Flickr style image annotations for cpg1.5.x - Page 4 Flickr style image annotations for cpg1.5.x - Page 4


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Flickr style image annotations for cpg1.5.x

Started by Αndré, July 15, 2009, 03:05:42 PM

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Great plugin! Thanks for creating this.

Is there a way I can get the note popup box to fit to the width of the contained text, and more importantly, is there a way for me to have the note popup box to be central to the target area.

I am using this plugin to allow clients to make comments about design work, and sometimes they have lengthy comments. When the popup appears it can be offscreen which I don't mind, but looks broken to the client.

I'm not much of a coder, but I can dabble a bit and if it comes to it I have access to developers.


Version 2.11 fixes the display of the annotation buttons for pictures of other users if rapid annotation is enabled and currently displayed.


Nice plugin... But is there a way to use the lightbox plugin (,62905.html) with the annotations plugin?

If i use booth i can´t place/see the annotations frame.



If it currently doesn't work, you have to adjust at least one plugin. I currently have too little time and personal interest to make those plugins compatible, sorry.


The plug-in incorrectly works in a CPG on bridge mode (usual users don't have rights to addition of annotations). It can be corrected?


I love this plug-in already, but I'd like to second curtj's request from a while back. Is there a way to modify the annotation note box itself for lengthier comments?  Ideally, it would be able to dynamically scale to the contents of the box, but if that's too much trouble, it'd be nice to know where I could preset the height/width of the note and I'll just define a size that notes are unlikely to go over; both cases I know that I need to introduce some form of line breaking (it'd be nice if this could be done while entering text).

I plan on using annotate for translations - basically I'll be creating an annotation over each sentence/paragraph and put the translations as the note. This will often lead to 2-3 (or more) lines of text. That said, I'll also be primarily the only one using this feature so I could get away with a "quick fix".

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Version 3.0 (attached to initial post) contains several changes. Detailed changelog can be found in the SVN repository. Most important are:

  • Moved JavaScript code to separate file (saves traffic)
  • Load annotation list right before it will be opened (that means it won't load on every page load, thus saves some traffic)
  • Added config option to disable plugin for mobile devices
  • Code optimizations (changed order of code blocks, so they just get executed when needed)
  • Align note to the left/right of the box, depending where's more space


Hi, is there any way to have this plugin allow annotations be created/modiefied by only the image uploader and admin? currently it seems (v3.0) that if you allow a user group to create or modify annotations, they can do this on any and all images.


I'm getting a "stack overflow" error using IE8. Firefox works fine. on this image:

I'm assuming it's due to the number of annotations, but there's no fail safe preventing me from putting too many in (and how many is too many)

Jeff Bailey

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


Hi guys,

I've noticed an issue on our site where the annotations move around on the photo when changing the screen size.  If anyone could shed some light on it, it would greatly appreciated as it's rather confusing when the annotation box for one person goes over another.  I am currently running the latest version (v3.0) of the annotations plugin however it has been doing this on every version.

A test account has been set up if required;
username : Test
password : test
example page is



Quote from: Αndré on October 12, 2012, 09:08:49 AM
Unfortunately I cannot see any annotations with the provided test user account.

Αndré, sorry I should have mentioned that the annotations can only be seen when logged in, that was the reason for the test account.


I am logged in as user "Test", but cannot see any annotations.



Now I get a 404 error page when trying to access displayimage.php. Please check if the file exists and its permissions.



I am using Coppermine 1.5.24 and when I to to install the plugin I get this error

Critical error
There was an error while processing a database query


Please enable debug mode and post the extended error message. I assume it complains the "TYPE=MyISAM".


Here it is thanks

While executing query '

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `copper_plugin_annotate` (
  nid smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  pid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
  posx smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  posy smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  width smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  height smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  note text NOT NULL,
  user_id smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (nid)
) TYPE=MyISAM  COMMENT='Contains the data for the annotate plugin'' in plugins/annotate/codebase.php on line 328

mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM  COMMENT='Contains the data for the annotate plugin'' at line 11