1.

    This should now be ready for most users. It will run faster for the visitor and allow for some config. flexibility

    Joachim Müller

    Good job. I have added the plugin to the SVN repository and moved some stuff around. I'm trying to improve it step by step to allow you (and other potential plugin authors) to see step by step what needs to be to improve a plugin in terms of i18n, usability and functionality. Please don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to discourage you. My edits are not meant to blame you or your work. I'm just trying to show you the steps to turn a good plugin into an outstanding plugin. Just monitor the commits performed and the changelog on the subversion repository. I will try to keep the changes from one step to the next easy to understand and not too complex.
    Web SVN access:
    Before my initial commit I had to rename the plugin for standards compliance: it's better to name the pluguin folder exactly as the plugin and not waste characters that don't mean anything. The install routine was buggy: observe the difference between INSERT INTO and INSERT IGNORE INTO. The uninstall routine was even dangerous: never perform a DELETE with a LIKE operator - that is bound to cause problems, as you might delete core settings!


    Joe Carver

    Thanks, since I am still happy to be learning, I look forward to seeing the changes.

    At the moment I am still working to improve the visual aspects of this plugin and perhaps add a couple of more config. options. This means more learning (jquery) and considering that before March of this year I barely knew anything about coding and Coppermine.....I am in too deep over my head!

    Thanks Again and Best Wishes for the New Year


    72 Kbytes of Javascript...  :o

    I suggest to find a way to make this smaller - on a slow connection it will take many seconds to load! Do a Google search for JS packer; even without encoding and shrinking variables, it will reduce the size to 50% easily simply by removing comments and spaces.

    Joe Carver

    Thanks - I will take a look. Although first to "defend" the original author of the jquery has about  32 Kbytes dedicated to the rounded corners*.........and it is also smaller in total than the 1.4.x plugin....

    * you have given me an idea to make the round corners a config option or maybe to drop them completely....a quick test has shown much smoother animation without the rounded corners....


    Joachim Müller

    Quote from: Timos-Welt on December 31, 2009, 04:06:28 PM
    72 Kbytes of Javascript...  :o
    That should not be a problem, as the script get's pre-loaded and cached. I don't think that 72 KB is too much.

    Joe Carver

    I also agree that 72 KB is not extremely large. However, a smaller version (~40 KB) without the curved corners seems to be less demanding for the visitor's cpu and has smoother image resize animations. I would like to add this a config. option so that users of the plugin can tailor it to their expected visitors, similar to the availability of the visual timer. It should be easy, adding the selection of one .js or the other, but it might be at least a few days until I can get back to this plugin.

    So in the meantime here is a temporary posting of the smaller .js and the .css to go with it.

    Timos, perhaps you can give it a try and opinion too. Please note I have also added another config. option that is now only
    in the .js. It is called inFade and controls the fade-in rate for the new image (also now smoother looking).


    I fixed the critical error when viewing non-images in r7003.


    Quote from: Αndré on January 06, 2010, 08:35:45 AM
    I fixed the critical error when viewing non-images in r7003.
    Thanks alot it works now with videos.

    Joachim Müller

    Joe, did you have the time to look at the subversion repository as I suggested? For those who are not familiar with checking out SVN I have created a package of the modified plugin. Please let me know your thoughts.

    Joe Carver

    Indeed I have not only looked at it it but also have added a couple of new features to the plugin using the svn version.(for smoother image transitions)  Your changes are quite extensive - that must have taken some time!

    I now see some of what you have referred to. Edits to the svn version follow what you have done.

    Unfortunately there are a couple of issues with the svn version, some of which I have been able to address.
    But since you have asked....without any intent to belittle your work, here is a short list.
    - Slideshow timer interval is a needed value for the plugin config. - added in new version
    - The display breaks without the timer bar shown - (.css padding value not being passed) 'fixed' in new version
    - Default setting in Install/Config. for buttons shows only one button
    - Value set in config.for Image swap time is not passed to function. This is indicative of my biggest, most un-solvable problem right now. I have also set a few more config values involving timing - they are (eventually) getting into the script - I can get them to display. But they do not affect the function that they are being asked to influence.  It seems like the "settings" aren't loaded fast or complete enough when lightBox starts "out of the script" instead of "out of the header".

    I will package a release with the changes tomorrow - fixed or not, for you to look at. Some of the changes I have integrated onto my public 1.5.x site above. I think future users will like the flexibility that has been added.

    Nice work on the changes.


    @Joachim: is it possible to give plugin authors write access to just 'their' plugin directory in the svn? That would make development easier as we can see in that case (terms like 'svn version' and 'new version' make things a little bit confusing).

    Joachim Müller

    No, sorry: that's impossible on the subversion repository of that we use. I agree that this would make things easier. Using terms like "svn version" or similar are of course not good - we should always refer to exact versions / revisions.

    Joe Carver

    @ Αndré, Thanks for the fix in 7003 and also for consideration to subversion access. But at least speaking for myself only...that could be dangerous.....


    Releasing a new version with new features today is not logical or possible.
    In r 7003 a config value (Image swap) is not being read and used by script.js.
    Testing has shown for the unread values:
    - the js_var list in page head is populated with the values
    - if the value is set/edited into the corresponding variable setting in script.js the value is now read
    - the value can be be read by the script and displayed as a title or caption
    - possibly because of the script's execution/timing, it will read and use a config. value for slideshow interval which has the same 4 digit format as the other unread timing variables.
    - NFLightBox.js - the original code - has shown a low tolerance for some config. errors

    Any help possible is requested. Testing and searching will continue here in the meantime.

    Joe Carver

    Release of version 2.3  (based on Subversion r7003)

    New Features
    • Hide animation - show images by fade in and out
    • Show/hide rounded corners for smoother animations
    • Fade-in setting for image into container
    • Fade in configuration for image and container together

    All of the required features now function. It will operate 100% out of the box.
    New version is attached to first post. Changelog is in the package (too long to list here).


    Known Issues
    - Button set select will now select theme's buttons. Unfortunately some of the standard 1.5.x themes do not have all of the named buttons and will show blank fields instead of buttons. Default setting is now for plugin's buttons to avoid confusion.

    - Plugin will not run if <head> info. is set as "return meta;". The script.js will not read all of the variables set into the array 'var js_vars'. Changing the sequence of the variables in the array does not help. The script seems to need this order of commands/variables/functions to operate properly.
    1)  jquery-1.3.2.js loaded
    2) some of the variables defined
    3) script.js called with defined variables.
    This requires the workaround to add the <head> info. as a str_replace for </head>. Using "return meta;" places the plugin info above/before the required 1) and 2) noted above.

    Any suggestions that do not degrade the output, configuration and functionality of the plugin would be greatly appreciated.

    Enjoy it!