Upgrade from 1.5.12 to 1.5.44 paid assistance Upgrade from 1.5.12 to 1.5.44 paid assistance


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Upgrade from 1.5.12 to 1.5.44 paid assistance

Started by dreimer, February 03, 2017, 05:06:38 AM

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My site running 1.5.12 has been hacked (mysql exploit) and must upgrade to 1.5.44
I had been using cpg 1.2 -> 1.4.xx for over 5 years with no major problems
The upgrade to 1.5.12 took over a month with many problems.
That is why, this time, I am looking for paid assistance/advice.

The hacker started out by adding 100-200 bogus emails per day
I was able to delete and block his IP addresses.
Then, I could no longer add files to current albums or add albums

The gallery is 5 GB, 363 albums, 78,000 files (jpg,wmv.avi)
It is basically a hobby with advertising generating about $50 / month


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The upgrade was accomplished on Feb 07, 2017 with paid assistance
Within two days, the site www.thai-nl.com was unblocked by the ISP
As of Feb 15,  there has been no more .ru spamming  ;D


As dreimer said - upgrade was completed on Feb 7... Agreed on fee was promptly paid.
(sorry for the delay in posting... was a busy Feb.)

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