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Construction website

Started by builders, February 03, 2013, 07:43:46 AM

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I need some help with my website

1. upgrade
2. a small picture advert/banner that is displayed on every page, something like this :
3. installing the videos uploading feature

Thank you


Quote from: Joachim Müller on July 22, 2004, 10:32:01 AM
It's advisable to post the budget you're ready to spend, the time schedule you have in mind and as many details as possible on the customization you need - a link to your page is mandatory.


Hi Andre

I am not in a hurry and as for the budget - the cheapest possible ? Can you help me ?



Jeff Bailey

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


Thanks Jeff , you should get an email from me.


Jeff Bailey

I've stopped work on this job.

4:09 PM
Anton: i am online
49 minutes
4:58 PM
me: Oh good. I'll be able to get on in a few minutes send an email with credentials or send them here.
22 minutes
5:20 PM
Anton: I am online
2000 to 0400 during the week
5:21 PM
me: I am too I'll need your panel link and credentials.

Anton: ok
5:22 PM
you ok ?
5:23 PM
what is the capital of europe
5:24 PM
come on jeff
let do the job
5:26 PM
there is capital
5:27 PM
Bits stras with
its starts with B

me: What?
5:28 PM
Anton: so yoy are online ?

me: Brussels?

Anton: got it
just wante to make sure
have you got a banner done?
5:29 PM
me: No I figured you would already have an ad I was just going to code the placement.
5:30 PM
Anton: i send an email telliung you to have a banner
5:31 PM
me: You wanted me to build a banner advertisement? I don't recall that email. Do you know the subject I'll search for it

Anton: jeff, you told me thant you want $ 30.oo and I said ok
5:32 PM
have a look at our emails
5:33 PM
me: Yes for an upgrade, backup and an ad banner. I must have misunderstood that you wanted one built.

Anton: c
5:34 PM
can you have a look ?

me: Its not a problem anyway. I can build one. What do you want it to be about and what size.
5:35 PM
Anton: can you have a look ?
i never lie

me: At what? I'm in my email and I haven't found any instructions for a banner
5:36 PM
Anton: i don't mind if you say that you dinnd understatement
5:37 PM
sorry for that

me: I'm willing to build one but I still need to know what you want out of it. Size contents?
5:38 PM
Anton: jeff, have a look at your emails
5:39 PM
jeff, I am not wiling, I wantto be happy
5:40 PM
Anton: dp you want me to look forthe email?
5:41 PM
me: I sent an email to you with the info I have. It only asks for a banner but no details are present.
5:42 PM
Anton: jeff , do you still want to do the job ?
5:43 PM
if you are unhappy , don't dp it

me: I am trying to but I can't start if you don't tell me what you want. What do you want for a bannerbanner?
5:44 PM
Anton: i don't know what I want for a banner, but i Know that we are online
5:45 PM
me: Well I'll make a mock up. Do you just want it to include a picture from you site and your url.?
5:46 PM
Anton: you are an American,you should know
5:47 PM
me: Your site is in the UK so I doubt anything American would be involved.

Anton: *beep* it , you asked for 30 dollars , I am giving you 40 dollars
5:48 PM
me: I think we are having communication issues. I don't want extra money.
5:49 PM
Anton: I thionk
we do
5:50 PM
can you get the job done ?
i will pay 2 min later
5:51 PM
me: I working on a banner right now. But I'll still need cpanel access for an upgrade.
5:52 PM
Anton: you like fishing ?

me: You have an existing banner on your site. Do you want it to be similar?
I do.
5:53 PM
Anton: I want somethig better
I lobe fishing too
5:54 PM
me: What I mean is do you want it to be a gif, static image?

Anton: get the job done

me: I'm sorry but if you don't send the log in information I can't.

Anton: I m going to transylvania soon for fishing
5:55 PM
me: Romania is nice.
5:56 PM
Anton: do you want to come ?

me: I can not.

Anton: i don't think ypou need a viza
5:57 PM
I am going this summer

me: That's nice. Enjoy it.
5:58 PM
Anton: lets get back to out job
5:59 PM
can i send you some pictures ?>
6:00 PM
me: For the banner?

Anton: fishing

me: Sure.
6:01 PM
Anton: i am not sure if its a good idea

me: OK.
6:02 PM
Anton: czm
n ypu drmd

me: ?
6:03 PM
Anton: can you send a [icyutr withe biggerst fish first

me: I don't have any on my phone or work PC.

