[Done]: Need Help Exporting Users Emails [Done]: Need Help Exporting Users Emails


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[Done]: Need Help Exporting Users Emails

Started by nyckiid, September 15, 2009, 09:13:48 AM

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I'm not familiar with any coding , my coppermine gallery was installed for me when the original website was designed .. and the basic functions explain to me .. and everything been flawless  


they never explain how, to retrieve the emails from my users, the only way i found it can be done is by clicking on the e tab on the users menu, and copy and paste ...  this has been really frustrating because is going to take forever

i have read here theres way to export them using tools such as phpMyAdmin  but i wouldn't know how to install or where etc etc  and i dont want to ruin anything in my gallery.

So what i need is someone to install that , or find a way for me to export the emails from time to time ..  without changing or damaging anything that is already there

please let me know ,  and how much will be done for  


ok just read some rules  ..

website : www.mrbelo.com  on the photos link

and i guess ill pay what's fair it should be something every simple for someone that knows this stuff  guess bet $30 to $50

time frame: well the sooner the better

just like i said i dont want anything to be damaged  since i would know how to restore anything back


Direct link: http://mrbelo.com/photos/login.php
Current Version: <!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.12 (stable)-->

I don't think anybody here will work on your gallery until it's updated to the latest version, or add that onto the cost of your initial request. Your gallery is woefully outdated and vulnerable to SQL injection and other various malicious hacks.

See here: http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#14


I think I can create a plugin for you. In which way do you want to export the adresses? Just show them in the browser. Text file?


yeah i figure it was out of date, noone worked on it for a long time ...  so i guess we would have to include the update part as well ... problem is can i lose my data during the update?  it says to back up .. how do i do that copy the whole folder where i place the pictures thru the Ftp ?

i would like it in a CSV File  it is possible  ... like name,dob,email   


Please search the docs/forum for upgrade tutorials. If you don't have some modifications I can upgrade your gallery as well, if you don't want to do this yourself.

Quote from: nyckiid on September 15, 2009, 10:05:38 AM
i would like it in a CSV File  it is possible  ... like name,dob,email   
You have to specify which fields you want to export. What is 'dob'?


dob = date of birth

well when my users sign up  they enter : Name, Email, Cell, Birthday, Facebook Url: & Myspace Url:

and i guess yeah to the update as long as everything will be back to normal or is everything has to reloaded again ?  users lost?

you would install the plug in as well right not just create it .. and i guess explain to me how to use it  ???


Nothing has to be reloaded after an update.

Can you pay with Paypal?

I'll send you a PM with contact information if I shall do the job.

Note: I want a paydown before I start the work, as I haven't been paid several times.


sorry went to sleep lol 

just i can paypal  .. just tell me how u want to go about this

what u need as far as my site goes etc etc



JOB DONE  ...  so i guess it can be marked solved or done ...  dont know how or if i can lol   

thank you Andre for you help   ... can use me as a future reference if you like 

Joachim Müller


Quote from: Αndré on September 15, 2009, 10:26:24 AM
Nothing has to be reloaded after an update.

Can you pay with Paypal?

I'll send you a PM with contact information if I shall do the job.

Note: I want a paydown before I start the work, as I haven't been paid several times.

Hi, I would like the same plugin to Export users information as a Csv. I have a Paypal but I also going to need intructions on how to install it.


facultativo, please start a new thread in the freelancers board.


excuse my ignorance, but i been trying to get to the freelancers board and i haven't find it so i can post my request. If you can tell me how to do it i will appreciate it.
