LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2 - Page 2 LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2 - Page 2


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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LightBox Slideshow jquery ( v3.2

Started by Joe Carver, December 18, 2009, 06:01:20 AM

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Joe Carver

Release of new version 2.3. Details in previous posting.

Joachim Müller

Thanks for your contribution. I will merge your changes with the subversion repository.

There are some things that come to mind though:

  • You have edited all file headers - that's of course nonsensical - they automatically get updated by subversion and mustn't be edited manually, see
    Quote from: file headers
    In all textual Coppermine files (i.e. files with the extensions .php, .htm, .css, .js, sql, .txt, .xml) there is a subversion header present that is meant to help developers and power users to determine what version and revision number a particular file is. This can be helpfull when troubleshooting as well as in support matters. However, from a technical point of view (as far as the core functionality of your gallery is concerned), the additional subversion file headers are just for information purposes and don't server any technical purpose.
    Subsequently: if you're an end user, you can savely remove the subversion file headers from files where this bothers you, e.g. if you want a clean HTML output (code-wise) of your pages you can remove the subversion file header from the HTML template file of your custom theme (themes/yourtheme/template.html).
    Developers and contributors on the other hand are required to preserve the subversion file header or add it when coming up with new files that end up under version control (see "Adding files").
    The idea behind the subversion file header is that it always get's updated automatically be the subversion software whenever a user with subversion write access committs a file. Think of the lines as placeholders: the subversion keywords $HeadURL$, $Revision$, $LastChangedBy$, $Date$ get replaced by their actual values - in this document, the equivalents are $HeadURL: $, $Revision: 6907 $, $LastChangedBy: gaugau $, $Date: 2009-12-25 11:42:34 +0100 (Fr, 25. Dez 2009) $. There is no point in manually editing the content of those values - remove the information if you're an end user and it bothers you, but it won't affect your gallery in any way, so it's easier to leave the subversion file headers as they are.
  • You appear not to have understood the concept how dynamic content from PHP (e.g. a config setting or a language string) "travels" from PHP to the external JavaScript file. I have gone through great effort to reduce all the extra gargabe you had in codebase.php's function definition for "lightbox_notes_for_net_header": after I had cleaned up all the extra inline-JavaScript you deliberately added new crap to the content of the $meta variable. Under no circumstances can you have the line $template_header = str_replace('</head>', $meta . '</head>', $template_header); That is crap code and baaaad. I'll have to clean that up before committing. Please don't re-introduce that nonsense once more.
  • Using the PHP comment style

    can't be used in JavaScript afaik
  • A blank gif is a blank gif: refering to the one that comes with the plugin is nonsense; use the one that comes with coppermine. Make it light-weight!
  • Your code is hard to read and edit - please use indentation properly as suggested in

Cheers Joachim

Joe Carver

Joachim, Perhaps you misunderstood - it does not work the way you had it before. Please test your changes for functionality before committing. Version 1.0 worked - your subversion revisions did not. Removing features like the slideshow timer option should not be done either - that is a double standard saying it exists in Coppermine for this plugin but for other plugins (like the iScroll, Slider, etc..) corresponding cpg functions need to be in the plugin. In any case the slideshow timing is influenced by the new fade-in features, it would be beyond cumbersome to ask someone to change menus when trying to configure a plugin.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
  • Using the PHP comment style

    can't be used in JavaScript afaik
The php type comments are residual from the original NFLightBox script.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
You have edited all file headers - that's of course nonsensical - they automatically get updated by subversion and mustn't be edited manually
Subversion stuff is out of my domain - apologies for the extra rev. info.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
A blank gif is a blank gif: refering to the one that comes with the plugin is nonsense; use the one that comes with coppermine. Make it light-weight!
You must be kidding - how much weight is added here? 43 bytes? BTW I could not find any image files named "blank" in 1.5.x and have now just downloaded the latest version from svn also to find none - perhaps you can enlighten me as to  where they are located.

Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
You appear not to have understood the concept how dynamic content from PHP (e.g. a config setting or a language string) "travels" from PHP to the external JavaScript file......... That is crap code and baaaad.
With Enlargeit! v1.7 I counted more than 50 variables in the header from the plugin.........50.....

Quote from: Joachim Müller on January 13, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
Your code is hard to read and edit - please use indentation properly as suggested in
I am not a coder or any type of programmer at all - this has all been an exercise in learning and a way to be creative. I will try to neaten things up next time.


Quote from: Joe Carver on January 13, 2010, 06:49:26 PM
You must be kidding - how much weight is added here? 43 bytes? BTW I could not find any image files named "blank" in 1.5.x and have now just downloaded the latest version from svn also to find none - perhaps you can enlighten me as to  where they are located.
images/spacer.gif ;)
I guess Joachim tried to say, that you don't need to include images that comes already with cpg. Some authors copy all needed images to the plugin directory, which can sometimes be a lot.

Joe Carver

Release of version 2.4

    • configuration.php add version check array to work with changes in plugin manager
    • remove info. from svn fields

    Joachim Müller

    Quote from: Joe Carver on January 25, 2010, 03:06:29 AM
    • remove info. from svn fields
    That causes an awfull lot of extra work for me to re-add that. Stop editing the SVN header and leave it alone, OK? It's there for a purpose. It doesn't hurt if it's in the code.