Anton: sorry
6:04 PM
6:05 PM
lets get the job done
ypu sked for $ 30 , I am giving uou 40
6:07 PM
i think you should harry up
6:08 PM
what is the time over there
6:09 PM
me: 6pm

Anton: what is 6 pm

me: The time.

Anton: i mean gtm tinme
6:11 PM
me: 2300
1800 rather

Anton: this is my time
6:12 PM
6 in the evening , my time?
6:13 PM
me: Its 6 in the evening
6:14 PM
Anton: jeff, what do you want me to do ?
6:15 PM
me: I'm working the banner. If you send login information I can start the backup.
6:16 PM
Anton: American banners

me: Idk what you mean by that.
6:17 PM
Anton: I am european
6:18 PM
me: I realize this. Idk what you mean by american banners.
6:19 PM
Anton: I am paying am American
6:20 PM
me: Are you saying you want a European to do the banner.

Anton: no
6:21 PM
I want you to tio do the job
6:22 PM
i can't t pay more than 40 dolalars thou

me: I only requested 30
6:23 PM
Anton: i know
6:24 PM
get the job done nd you might other jobs
where is my banner?
6:25 PM
me: If you have other jobs post them on the board. It takes a minute to make one especially when I have come up the concept.
6:26 PM
Anton: it doesn't work like that
6:28 PM
where is my banner
6:29 PM
mate, you will never ask where are your monies]

me: I'm sorry but if you don't give me time to make it then I simply can't make it. If you want me to edit your theme and comment a spot that indicates where to lace it I can do that instead.
6:30 PM
Anton: ok
6:31 PM
jeff, I am from Transylvania

me: I'm not really concerned about the money. I volunteer my time on the forum and pick up a few jobs here and there.
6:32 PM
Not London?

Anton: I am in London
6:33 PM
I speak 4 languages
6:34 PM
me: That's a good skillm

Anton: but i always pay my debts
6:35 PM
and i never lie
6:36 PM
me: That's good.
6:37 PM
Anton: get the job done
6:41 PM
i am not mafia
6:42 PM
me: To each his own.
6:44 PM
Anton: jeff, i paY
6:45 PM
6:46 PM
me: I'm afraid I no longer wish to do this job for you.
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


What the hell is wrong with you, Anton? I don't believe anyone will do the job for you if you tread them like that.


I would have backed out long before you did. You obviously have a lot more patience than I.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I am very sorry for being extra cautious . I spoke to Jeff many times by email, I hope he doesn't mind if I reproduce our conversation here, since he did this before me. I am socked because I just asked him via email - if he is online in the next few hours. I didn't read the forum.

I wanted Jeff because I can trust him , obviously he knows what needs to be done and he is not a cowboy ( no pun intended )

I am not going to negotiate the price, I am happy with $30.00. I also know more or less what your job will be. Can you send me a banner/advert that is appropriate for the website ?

I never got the banner , but I don't think Jeff wanted to trick me into something I don't want. We just can't be online at the same time.

Jeff, I am very sorry if you thought I don't need your help. Contact me and I can make a down payment - 50% of what you asked, but please, understand that I can't be online at 4 in the morning - this is the best time for you.


Quote from: Αndré on March 05, 2013, 09:29:09 AM
What the hell is wrong with you, Anton? I don't believe anyone will do the job for you if you tread them like that.


Ich wollte deine Hilfe, ich habe nichts falsch gemacht.


Jeff, I apologise for the inconvenience I caused you, but I think you over reacted. I also still want you or Αndré to help me out.  I am not running a big building company or anything like that , I just want a website that looks professional. Last time and the 1st time we made an appointment online , I had to send you an email hours before our appointment:

to Jeffrey
hi jefff

I am very sorry but I don't think I am available tonight , I have to check a washing machine - 12 miles away

just to let you know



I think we have a misunderstanding, I have been waiting for 5 hours online.


Why? We work as volunteers on this project. If you are just waiting on the off chance that a particular person will come online you could be in for a very long wait.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Phill Luckhurst, I get your point, and you are right about that. I already said sorry.


Hours later , I am on line



Jeff Bailey , I am online , speak to me


What do want me to do ? Its 30.00 GMT and I am still here


Jeff , its 3 gtm

I am online