Multiple Customizations Multiple Customizations


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Multiple Customizations

Started by Superficial Gallery, October 03, 2010, 09:20:03 PM

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Superficial Gallery

Hey everyone.  I'm updating my entire site and I need to get 1.5 in line with the other changes.  I have this set to email me on replies and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.  Here's the list.  Quote separately or together.  I'm easy.

1: I have a running test site so you can see the intention of my footer  The fallback position I got to with modifying the theme is live for me now here:  I'd like to get the footer image I'm showing flush against the bottom of the main content and the credits below that (on the blue fixed BG)

2: If you could give me a second sidebar on the left (same as the one on the right) it would be sweet but I don't expect much on that one!

3: Page titles.  The titles are redundant.  There is a dash i cannot get rid of, and i would love it to use the structure it uses now, but add page numbers where applicable so I do not have redundant titles (category pages and album pages).

4: A Way to allow for people to browse albums by title letter (maybe a horizontal manu on the top under the header?).  I started seeing if I could modify the albums by user name plugin Nibbler made but I'm too dumb!

5:  I would LOVE to be able to add an album description to the first page of an album (not every page).  If i had a spot for that, then I could also in theory add celeb specific ads which might mean i could make money for once.

As I said, please feel free to quote them separately.  My budget only has three digits in it (not counting after the decimal).  I've waited forever for these things (my site's 5th anniversary is the 15th of this month) so I'll trade time for cost savings.  The test site is there for you to mess with if you get the job.  You could make both me and the lips in the header of my site very happy.  She's put all 200l pics in there and LOVES the new batch add.  So kudos etc etc.  Looking forward to your ideas


1: Simply move <div class="footer_wp"></div> to just after <div class="clearfix"></div> then adjust the width of the image to fit. Then add 90px extra padding to the top of div class "footer" to move the credits underneath.

2: Requires a bit of work but is possible.

3: Which titles and dash? Can you do a screenshot with the problem aread highlighted?

2,4 and 5 I will leave to whichever freelancer wants to pick the work up. Should be simple enough so I am sure someone will want to help.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Superficial Gallery

Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on October 03, 2010, 10:35:56 PM
1: Simply move <div class="footer_wp"></div> to just after <div class="clearfix"></div> then adjust the width of the image to fit. Then add 90px extra padding to the top of div class "footer" to move the credits underneath.

Thanks, man!  I'm pretty sure I did what you said.  The image is centered under the main part (awesome).  The padding thing (which I am sure I did incorrectly somehow) didn't get the text under the image when the screen was bigger than 1024 wide, but a bunch of break tags did!  I'm a total hack, but it worked.  Thanks so much, man.

2: Requires a bit of work but is possible.

3: Which titles and dash? Can you do a screenshot with the problem area highlighted?

I mean the dash that comes before the Gallery Name in the title bar.  I wanted to pull out the title as it dilutes my SEO in the title.  But when I did, the dash before the gallery title didn't go away so it just said: album name -

I put the word gallery back as you can see here but I would so ditch it if i could get rid of the dash!  (

2,4 and 5 I will leave to whichever freelancer wants to pick the work up. Should be simple enough so I am sure someone will want to help.

Thanks so much.