    • stop adding the version number of the plugin to each of the file headers manually. That piece of information does NOT get replaced automatically and causes a lot of extra effort as well. We have some experience in maintaining code - please don't edit out the stuff we deliberately add.
    • Adding the leading PHP-tag <?php to a file with the extension .txt is stupid. Don't!
    • I have changed the coding style in the CSS files to match the coding style in all other CSS files that come with coppermine, to make it easier for newbies to find their way around. You changed that back. Please don't - there are reasons for my edits
    • height attributes in CSS need a unit, e.g. px
    • Don't specify a particular release deliberately for the minimum requirements. If you want to say "will run with any version of cpg1.5.x", use the line $plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5'); in configuration.php instead of specifying $plugin_cpg_version = array('min' => '1.5.1');, or are you sure that your plugin will not work with cpg1.5.0?
    • Using indentation is fine when used properly. Don't use it without reason

    Joe Carver

    Release of Version 2.6

      • codebase.php change method of plugin data to <head>
      • codebase.php change script call/location to page body

      Please note: Like many other posts related to cpg1.5.x this plugin is still a work in progress.

      The newer method of loading the <head> variables was inspired by the  Panorama Viewer for cpg1.5.x plugin - many thanks to Αndré!!! It also appears to have a side benefit: It now seems to "get along" better with other plugins that use the hook - 'page_meta'.

      Please post any bug reports or suggestions for improvement. As time allows I hope to improve/enhance the visual aspects.

      SVN header info. from last rev. left untouched. Version 2.6 attached to first post in thread.


      First of all I'd like to thank everyone that worked on porting this - it looks and works great...  no more file hacking= yay!

      Since I set my intermediate images to 800px to make them somewhat usable and sufficient themselves, full size/popup is usually an action for users seeking a closer look and details...  so I would like to turn off the auto resize and display full size (usually around 800x1200 or 1200x800 in my case).

      It would be a great feature to add to the plugin config settings in admin but for now I'm just trying to find where to set this in the files myself...  I'm not a coder and after tweaking and and looking through the .js and .css files I'm still not sure how to do this and would deeply appreciate any suggestions.

      thank you!

      Joe Carver

      As a request for a future config option to not resize (the already) full-size images or adjust the percentage of the display window - I will take note.

      As a request for support I am obliged to say that cpg1.5.x is not yet supported - at the moment that also applies to this plugin, with the exception of glaring bugs. Time is just too short right now.

      I am also obliged to mention that all support requests for cpg should always have a link to the Coppermine installation in question.

      In the meantime...
      Quote from: Joe Carver on December 18, 2009, 06:01:20 AM
      Best effects and views with browser set to view full screen - great with large images.


      In the installation notes it is said "The plugin should be installed as any other plugin" however I receive an so called fatal error:

      "Fatal error: Call to undefined function cpg_fetch_icon() in /home/flippie/domains/  on line 32"

      The plugin is not listed in the (Plugins Not installed) box and cannot be installed instead a URL is given below the box referring to ""

      Could you please advise me how to make use of this plugin?
      This question may to very simple to answer however I do not know much about coding and such.

      Kind regards,


      Joe Carver

      Please reply with a link to your Coppermine - not only is that a rule of this Support Forum it will also help to diagnose the problem.


      Quote from: Joe Carver on March 08, 2010, 09:07:31 PM
      Please reply with a link to your Coppermine - not only is that a rule of this Support Forum it will also help to diagnose the problem.

      Sorry for not posting my web link in my first post.
      My Coppermine gallery:

      Joe Carver

      You are using the wrong LightBox plugin. Your version is <!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.26 (stable)--> .
      This plugin is for Coppermine v1.5.x.
      When you go to the plugins page you should note the version of Coppermine that the plugin was made for (1.4.x and 1.5.x) and always read the thread associated with the plugin for latest version, info., etc
      See: LightBox Slideshow
      [Off topic]
      You should also read the thread about the thumb rotate plugin. It is unsafe according to the plugin's author.,57469.html

      Joe Carver

      Release of version 2.7

        • add nav. anchor (#) references for smoother transitions on exit
        • now compatible with IE7 (as best as I can test!)
        • general housekeeping, cleanup

        Details are in the package. SVN/header info. untouched from last couple of revisions.

        Notes: I think this is a "final release" unless I hear otherwise. Rounded corners will not show in older or "compatibility mode" IE.

        Will also attach v2.7 to first post in thread.


        There was a problem with the work of lightbox-notes-for-net_v2.7

        "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" set "Yes: thumbnail and intermediate image"

        Guests can open full-size images
        How to disable the guest display flash full sized image?

        Joe Carver

        Quote from: Vixs on April 08, 2010, 10:55:34 PM
        How to disable the guest display flash full sized image?

        File plugins/lightbox_notes_for_net/codebase.php would need extensive modification. I will take a look at making that change for the next release (as time + testing will allow).

        Joe Carver

        Release of version 2.8

          • Add check for "View full size image" permissions - unlogged visitors can not see LightBox if set in cpg Config

          Changelog in package - headers untouched from v2.5 - new version also attached to first post

          Joe Carver

          Release of version 2.9

            • Bugfix/compatibility for data returned to page_meta - reduce likelihood of "clash" with other plugins

            Changelog in package - headers untouched from v2.5 - new version also attached to first post


            Dear Joe,

            First of all my compliments to the plugin, it works very nice.
            I would have a little request. I am used to the Lightbox of 1.4 and there was a link on every slide to download the image.
            Could you implement that link here also?

            Kind Regards, m4rcu5

            Joe Carver

            Quote from: m4rcu5 on May 11, 2010, 10:25:22 PM
            ....there was a link on every slide to download the image.
            Could you implement that link here also?

            It will be in the next release.The change will require a config. option for users who will not want the feature.

            Please post a link to your gallery in your future postings.