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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Need a Quote

Started by FutureBeast, May 08, 2012, 02:47:08 AM

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I have a standard installation of copper-mine that I need the following changes made to. Please provide a quote if you would like to make a bid or ask me if you have any other questions:

Changes to Coppermine CMS Installation

The following functionality is required:


-   Admin ability to add more custom fields under config>Custom Fields for User Profile
-   Admin ability to specify more required fields on a secondary admin submenu

List of initial required fields:

-   First Name
-   Last Name
-   Address 1 (Text Field)
-   Address 2 (Text Field)
-   State (Text Field)
-   City (Text Field)
-   Zip (Number Field)
-   Country (Drop Down)

This should be a helpful resource:,7791.0.html

-   Second email field for confirmation of email address. Form should not submit and display error message until both are matching.


-   Admin ability to specify what groups can change view permissions for albums
    o   Groups that cannot specify view permissions will not have the option visible to them as it is above
-   Modify how subcategory fields are displayed.
    o   Categories need to be hierarchical with sub categories displayed as separate dropdowns that appear when a category is chosen with subcategories under it.
           EXAMPLE of Subcategories: Dog Breeds>Labrador Retriever>Puppies
    o   Sub category field should only appear when applicable as another drop down immediately under the first category
           EXAMPLE: Only when the category, "Dog Breeds," is chosen will the sub category, "Labrador Retrievers," appear.
           Display as many subcategory drop downs as are available to any parent category selected
-   Force certain user groups to assign a category to albums upon album creation


-   Users must be forced to choose an album category and sub category if applicable
-   Ability for users and admin to move or copy images to other albums or multiple albums specific to that user


-   Pull XMP metadata from images and dump it into the EXIF database and display on the image descriptions along with EXIF and IPCT. Copper-mine currently reads both EXIF and IPCT.
The metadata is embedded within the JPEG. We will only accept JPEG's. The Metadata is stored as XMP, IPCT or EXIF data.


-   Admin ability to create groups that are able to view all images including those in albums set to, "me only"
-   Admin ability to specify which groups much choose a category upon album creation


-   Make metadata searchable; Most importantly EXIF image descriptions


On the test server it is located at this URL:


I see there are no takers. If anyone replies, I can give you my contact info.


I read the rules for the sub-boards to see if I was doing something wrong. Our Budget right now is at about $1000. If only some of the work can be done for this price, than so be it. The list above is prioritized from highest to lowest. Please provide an estimate of what can be done for the budget given.



If anyone has any suggestions about how to make this job more appealing. Please let me know.


I can do (at least) some of the tasks. It seems that you need that changes urgently. I don't know if I can complete the tasks very quickly.